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发表于 2008-10-7 10:27:47
回复 2# 的帖子
lantianwei 好,谢谢回复
你说的帮助是这一段不?Setting up Remote WSH 还是其他的,如果是其他的,麻烦说明一下。
To enable a machine to run remote scripts
1. Install WSH V5.6 on the machine. If you are using Windows 2001 or have installed Internet Explorer 6 or greater, WSH 5.6 has already been installed.
2. Add yourself to the remote machine's Local Administrators group.
3. To enable Remote WSH, use Poledit.exe on the server.
An administrator who wants to enable Remote WSH must either acquire the Windows 2000 resource kit, or use http://msdn.microsoft.com/scripting to acquire the necessary windowsscript.adm file that contains the WSH settings. The windowsscript.adm file must be copied to the server that sets the gapplicabel group's policies. Although it is not necessary to copy the file to the server's \WINNT\INF directory, this is nonetheless where the default adm files are located.
4. WSH should now be enabled on the machine. To test it, see Running Scripts Remotely.
不太清楚第三步是在干啥,谢谢指教 |