本帖最后由 michaelwan 于 2011-11-8 12:18 编辑
康腾微电子(上海)有限公司(www.quartics.com) 现招收QA实习生职位(6个月一签)
Quartics designs, develops and markets proprietary integrated circuits based on its patented Qvu™ architecture, which has established a new category of video processors, the system on a chip (SoC) video processing unit (VPU), designed specifically to deliver advanced digital video solutions, including superior video playback quality and advanced functionality enabling installation of custom software applications such as 2d to 3D video conversion, HD video chat, gesture recognition and video search.
Qvu™-enabled video processing solutions are available to OEM and ODM companies worldwide and have been adopted by some of the world’s largest consumer electronics companies. Quartics’ revolutionary Qvu™ architecture allows consumer electronics manufacturers to deliver an unsurpassed HD quality video experience previously not possible with existing video solutions. Quartics’ Qvu™ technology is poised to become the industry standard for next-generation video processing for personal computers, HDTVs, set-top boxes and other video-enabled consumer electronic devices.
Quartics is a fabless semiconductor company located in Irvine, CA, with offices in India, China and Taiwan. Quartics was formed in 2003 to focus on a programmable semiconductor architecture for high-performance video processing, with the aim of overcoming the significant challenges of modern digital video processing. To date, the company has 40 patents granted or pending in video processing architecture, quality of service (QoS) algorithms, and hardware and software design.
工作描述: 该QA实习生职位,主要职责是针对基于Quartics QVU1751芯片的2D-3D应用和视频处理产品的质量验证和确认工作. 具体职责: 参照产品测试计划,搭建测试环境,执行测试用例,与QA工程师一起确保各项测试任务及时和准确地完成。 职位要求: 在校大三或大四学生或研究生
能保证一周能有三个工作日来公司实习(先期签订6个月实习期,表现好有转正机会) 要求良好的英语读写技能 能自我激励,团队合作性好,学习能力强 较强的沟通,分析和解决问题的能力 了解基本的测试流程,测试技术和方法等将优先录用
欢迎大家应聘和投递简历到:michael@quartics.com。我们收到简历后,合适的一周内收到电话面试;通过电话面试者,会被邀请直接到公司,双方在互相了解下。 |