本帖最后由 yxc_04 于 2011-10-26 14:14 编辑
测试环境:B/S 架构,SQL Server\DB2\Oracle数据库,Tomcat\Web Sphere服务器
1.To promote the quality of ERP software through manual, functional and performance according to project plans;
2.Focused on testing of all ERP software (around 5 industry, Is-Electron, Is-Toy, Is-Textile, Is-Jewelry, Is-Leather) , Good efforts were delivered successfully by my concentration and enthusiasm;
3.Eagerly cared about software testing, quality of software and quality assurance. conscientiously took note to other colleagues in order to improve on working efficiency, Skills and insights gained through prior work were deftly applied to practical, Actively played a role of tester;
4.Been good at MRP and production program. Likely purchase, inventory, produce and BOM, systematically broke down the ideas to help colleagues grasp or give a wonderful presentation for upcoming users.
[ 本帖最后由 yxc_04 于 2010-3-15 16:52 编辑 ] |