[-] window MainWin web
[+] multitag "about:blank*"
[ ] "*Microsoft Internet Explorer"
[ ] "$explorer6_DOM"
[ ] // The working directory of the application when it is invoked
[ ] const sDir="d:/work"
[ ]
[ ] // The command line used to invoke the application
[ ] const sCmdLine = "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE "
[ ]
[ ] // The first window to appear when the application is invoked
[ ] // const wStartup = ?
[ ]
[ ] // The list of windows the recovery system is to leave open
[ ] // const lwLeaveOpen = {?}
[+] ComboBox Ieurl
[ ] tag "$41477"
[+] PushButton 转到
[-] multitag "转到"
[ ] "$1"
[ ] //url地址重定位
[-] seturl(String url)
[ ] web.SetActive()
[ ] web.Ieurl.ClearText()
[ ] web.Ieurl.SetText(url)
[ ] web.Ieurl.转到.Click ()