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[全国] 【测试招聘专业户】杭州&上海招聘测试高端人才

  • TA的每日心情
    2014-11-24 09:27
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     楼主| 发表于 2012-1-29 13:36:35 | 只看该作者
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  • TA的每日心情
    2014-11-24 09:27
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     楼主| 发表于 2012-1-29 08:54:35 | 只看该作者
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  • TA的每日心情
    2014-11-24 09:27
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     楼主| 发表于 2012-1-21 08:56:04 | 只看该作者
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  • TA的每日心情
    2014-11-24 09:27
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     楼主| 发表于 2012-1-20 09:36:52 | 只看该作者
    Sr. Engineering Manager

    - Managing a multi-functional engineering team including appropriate staffing, resource management.
    - Work closely with upper management team to set vision, goal and objectives to guide the engineering initiatives to take the engineering team’s performance to the next level.
    - Oversee the development process execution, innovation and improvement, and ensure the fully fulfillment within the release cycle. Such as monitoring the execution, reporting quality metrics to measure the product quality readiness.
    - Leading the engineering team to work closely with Product Management, Release Management and Professional Service to ensure the product will be developed & tested based on the requirement and delivered on time with highest quality to reach maximum customer satisfaction.
    - Be a technical advisor to the engineering team for prototyping, design, and be hands-on when necessary.
    - BS degree in Computer Science or equivalent fields, MS preferred.
    - 7+ years experience in engineering team (including both development and testing) management for enterprise software development (Web application, SaaS related preferred).
    - Good exposure to software development lifecycle management.
    - Solid development experience in JavaScript, AJAX, J2EE, RDBMS (E.g. Oracle, DB2), hands on experience required.
    - Proven OOAD and data modeling skills.
    - Profound knowledge in QA strategy, QA process, various testing methodologies and test automation techniques.
    - Experience in full text search/content management preferred.
    - Experience in Python, PHP and Non-SQL database is a plus.
    - Customer engagement and support experience is a plus.
    Personal Skills:
    - Strong English communication skills (verbal and written) with an ability to work in a highly collaborative, multi-country/time zone environment.
    - Good organizational skills with the ability to track and prioritize numerous tasks.
    - Proactive personality with a proven track record of following through and delivering on responsibilities.
    - Smart, motivated, seek to make a difference.
    - Be creative, innovative, and good team player.
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  • TA的每日心情
    2014-11-24 09:27
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     楼主| 发表于 2012-1-20 09:35:21 | 只看该作者

    工作年限 3年以上
    学历要求 大专
    岗位描述 1. 热爱计算机事业,具备独立领导开发web应用或者自动化测试框架的能力;

    2. 至少3年软件测试岗位工作经验,3年以上开发工作经验;

    3. 了解在测试行业技术动态,有技术革新和贡献;

    4. 设计开发能力熟练,曾经给大规模测试团队设计开发过测试工具和系统平台

    5. 工作中善于创新,喜欢分享,能够有效解决遇到的问题;

    6. 有带领团队工作能力和经验者优先.

    岗位要求 1. 设计开发测试框架或测试管理系统,帮助测试团队利用技术手段把产品测试做得更快更好;

    3. 规划测试技术的发展路线并实施

    4. 领导质量部的开发团队开发测试工具和框架平台

    5. 管理测试产品,打造测试工作的标准,扩大测试团队的影响;
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  • TA的每日心情
    2014-11-24 09:27
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     楼主| 发表于 2012-1-20 09:34:47 | 只看该作者

    工作年限 5年以上
    学历要求 大专
    岗位描述 1、精通JAVA技能。
    3、熟悉JAVA EE规范,熟悉常用的设计模式

    岗位要求 1. 引入并指导实践新的测试技术,提高测试效率及测试覆盖率
    2. 根据开发设计进行测试设计,并能对设计文档进行测试
    3. 根据产品或项目特性制定相应的测试规划及测试策略
    4. 结合开发架构进行测试架构
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  • TA的每日心情
    2014-11-24 09:27
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     楼主| 发表于 2012-1-20 09:33:05 | 只看该作者

