Advent是一家金融软件开发公司,公司于1983年在美国加州旧金山成立,并于1995年在美国纳斯达克上市,主要客户为欧美的基金公司、资产管理公司、投资顾问公司等。Advent在全球拥有超过 4,600家客户,无论是为世界各地投资者服务的全球对冲基金,还是管理着几亿美元资产的投资管理公司,Advent成熟的业务应用软件都可以满足其投资管理需求,以过硬的技术产品确立了自己在金融科技领域的全球领先地位。
1. 完善的薪酬福利(国家法定五险一金,员工本人及子女补充医疗,多于国家法定的带薪年假及带薪病假)2. 舒适的办公环境,团队氛围和谐
3. 多方位的培训,国内外学习机会
4. 丰富多彩的员工活动
5. 人性化管理,work-life balance
目前在招职位为:Client Support Specialist,类似于运维工程师、IT支持工程师、技术客服专员,主要工作内容是对接海外客户,通过电话或邮件解决产品应用过程中的技术问题,要求: 1. 善于快速学习新知识(IT技术、金融、投资、统计等业务相关知识) 2. 具备一定的技术基础(数据库MS SQL Server、store procedure) 3. 具有客户服务意识和出色的沟通表达能力 4. 具有基本的英语口语沟通能力 5. 懂金融投资相关知识会加分 6. 性格乐观、积极、主动
详细职位要求如下: Job Responsibility: - Provide high level and fundamental technical supportby phone and via email - Provide functional and technical support forinternal teams such as Professional Services staff working on clientimplementations - Identify and interpret client needs anddetermine appropriate action - Interpret and validate technical issues,follow-up and test solutions - Create and maintain all communication related toclient issues including: defect and change request submission, statusmemos, logging of support incidents, and procedural or operation documentation - Work closely with developers and QA in the designand testing of new releases - Provide extensive, detailed instructionaldocumentation externally and internally - Absorb and stay current with changes to both thefinancial and technical global arenas Technical Requirement: - 2+ years supporting or implementing complex enterpriselevel software applications - Solid working knowledge of a Windows Serverenvironment is required - Prior experience with MS SQL Server maintenance,MS SQL language and storeprocedure is required - Knowledge of programming, scripting and automationexperience is preferred - Prior experience of Unix or Linux environment is preferred - Working knowledge of networks, systemarchitecture, database (Oracle, MySQL), preferably as a System Admin orDatabase Admin, is a plus - Knowledge of MS SQL Reporting Service is a plus Other requirements: - Excellent written and oral English communication skillswith a strong attention to detail are required - Proven aptitude to learn complex technical,financial and theoretical information in a timely manner is required - Superior troubleshooting and analysis / resolutionskills are required - Strong client focus and ability to manage andexceed customer expectations is required - Ability to understand and convey client businessrequirements to escalation and/or development teams is required - Proven skills in working in a self-directedfashion with a commitment to follow-up and issue resolution are required - Ability to prioritize and manage multiple,complex issues is required - Knowledge of fund accounting/portfoliomanagement systems, financial services and/or back office operations and reportingis strongly preferred - Must be an effective team player, independent, aself-reliant contributor and willing to share - Prior experience in a client service role is preferred