我看loadrunner9.1 tutorial里Analyzing Your Scenario一章中有一句话:You can see that 90% of the check_itinerary transactions
that were performed during the test run had a response time of 65.754 seconds. This is double the average response time of this
transaction, 32.826, which means that the majority of occurrences of this transaction had a very high response time.
我觉得这句话的意思大概就是在事物check_itinerary里90%的响应时间是65.754 ,而平均的响应时间是32.826。但是如果90%的响应时间是65.754 ,那么平均的响应时间最少也是62.58(65.754 *0.9),不可能是32.826这么少.这是为什么呢?是不是我理解的有错误? |