简 历
姓 名:马可 性 别:男
毕业院校:郑州大学 学 历:本科
专 业:信息管理与信息系统 英语能力:CET-4
联系电话:15921850835 E - mail:i5make@163.com
◆2008-10 ~ 2008-11 SugarCRM5.0-beta2
◆项目描述:SugarCRM是一个开源免费的客户关系管理系统,它使用解释型语言PHP开发,使用Apache作为网络服务器,支持Mysql、SQL Server、Oracle等数据库,包含市场管理、活动管理、销售管理等功能,用户也可以根据自己的需要进行定制。我们测试的是SugarCRM5.0-beta2测试版本。
◆测试环境:LAMP(Linux+Apache+Mysql+PHP)+Winmail Mail Server
WAMP(Windows+Apache+Mysql+PHP)+Winmail Mail Server
浏览器:主要是IE 7.0,附加IE 6.0和IE 5.5下的测试
1. 负责LAMP和WAMP的环境搭建和Win mail服务器的配置。
2. 负责Emails模块的测试计划书和测试方案写作
3. 负责Emials模块功能和GUI测试的测试用例设计并执行
4. 负责SugarCRM的配置和安装测试用例设计并执行
5. 参与测试用例的评审
6. 使用QC进行测试管理
7. 使用SVN进行配置管理
8. 编写缺陷报告和测试报告书
1. 精通软件测试理论和方法,能够熟练应用等价类划分、边界值、判定表、因果图、正交试验等方法独立设计测试用例。
2. 掌握测试计划、测试方案、缺陷报告和测试报告的文档写作规范
3. 能从覆盖率的角度对被测函数进行用例设计
4. 熟练使用软件缺陷管理工具QC
5. 熟练使用配置管理工具SVN
6. 熟悉软件测试流程,熟练使用LoadRunner、QTP测试工具
1. 熟悉C语言、VBSpript和JAVA,能进行简单的编程以及代码走读
2. 熟练使用SQL Server,能独立编写常用SQL语句
3. 熟悉Linux操作系统,能在Linux下搭建测试环境和简单Linux shell 的编写
4. 熟悉Visual Studio开发环境,有一定的计算机网络基础
5. 熟悉质量管理体系ISO9000
2008-07 ~ 至今 51Testing 软件测试工程师培训
2004-09 ~ 2008-06 郑州大学 信息管理与信息系统 本科
Position Desired
Software testing engineer
Personal Information
Name: Ma ke Gender: Male
School: Zhengzhou University Education: bachelor
Major:Information management and Information System
English Skill: CET-4
MP: 13761892150 E-mail: i5make@163.com
2008-10 ~ 2008-11 SugarCRM5.0beta-2
Project Description:
SugarCRM is an open source Customer Relationship Management(CRM),developed by php,It’s web server is Apache.It also supports database such as mysql, SQL Server,Oracle. Integrated common marketing management,sales management,activities management and other functions. Users can also customize SugarCRM according to their own needs.We tested is SugarCRM5.0beta-2 version.
Test Environment:
LAMP(Linux+Apache+Mysql+PHP)+Winmail Mail Server
WAMP(Windows+Apache+Mysql+PHP)+Winmail Mail Server
Browser:IE 7.0,IE 6.0 and IE 5.5
1. Establish LAMP and WAMP Testing environment(include Emails server)
2. Write test plan and test program about Emails module
3. Design test case for function test and GUI test about Emails module then execution them
4. Design test case for configuration test and installation test about Emails module then execution them
5. Participate in the review test case
6. Use QC tool to manage test case and defects
7. Use SVN tool to manage configuration
8. Submit defect report and test report
Testing Skills:
1. Proficient in test theory and test methods
2. Master the writing norms of test palns,test programs,the defects report and test report
3. Be able to design test case from the perspective of coverage rate
4. Proficiency in the use of software defects management tool QC
5. Proficiency in the use of configuration management tool SVN
6. Familiar with software development and testing process,and familiar with test tool LoadRunner,QTP
Other relevant skills:
1. Master C language、VBScript and JAVA,can code simple program and walk-through it
2. Familiar with SQL Server,can write SQL language independently
3. Familiar with the Linux operating system,can establish test environment in Linux and write simple Linux shell
4. Familiar with Visual Studio development environment,have the base knowledge of computer network
5. Familiar with the ISO9000 quality management system
Language Skills:
Good at English reading and hearing,can read English documents of test accessibility and chat with other peolet in English.
2008-07 ~ now 51Testing software testing engineering train
2004-09 ~ 2008-06 Zhengzhou University Information Management and Mnformation System |