    岗位描述 1、 具备6年以上测试及开发相关工作经验,擅长沟通;
    2、 至少精通一种(Java/C/C++/Python/Perl/…)开发语言;
    3、 精通Linux,能熟练使用shell进行编程;
    4、 精通各种测试类型、工具、流程、技术及方法;
    5、 精通全面质量管理、流程分析与裁剪,熟悉CMMI/RUP/XP/SCRUM等;
    6、 具备一定团队管理经验者的优先;

    岗位要求 1、 负责拟定各种测试类型整体解决方案并实施;
    2、 帮助制定测试团队未来发展策略及规划;
    3、 研究测试新技术并在部门范围内实施;
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  • TA的每日心情
    2014-11-24 09:27
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     楼主| 发表于 2012-1-20 09:32:23 | 只看该作者
    -精通一种高级语言(C/C++, Java, C#等)
    -Python, Perl等脚本语言
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  • TA的每日心情
    2014-11-24 09:27
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     楼主| 发表于 2012-1-20 09:31:38 | 只看该作者

    岗位职责:1. 负责部门内性能测试技术领域、工具的研究,技术方向的把控,测试方法,技术的创新,性能测试分析模型和压力负载可靠性测试模型设计创新;

    2. 带领资深性能测试工程师和应用产品线的架构师一起针对线上应用进行性能瓶颈的探测,分析和优化;

    3. 参与重大,有预期性能风险项目的性能测试;

    4. 针对项目内部故障或者线上故障进行技术攻关,进行性能问题的定位和性能优化;

    5. 测试环境各配置文件参数的分析,线下、线上环境应用性能指标的基准化,量化;
    6. 参与应用场景模型分析设计及推广应用
    7. 参与测试能力模型设计

    岗位要求:1. 计算机相关专业本科及以上学历,熟悉软件工程;(不低于2年项目测试工作经验)
    2. 熟悉.net开发框架,常用的应用服务器的配置调优(性能测试经验不低于三年);了解SOA的理念和架构。
    3. 熟悉性能测试的整体流程、方法,概念明确,思路清晰,具有性能测试需求分析和设计规划能力
    4. 熟练使用loadrunner/Jmeter/httpload等至少一种性能测试工具,有丰富的http协议和web service协议的实际工作经验。
    5. 有较强的脚本手工编写能力,熟练编写web协议,tuxedo协议及windows sockets等协议的性能测试脚本;
    6. 熟悉Sql server/Oracle/Mysql等至少一种数据库管理系统,能够独立编写SQL数据库脚本,并分析优化数据库脚本;
    7. 具有较强的业务分析,沟通表达能力和综合协调能力,工作积极主动;
    8. 在行业内具有技术创新成果;
    9. 有参与过互联网行业背景项目的性能测试经验者优先考虑;有开发、性能测试调优经验者优先考虑;



    岗位要求:1.        热爱计算机事业;
    2.        至少3年软件测试岗位工作经验和3年的开发岗位工作经验;
    3.        掌握1~2门开发语言,设计与开发能力熟练,曾经给大规模测试团队设计开发过测试工具和系统平台 ;
    4.        有测试工具和测试框架开发经验
    5.         在测试行业有技术革新和贡献
    6.        工作中善于创新与分享,能够有效解决遇到的问题
    7.        有带领团队工作能力和经验者优先."
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  • TA的每日心情
    2014-11-24 09:27
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     楼主| 发表于 2012-1-20 09:31:08 | 只看该作者
    QA Engineer
    -     Work closely with Product Management to understand the product requirement.
    -     Be responsible for testing requirement analysis, developing test plan, high level test design and test case, and maintenance. Independently execute of test plans. Including functional, integration, system, regression testing.
    -     On-demand test automation script development and maintenance to achieve high productivity.
    -     Support Global Service and Product Management during customer engagement.
    -     BS in Computer Science degree or equivalent fields, MS Preferred.
    -     3 years and above related working experience is a must. (Web testing, SaaS related preferred)
    -     Good exposure to software testing process and be familiar with different testing methodologies and approaches.
    -     Basic knowledge of Object-Oriented programming, RDBMS, SQL, data model, http/https protocol, XML is a must
    -     Experience in Object-Oriented programming languages like Java, JavaScript, Python and C# is a plus
    -     Customer engagement and support experience is a plus.
    -     Excellent English communication skills. Smart, motivated, seek to make a difference
    -     Be creative, innovative, and good team player
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  • TA的每日心情
    2014-11-24 09:27
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     楼主| 发表于 2012-1-20 09:29:48 | 只看该作者

