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[原创] 做软件测试的人=无能的人



发表于 2009-7-5 20:59:00 | 只看该作者
楼主脑子被门挤了?虽然在下不才,但我希望楼主能提几个你觉得有难度的问题,让在下或别人来回答你所谓的难度 问题,然后告诉你测试的现状!我觉得楼主简直就是一愤青!看不惯自己身边测试人员的一些状况,但希望楼主不要以偏概全。也希望楼主不要侮辱测试这一行,不是所有人都像楼主一样,碰壁后都不知道路在何方!
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  • TA的每日心情
    2015-5-30 16:14
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    发表于 2009-7-13 18:12:48 | 只看该作者
    刚准备  学习测试  看了LZ的帖子  
    哎!心里拔凉拔凉的       不过我还是坚持我的选择
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    发表于 2009-7-17 11:34:17 | 只看该作者
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    发表于 2009-7-17 15:49:53 | 只看该作者
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    发表于 2009-7-17 16:20:43 | 只看该作者
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    发表于 2009-7-17 18:55:37 | 只看该作者
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    发表于 2009-7-18 01:11:28 | 只看该作者

    Total a piece of shit

    yep, when i saw this aricle and all the stuff LZ said, i felt very sad, i mean i could not agree with you.

    And all what you said is a piece of shit.


    1. I dont think that you know the major responsibility of a QA.
       The responsibility of QA is problem solving which is the most pre-requisite and to protect the button line of the software which means when the QA say no, nothing would be released.
       Btw, what do you think of the major responsibility of a QA?

    2. I dont think you have mastered some/all of the skills QA needs.
       Wow, I am a QA in a video game company. Our production is Video game machine. At the beginning of working in my company, what I was trying to do was to learn the Actionscript(a programming language based on Java). Was it a easy job? No, i dont think so because i never do the programming or formal coding. Before joinning my current company, my job was a fucking tester for a mobile company which is horrible and I noticed all the staffs in the company just like to play 魔兽世界. After two months, I could start to fix bugs which were low level or easy to fix. So from that on, I could discuss any issues in the programming field with the Flash programmers which made me feel coooooooool.
       Then, my boss told me, what the QA protects is the whole company. Because the quality of our production is the life of our company. What I need to do or what I need to learn is to control and improve the QA process.
       And, my boss told me, our company also needs a Test Monkey which is auto-testing tool but needs to be coded by ourselves. So, as to our platform is based on Java, I need to create the Smart Test Monkey based on Java for our project.
       So, I started to learn Java coding, to learn JDBC, to learn Mysql and so on.
       After I finished the Monkey, my boss told me we need a Smart Monkey! Oh, shit what the fuck we needed?
       I am not a programmer, why I need to build a fuking Monkey with AI? I dont think that was my job. But my boss told me, if you wanna be a QA manager in this company, you have to create the process to control the quality, that is, QA process control.
       The fuking monkey is still in programming.

       Thus, I think if you really want to learn, you will find lots of stuff you need to learn.

       Then, tell me what you mastered or learned?

    3. I dont think you are a good QA.

       Yes, if you think you are, please answer my qustion: What is QA process.

       And you could find it in http://bbs.51testing.com/thread-159981-1-1.html

    [ 本帖最后由 thought444 于 2009-7-18 01:16 编辑 ]
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    发表于 2009-7-18 01:17:49 | 只看该作者
    You should go to learn some skills and please go to win the respect from your lead, manager, director and programmers as well.
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    发表于 2009-7-18 08:05:27 | 只看该作者
    不管那个领域,大部分人都是混日子, 混口饭吃。
    Software QA/Tester 门槛低,是个人都能进。但能用心做好的不多见。

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