1. 企业全名:趋势科技(中国)有限公司南京分公司
2. 企业具体地址:南京市宁南大道48号苏豪国际B座
3. 请将简历发送至HR_CDC@trendmicro.com.cn
趋势科技总部位于日本东京和美国硅谷,目前在38个国家和地区设有分公司,员工总数超过4000人;是一家高成长性的跨国信息安全软件公司。趋势科技在日本东京证券交易所上市,并在2002年10月入选日经225指数成分股,创造了证券史上的奇迹。最高市值为 100亿美金,并连续5年入选道琼斯可持续发展指数。趋势科技在把创新思想成功转化为尖端科技方面享有盛誉,Gartner Group连续四年把趋势科技评定为最具创新能力的防毒管理供应商,并成为美国哈佛大学MBA 案例教材之一。IDC数据表明,连续4年全球第一,趋势科技在全球服务器架构防毒解决方案居领导地位,在整体服务器防毒软件市场、群组防毒软件市场、网关防毒软件市场的占有率均高居全球第一位。
美国财富(Fortune)杂志称赞趋势科技为亚洲最酷的公司,美国哈佛商业评论称趋势科技为“无国界公司”。连续四年在 Nikkei Solution Business 进行的合作伙伴满意度调查中排名第一,连续五年获得十大台湾国际品牌第一名宝座,成为台湾最有价值的国际品牌,品牌价值达13.26亿美元。获得新加坡EDN Asia的亚洲企业最具创新奖,入选《软件杂志》评出的第 26 届年度软件 500 强。在台湾天下杂志:连续第三年登上“信息服务业”标杆企业排行榜,被喻为21世纪最值得期待的明日标杆企业。
中国研发中心位于南京,始于 1997 年 8 月,经过十年多由本地人才进行国际软件研发的成功经验,趋势科技决定于 2004 年起扩大在中国研发中心的投资,加速中国研发中心的发展。迄今为止,趋势科技中国研发中心已有350多名员工。在趋势科技中国研发中心的精英中,计算机相关科系毕业的硕士博士超过半数,而来自于南京大学、东南大学、清华大学等知名学府的员工更高达 88%;目前中国研发中心已申请和获得多项美国专利技术。
1. Senior QA Engineer * 3 (Dept of Opening: Core Tech, for IMHT Project)
- VMware; QA automation; able to script
- Must have Internet distributed service/software concept
- SMTP and other messaging security knowledge
- Lab admin experience
- Performance benchmark
- Messaging security knowledge
2. Senior QA Engineer*1 (Dept of Opening: Data Center CBU, for DLP project)
Job Description:
- Construct test environment and test tools
- Design test case, execute test case and perform regression test
- Deliver test report
- Construct automation test and trouble shooting
- Construct system testing such as performance testing, volume testing and stress testing
- Perform requirement, design review and code review
- Defect tracing and verification
- Document preparation such as FAQ, Beta Script
- Test design skill, QA sense and test methodology
- Basic programming skill in perl, python and window script.
- Trouble shooting skill
- Network, windows and application level protocol knowledge
- Test experience in one or more full project SDLC
- Strong team work spirit and communication skill
- Fluent English in writing and speaking
- More than 2 years work experience in enterprise related product experience
- C or C++ programming
- Anti-virus and windows driver related domain knowledge
- Database and web related domain knowledge
- System test experience on enterprise product
- Enterprise network environment deployment experience
3.Sr. QA Engineer *3 (Dept of Opening: Data Center CBU)
Job Description:
- Design Test automation and do ROI analysis.
- Design SaaS solution testing and execution
- Design system level testing(Performance, Security), execution and tuning
- Study new test methodology and improve testing efficiency and effectiveness
- Responsible for subsystem or small product quality
- Come out and consolidate project Quality and Risk report
- Bachelor degree or above in computer science or related fields.
- At least 5 years working experience in software testing
- Self-motivated and proactive to solve problems and accomplish assignment independently.
- Familiar with at least one scripting language such as Perl, Python or Ruby.
- Familiar with at least one programming language such as C, C++, C# orJava.
- Have automation experience.
- Have knowledge of IT operation, Virtualization, SMTP and HTTP server, Networking, OS and AD
- Excellent verbal and written skills in English.
- Have white box testing experience.
- Have SOA design and testing experience
- Have IMSS and mail product experience
4. Senior QA Engineer *10 (Dept of Opening: Value CBU, Core Tech)
Job Description:
- Test planning and test feasibility study, in parallel with the progress in product development plan and design stage
- Test environment design and build up, based on the product goals in customer's requirement
- Design product test strategy and methodology in performance, stress, volume and etc.
- Automate the testing and improve the test efficiency
- Test case design, execution, and bug submission, reporting, and issue follow-up for bug resolution
- Design and analyze test quality with measurable metrics to ensure and improve the quality of the test process and deliverables
- Provide product quality report, quality analysis for product release and further improvement plan
- Deliver quality training and documentation for product supporting and sustaining
- Capable in writing, reading email, tech document. Good spoken English to participate meetings is preferred.
- Experience in test improvement as test automation or system administration in internet/intranet or security is preferred
- Familiar with software testing; QA; windows/Unix platform
[ 本帖最后由 trendmicrohr 于 2009-7-14 18:13 编辑 ] |