    •       制定测试计划、分析测试关键点、编写框架测试案例。
    •       分析了解系统需求及设计方案。
    •       设计系统测试方案,测试覆盖相关模块、接口功能。
    •       将常用案例,归纳为可复用测试用例。
    •       逐步提高测试用例可复用率。
    •       组织需求方验证系统。
    •       协调开发组解决需求方提出的问题。
    •       编写系统测试报告。


    2、 4年以上IT工作经验,其中3年以上IT测试工作经验,保险IT经验优先
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  • TA的每日心情
    2014-11-24 09:27
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     楼主| 发表于 2012-1-20 09:28:53 | 只看该作者
    测试工程师 (上海)
    1. 负责客户端和播放器的测试工作,编写测试计划、测试用例以及bug的提出并进行相关质量工作的总结
    2. 开发自动化测试脚本,执行自动化测试、性能测试等
    3. 协助开发人员重现、定位问题
    4. 通过学习总结、技术钻研和培训,进行测试过程和测试方法的持续改进
    1. 本科以上学历,3年以上软件测试工作经验
    2. 有耐心、有责任心、有原则,能承受压力
    3. 熟悉常见网络流媒体协议,了解TCP/IP协议基本原理
    4. 具有较强的分析能力和表达能力,具有较强的综合协调能力,且能有效解决问题
    5. 熟悉性能测试或自动化测试,有P2P软件、播放器软件测试经验者优先
    6. 网络视频或电子商务行业优先
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  • TA的每日心情
    2014-11-24 09:27
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     楼主| 发表于 2012-1-20 09:28:00 | 只看该作者


    •        制定测试计划、分析测试关键点、编写框架测试案例。
    •        分析了解系统需求及设计方案。
    •        设计系统测试方案,测试覆盖相关模块、接口功能。
    •        将常用案例,归纳为可复用测试用例。
    •        逐步提高测试用例可复用率。
    •        组织需求方验证系统。
    •        协调开发组解决需求方提出的问题。
    •        编写系统测试报告。


    2、 4年以上IT工作经验,其中3年以上IT测试工作经验,保险IT经验优先
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    发表于 2012-1-18 19:13:06 | 只看该作者
    本帖最后由 oracle_hr 于 2012-3-1 09:59 编辑

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    发表于 2012-1-18 19:12:07 | 只看该作者
    职位(1): (Senior) QA Analyst
    Department Description:
    Oracle is the world???s leading supplier of Enterprise-level HCM (Human Capital Management) systems. We are developing the next generation Fusion HCM application suite, combining the best features and experience of Oracle EBusiness Suite HRMS, PeopleSoft HCM, and JDEdwards and Siebel HRMS functionality, to be delivered with Oracle???s newest, class-redefining software technologies.

    Brief Posting Description:       
    The position is an essential role within the HCM Quality Assurance team, to drive quality processes and system test our Fusion applications to ensure the highest quality product is delivered to the market place.

    Detailed Description:       
    As a member of the HCM QA team, you will design functional, integration and regression test plans, build and execute manual and automated tests and perform highly complex analysis for multiple products. Set cross-functional product testing standards. Analyze, evaluate and plan methods of approach and organize means to achieve solutions to complex problems.

