楼主 |
发表于 2017-6-29 16:59:46
本帖最后由 悠悠小仙仙 于 2017-6-29 17:10 编辑
# 为使代码能同时在两个版本里运行,所有print都加入了括号
- import platform
- print('Python', platform.python_version())
- print('3 / 2 =', 3 / 2)
- print('3 // 2 =', 3 // 2)
- print('3 / 2.0 =', 3 / 2.0)
- print('3 // 2.0 =', 3 // 2.0)
复制代码 Python 2 执行结果:
- ('Python', '2.7.10')
- ('3 / 2 =', 1)
- ('3 // 2 =', 1)
- ('3 / 2.0 =', 1.5)
- ('3 // 2.0 =', 1.0)
复制代码 Python 3 执行结果:
- Python 3.4.3+
- 3 / 2 = 1.5
- 3 // 2 = 1
- 3 / 2.0 = 1.5
- 3 // 2.0 = 1.0
- python 3 的更清晰,/表示算数除法,//表示整除.
- python 2 的混乱一些,//表示整除与 Python 3 一致. ‘/‘在除数被除数都是整数的情况下退化为整除.
- xrange
复制代码- import timeit
- import platform
- n = 100000
- def test_range(n):
- a = 0
- for i in range(n):
- a += 1
- def test_xrange(n):
- a = 0
- for i in xrange(n):
- a += 1
- print 'Python', platform.python_version()
- start_time = timeit.default_timer()
- test_range(n)
- print(timeit.default_timer() - start_time)
- start_time = timeit.default_timer()
- test_xrange(n)
- print(timeit.default_timer() - start_time)
- 1
- 2
- 3
- Python 2.7.10
- 0.01056599617
- 0.00666499137878
复制代码 # print 加上括号
- Python 3.4.3+
- 0.007449787999576074
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "package/subpackage1/moduleY.py", line 49, in <module>
- test_xrange(n)
- File "package/subpackage1/moduleY.py", line 40, in test_xrange
- for i in xrange(n):
- NameError: name 'xrange' is not defined
复制代码 Python 2 里的range() 和 xrange() 还是有点区别的. xrange() 更像一个生成器.range()生成的是list.
Python 3 里取消了xrange() 代之以range() 实际上 Python 3 把很多返回为List的改成了itrable.
python 2 里,下面两种写法都可以:
raise IOError, "file error"
raise IOError("file error")
python 3里 ,只接受下面这种写法:
raise IOError("file error")
python 3 中强制使用as关键字
- import platform
- print 'Python', platform.python_version()
- try:
- let_us_cause_a_NameError
- except NameError, err:
- print err, '--> our error message'
- Python 2.7.10
- name 'let_us_cause_a_NameError' is not defined --> our error message
- import platform
- print ('Python', platform.python_version())
- try:
- let_us_cause_a_NameError
- except NameError as err:
- print (err, '--> our error message')
- Python 3.4.3+
- name 'let_us_cause_a_NameError' is not defined --> our error message
- next()与.next()
- Python 3 里没有了.next()方法,只保留了next()函数
- import platform
- print ('Python', platform.python_version())
- my_generator = (letter for letter in 'abcdefg')
- print (next(my_generator))
- print (my_generator.next())
- ('Python', '2.7.10')
- a
- b
- Python 3.4.3+
- a
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "package/subpackage1/moduleY.py", line 12, in <module>
- print (my_generator.next())
- AttributeError: 'generator' object has no attribute 'next'
复制代码 For 循环变量和全局命名空间泄漏
List comprehensions no longer support the syntactic form [… for var in item1, item2, …]. Use [… for var in (item1, item2, …)] instead. Also note that list comprehensions have different semantics: they are closer to syntactic sugar for a generator expression inside a list() constructor, and in particular the loop control variables are no longer leaked into the surrounding scope.
在 Python 3.x 中 for 循环变量不会再导致命名空间泄漏。
mport platform
- print ('Python', platform.python_version())
- i = 1
- print ('before: i =', i)
- print ('comprehension: ', [i for i in range(5)])
- print ('after: i =', i)
- ('Python', '2.7.10')
- ('before: i =', 1)
- ('comprehension: ', [0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
- ('after: i =', 4)
- Python 3.4.3+
- before: i = 1
- comprehension: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- after: i = 1
复制代码 比较不可排序类型
这个我之前专门查过,Python 2 里并没有显性规定不可比较类型的比较结果,是解释器做的一个约定俗成的显示.
