Updated defects could not be read: SQLExecDirect: RETCODE=-1, State=22008, Native Error=241 SQL statement="SELECT id, dbid, version FROM Defect d WHERE td_id is null UNION SELECT id, d.dbid, d.version FROM Defect d, history h WHERE h.entity_dbid = d.dbid and h.action_timestamp > '13 05 2005 11:10:48'" ...............
这些是在logs中看到的,'13 05 2005 11:10:48'的值是由select conver(varchar,max(action_time),13) from history中得到的,conver函数中的"13"欧洲默认值 + 毫秒 dd mon yyyy hh:mm:ss:mmm(24h) ,所以出现了错误.
请问,有谁遇到了这个问题,有什么解决方法么? |