    Job Requirements:
    Duties and tasks are varied and complex needing independent judgment. Fully competent in own area of expertise. May have project lead role and or supervise lower level personnel. Preferred Qualifications: BS or MS degree or equivalent experience relevant to functional area. 2 years of software engineering or related experience

    1. Drive effective quality measures as early in the software development lifecycle as possible to maximize impact; partner with development teams to implement effective requirements, design and code reviews.
    2. Drive delivery of testware meeting test design standards, and efficiently covering areas of product that are at risk due to ongoing software change and/or product complexity.
    3. Demonstrate application of domain expertise on testware for the product and its integration points, and in relation to customer business requirements.
    4. Identify and champion enhancement requests for QA and Development tools such as automation, audit and analysis tools, to improve the efficiency and repeatability with which we deliver high quality software.
    5. Demonstrate recognition of opportunities to improve quality and/or efficiency through process improvement.

    1. Participate in reviews of development deliverables such as requirements, functional designs, technical designs and reviews of functional testware/automated test scripts written by other QA team members.
    2. Works closely with Product Management, Development and other QA teams
    3. Perform project tasks and solve problems with little or no assistance and guidance.
    4. Operate both independently and as part of a team
    1. Possess B.S. or M.S. degree
    2. 2 years experience in business domains with experience in application and data integration.
    3. Demonstrate outstanding written and oral communication skills
    4. Demonstrate excellent presentation skills
    5. Demonstrate outstanding analytical skills with ability to recognize and articulate deviations from design specifications and standards
    6. Possess good project management and decision-making skills
    7. Ability to write clear and detailed functional test plans leveraging sound business knowledge
    8. Training skills a bonus, as there will be a need to demo functionality and share knowledge
    9. Test automation skills are a bonus
    职位(2):Principal QA Engineer
    Department Description:
    Oracle is the world leading supplier of Enterprise-level HCM (Human Capital Management) systems. We are developing the next generation Fusion HCM application suite, combining the best features and experience of Oracle EBusiness Suite HRMS, PeopleSoft HCM, and JDEdwards and Siebel HRMS functionality, to be delivered with Oracle???s newest, class-redefining software technologies.

    Brief Posting Description:       
    The position is an essential role within the HCM Quality Assurance team, to drive quality processes and system test our Fusion applications to ensure the highest quality product is delivered to the market place.

    Detailed Description:       
    As a member of the HCM QA team, you will design functional, integration and regression test plans, build and execute manual and automated tests and perform highly complex analysis for multiple products. Set cross-functional product testing standards. Analyze, evaluate and plan methods of approach and organize means to achieve solutions to complex problems.

    Job Requirements:
    Work is non-routine and very complex, involving the application of advanced technical/business skills in area of specialization. Leading contributor individually and as a team member, providing direction and mentoring to others. Preferred Qualifications: BS or MS degree or equivalent experience relevant to functional area. 4-7 years of software engineering or related experience.

    1. Drive effective quality measures as early in the software development lifecycle as possible to maximize impact; partner with development teams to implement effective requirements, design and code reviews.
    2. Drive delivery of testware meeting test design standards, and efficiently covering areas of product that are at risk due to ongoing software change and/or product complexity.
    3. Demonstrate application of domain expertise on testware for the product and its integration points, and in relation to customer business requirements.
    4. Identify and champion enhancement requests for QA and Development tools such as automation, audit and analysis tools, to improve the efficiency and repeatability with which we deliver high quality software.
    5. Demonstrate recognition of opportunities to improve quality and/or efficiency through process improvement.