在Python 3里 这个特性被显性规定,不能比较不可比较类型.会抛出异常.如下所示:
- import platform
- print('Python', platform.python_version())
- print("[1, 2] > 'foo' = ", [1, 2] > 'foo')
- print("(1, 2) > 'foo' = ", (1, 2) > 'foo')
- print("[1, 2] > (1, 2) = ", [1, 2] > (1, 2))
- ('Python', '2.7.10')
- ("[1, 2] > 'foo' = ", False)
- ("(1, 2) > 'foo' = ", True)
- ('[1, 2] > (1, 2) = ', False)
- Python 3.4.3+
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "package/subpackage1/moduleY.py", line 7, in <module>
- print("[1, 2] > 'foo' = ", [1, 2] > 'foo')
- TypeError: unorderable types: list() > str()
- 通过 input() 解析用户的输入
- PEP 3111 – Simple input built-in in Python 3000
- raw_input() was renamed to input(). That is, the new input() function reads a line from sys.stdin and returns it with the trailing newline stripped. It raises EOFError if the input is terminated prematurely. To get the old behavior of input(), use eval(input()).
- What’s the difference between raw_input() and input() in python3.x?问题问的有点傻,因为python 3里没有raw_input(),但是各位答主生生让这个会负分的问题变成一个热门问题.
- python 2里 我们有input()和raw_input(),区别是raw_input()会讲输入返回str.而input()会试图执行输入.
- Python 3 里的input()返回字符串,不再有raw_input(),如果想执行输入,可以eval(input())
现在在 Python 3 中一些方法和函数返回迭代对象,而不是 Python 2 中的列表
- Some well-known APIs no longer return lists:
- dict methods dict.keys(), dict.items() and dict.values() return “views” instead of lists. For example, this no longer works: k = d.keys(); k.sort(). Use k = sorted(d) instead (this works in Python 2.5 too and is just as efficient).
- Also, the dict.iterkeys(), dict.iteritems() and dict.itervalues() methods are no longer supported.
- map() and filter() return iterators. If you really need a list and the input sequences are all of equal length, a quick fix is to wrap map() in list(), e.g. list(map(…)), but a better fix is often to use a list comprehension (especially when the original code uses lambda), or rewriting the code so it doesn’t need a list at all. Particularly tricky is map() invoked for the side effects of the function; the correct transformation is to use a regular for loop (since creating a list would just be wasteful).
- If the input sequences are not of equal length, map() will stop at the termination of the shortest of the sequences. For full compatibility with map() from Python 2.x, also wrap the sequences in itertools.zip_longest(), e.g. map(func,sequences) becomes list(map(func, itertools.zip_longest(sequences))).
- range() now behaves like xrange() used to behave, except it works with values of arbitrary size. The latter no longer exists.
- zip() now returns an iterator.
future 模块
用途:在 Python 2 里导入那些在 Python 3 里才生效的模块和函数:
from __future__ import division
特性 在此版本可选 在此版本内置 效果
- nested_scopes 2.1.0b1 2.2 PEP 227 :静态嵌套作用域
- generators 2.2.0a1 2.3 PEP 255 :简单生成器
- division 2.2.0a2 3.0 PEP 238 :除法操作符改动
- absolute_import 2.5.0a1 3.0 PEP 328: Imports:多行导入与绝对相对路径
- with_statement 2.5.0a1 2.6 PEP 343: “with”语句
- print_function 2.6.0a2 3.0 PEP 3105 :print语句升级为函数
- unicode_literals 2.6.0a2 3.0 PEP 3112: Bytes类型
- 28.11. __future__ — Future statement definitions
复制代码 参考链接
知乎ython 2 和 Python 3 有哪些主要区别?
Key differences between Python 2.7.x and Python 3.x
Python 2.7.x 和 Python 3.x 的主要区别
The key differences between Python 2.7.x and Python 3.x with examples
What’s New In Python 3.0这个是重点..是上面很多东西的源头..建议重点看这个. |