    1.Participate in reviews of development deliverables such as requirements, functional designs, technical designs and reviews of functional testware/automated test scripts written by other QA team members.
    2.Works closely with Product Management, Development and other QA teams
    3.Perform project tasks and solve problems with little or no assistance and guidance.
    4.Operate both independently and as part of a team
    5.Effective transfer and sharing of domain knowledge to team members
    6Serve as a mentor for one or more staff

    1. Possess B.S. or M.S. degree
    2. 4-7 years experience in business domains with experience in application and data integration.
    3. Demonstrate outstanding written and oral communication skills
    4. Demonstrate excellent presentation skills
    5. Demonstrate outstanding analytical skills with ability to recognize and articulate deviations from design specifications and standards
    6. Possess good project management and decision-making skills
    7. Ability to write clear and detailed functional test plans leveraging sound business knowledge
    8. Training skills a bonus, as there will be a need to demo functionality and share knowledge
    9. Test automation skills are a bonus
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    发表于 2012-1-18 19:11:34 | 只看该作者
    职位(9):G11N QA (Korean and Simplified Chinese)
    Job Description:
    1.Execute product localization QA for Oracle Systems Software products (Oracle Solaris, Oracle Solaris Cluster, Solaris Studio, and storage products) to ensure that the products are properly localized and functioning well on Asian and other international locales, and meet the local standard requirements. Special focus in Korean and in Simplified Chinese.
    2.Analyze defects, and isolate product internationalization and localization bugs. Suggest changes to improve product quality.
    3.Develop test cases and test programs to improve the test effectiveness for the product localization QA.
    4.Work closely with the Translation Group to streamline the product UI and document translation. Also work closely with the Oracle Technology Network group in China and other countries to effectively publish localized documentation to the global markets.
    5.Work in a global team environment on above tasks, communicating closely with teams across the world.

    Required skills:
    * Essential C/C++ programming skills on Unix/Linux
    * Experiences in scripting languages (Perl, Python, Unix Shell, etc)
    * Essential Linux/UNIX system administration skills, Solaris preferred
    * Experience on software testing, developing test cases and test programs
    * Able to work on multiple projects in parallel
    * Excellent team player
    * Good English, Korean and Chinese (Mandarin) communication
    * BS or MS in Computer Engineering/Science
    职位(10):Sr.QA Engineer
    Department Description:
    The QA engineers will work on ensuring the quality of products and patches that are developed for the
    Media and Entertainment industry worldwide.
    Job Requirements:
    1.Responsible to maintain a robust and high standard of software quality of products or patches
    released by the team
    2. Develop and maintain test specifications for existing and new features
    3. Work with the engineering and product management team to understand features and develop
    testing specification.
    4. Maintain and improve the usage of automation testing for functional test
    5. Ensures that there are no regression issues or bugs
    6. Carries out performance testing effort at the database, mid-tier and UI level, tackling
    7. Mentoring Junior QA engineers
    8. Maintain the QA team testing environment
    9. Generates and maintains test data for functional and performance testing purposes
    10. Improves and streamline testing processes
    11. Participates in the full cycle of Scrum/Agile development methodology

    1. A minimum of 4 years experience for Senior QA Engineer
    2. Experience in QA tasks for product and patch releases
    3. Experience in executing functional and performance testing with LoadRunner and/or Oracle
    Application Testing Suite for LAMP stack applications and/or J2EE applications
    4. Able to undertake the functional and performance bugs ??? working with engineers to solve the
    5. Experience in producing test reports that are useful for managers and software engineers in
    solving functional bug or performance issues.
    6. Ability to replicate and maintain testing environment in a short duration.
    7. Experience in working with development and product management team for feature releases
    and patches
    8. Experience in maintaining and improving automated functional testing
    9. Experience in integrating automated testing with nightly build system
    10. Have the ability to continuously review the QA processes for an efficient
    11. Good spoken and written English, clear oral communication skills
    12. Excellent relationship building and networking skills
    13. Experience in working in Scrum/Agile methodology
    14. Ability to work with remote supervision
    15. Computer Science / IT Degree or Graduate
    1. Experience in scripting test cases in OpenScript
    2. Experience in developing JUnit and Cactus
    3. Experience in working with JDeveloper
    4. Experience in working in Oracle SOA Suite and its various components
    5. Experience in working with a conceptualized idea and translating it into a product
    6. Experience in working with tape storage systems
    7. Experience in Oracle Application Development Framework
    8. Knowledge in Media and Entertainment Industry
    9. Experience in Product Development
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    发表于 2012-1-18 19:10:32 | 只看该作者
    北京职位(6): Software QA Engineer - OCSG
    Position Descriptions:
    We are looking for enthusiastic and talent candidates to work for the Test Engineering function within Service Delivery Product teams. This role is part of world-wide service delivery products team and requires good teamwork and excellent communication skills. The successful candidate will be working together with the BJ local team, SFO team and Israel team, participate on a wide range of products to assurance the quality of the Service Delivery products.
    1. Develop test plan and review others test plan;
    2. Review Product Requirement Document (PRD) and function specification and provide comments, create test plan according to the requirements.
    3. Design the test strategy of product features and generate the feature-level test strategy document.
    4. Design test cases, write and review test design specifications based on feature functional specifications.
    5. Develop test programs to implement and automate test cases to ensure complete test coverage for all areas of the product with a meticulous attention to details.
    6. Execute testing cases, analyze bug, results and write detailed team reports that accurately isolate the problem.
    7. Drive key quality metrics including product functionalities, performance, scalability, usability, etc.
    8. Report defects through Oracle internal defect-tracking system, and help developers fix defects to improve product quality.
    9. Report testing status to management and publish testing results on internal system.
    10. Review user manuals and propose changes according to test results.
    11. Drive and conduct integration testing via email and conf call
    12. Continuously improve the test tools and test infrastructure to improve test efficiency and quality assurance processes.

    Preferred Qualifications:
    1. Good communication skills both in English and Chinese.
    2. Should be strong communicator and able to articulate ideas clearly.
    3. Solid experience in establishing test infrastructure and test automation.
    4. 5 or more years of proven experience testing commercial software on preference in telecom domain (Telecom operator, Network equipment suppliers, etc).
    5. Strong passion for and commitment to software quality
    6. A deep understanding of quality assurance processes and software development lifecycles
    7. Demonstrated proficiency in designing test cases and contributing to effective test planning, demonstrated ability to work effectively both within a team and cross-group to drive identification and resolution of issues to ship under tight deadlines.
    8. Strong technical background on multiple platforms, e.g. SUN Solaris, AIX, Red Hat, Windows systems, etc. Understanding the difference and can do basic system administration.
    9. Ability to analyze, isolate and document complex technical issues.
    10. Ability to achieve results with little supervision or direction.

    1. Developing or testing experience on the products based on J2EE architecture. eg: WebLogic, WebSphere etc.
    2. Solid Java programming skills including JMX, JDBC, JMS based on Unix/Windows, Master the development toolkits, ANT, Maven, debugging tools.
    3. Hands on experience in script languages Python, Perl, Unix Shell, JavaScript (2+ years is preferred)
    4. Hands on experience in the Relational database and SQL programming

    Education Requirements
    * BS or MS in Computer Science or Telecomm, Engineering, or equivalent
    职位(7):QA Engineer - OCDS

    Position Descriptions:
    We are looking for enthusiastic and talent candidates to work for the Test Engineering function within Service Delivery Product teams. This role is part of world-wide service delivery products team and requires good teamwork and excellent communication skills. The successful candidate will be working together with the BJ local team, SFO team and Israel team, participate on a wide range of products to assurance the quality of the Service Delivery products.

    1.Review Product Requirement Document (PRD) and function specification and provide comments, create test plan according to the requirements.
    2.Design the test strategy on feature levels and generate the feature-level test strategy document.
    3.Design test cases, write and review test design specifications based on feature functional specifications, and develop test programs to implement and automate test cases to ensure complete test coverage for all areas of the product with a meticulous attention to details.
    4.Execute testing cases, analyze bug, results and write detailed team reports that accurately isolate the problem.
    5.Report defects through Oracle internal defect-tracking system, and help developers fix defects to improve product quality.
    6.Review user manuals and propose changes according to test results.
    7.Be able to communicate clearly and be able to interact with different functional groups: development, technical support, product management, documentation.

    Preferred Qualifications
    1. Good communication skills both in English and Chinese.
    2. Should be strong communicator and able to articulate ideas clearly.
    3. 3 or more years of proven experience testing commercial software on preference in telecom domain (Telecom operator, Network equipment suppliers, etc).
    4. Strong passion for and commitment to software quality
    5. Demonstrated knowledge of quality assurance processes and software development lifecycles
    6. Solid experience in test automation.
    7. Ability to analyze, isolate and document complex technical issues.
    8. Ability to achieve results with little supervision or direction.
    9. Knowledge of Relational database and SQL programming
    10. Experience working with Linux

    1.Experience in content delivery system and online store is a big plus.
    2.Demonstrated knowledge on SOAP and RESTful
    3.Solid Java programming skills including JMX, JDBC, JMS based on Unix/Windows, Master the development toolkits, ANT, Maveen, XML, Python, debugging tools.
    4.Hands on experience in script languages Python, Perl, Unix Shell, JavaScript (2+ years is preferred)

    Education Requirements:
    BS or MS in Computer Science or Telecomm, Engineering, or equivalent
    职位(8): QA Engineer - OCSB
    Position Descriptions
    We are looking for enthusiastic and talent candidates to work for the Test Engineering function within Service Delivery Product teams. This role is part of world-wide service delivery products team and requires good teamwork and excellent communication skills. The successful candidate will be working together with the BJ local team, SFO team and Israel team, participate on a wide range of products to assurance the quality of the Service Delivery products.

    1.Review Product Requirement Document (PRD) and function specification and provide comments, create test plan according to the requirements.
    2.Design the test strategy on feature levels and generate the feature-level test strategy document.
    3.Design test cases, write and review test design specifications based on feature functional specifications, and develop test programs to implement and automate test cases to ensure complete test coverage for all areas of the product with a meticulous attention to details.
    4.Execute testing cases, analyze bug, results and write detailed team reports that accurately isolate the problem.
    5.Report defects through Oracle internal defect-tracking system, and help developers fix defects to improve product quality.
    6.Review user manuals and propose changes according to test results.
    7.Be able to communicate clearly and be able to interact with different functional groups: development, technical support, product management, documentation.

    Preferred Qualifications:
    1. Good communication skills both in English and Chinese.
    2. Should be strong communicator and able to articulate ideas clearly.
    3. 3 or more years of proven experience testing commercial software on preference in telecom domain (Telecom operator, Network equipment suppliers, etc).
    4. Strong passion for and commitment to software quality
    5. Demonstrated knowledge of quality assurance processes and software development lifecycles
    6. Solid experience in test automation.
    7. Ability to analyze, isolate and document complex technical issues.
    8. Ability to achieve results with little supervision or direction.
    9. Knowledge of Relational database and SQL programming
    10. Experience working with Linux

    1.Experience in SIP/SS7/Intelligent Network/IMS technologies is a big plus.
    2.Demonstrated knowledge on SOAP and RESTful
    3.Hands-on experience in Java programming skills or at least one scripting languages Python, Perl, Unix Shell, JavaScript (2+ years is preferred)
    Education Requirements:
    BS or MS in Computer Science or Telecomm, Engineering, or equivalent
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    发表于 2012-1-18 19:08:12 | 只看该作者
    本帖最后由 oracle_hr 于 2012-1-18 21:18 编辑

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    发表于 2012-1-18 19:02:10 | 只看该作者
    本帖最后由 oracle_hr 于 2012-3-1 09:58 编辑

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