通过改写RobotFramework源代码增加--retry选项,实现test级别的失败用例自动再执行:失败用例会重跑N次,直至成功or 耗尽重试次数,生成的日志和报告文件中只会体现最后一次执行的结果。打个比方,用例A第一次执行失败了,立刻再重跑,再失败,立刻再重跑,成功了,那么,最后在生成的日志里面看到的就是最后那一次的运行数据,之前两次被完全过滤掉,只有在控制台中才可以看到它们的痕迹。 eg:pybot.bat --retry 3 e:\robot\test retry设置为3,用例执行失败后会再次执行,每条用例最大执行次数为3成功后不会再执行。
修改代码如下: 1、robot/run.py 修改USAGE字符串,增加 -X --retry retry Set the retry times if test failed.这一段 - Options
- =======
- -X --retry retry Set the retry times if test failed.
- -N --name name Set the name of the top level test suite. Underscores
- in the name are converted to spaces. Default name is
- created from the name of the executed data source.
- -D --doc documentation Set the documentation of the top level test suite.
- Underscores in the documentation are converted to
- spaces and it may also contain simple HTML formatting
- (e.g. *bold* and http://url/).
复制代码增加导入模块 - reload(sys)
- sys.setdefaultencoding('UTF-8')
- from xml.dom import minidom
复制代码RobotFramework类增加make方法 - def make(self,outxml):
- xmldoc = minidom.parse(outxml)
- suiteElementList = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('suite')
- mySuite = []
- for suiteElement in suiteElementList:
- if suiteElement.childNodes is not None:
- for element in suiteElement.childNodes:
- if element.nodeName == 'test':
- mySuite.append(suiteElement)
- break
- for suite in mySuite:
- testElements = {}
- for element in suite.childNodes:
- if element.nodeName == 'test':
- name = element.getAttribute('name')
- if testElements.get(name) == None:
- testElements.update({name:[element]})
- else:
- testElements.get(name).append(element)
- for n,el in testElements.iteritems():
- for i in el[0:-1]:
- textElement = i.nextSibling
- suite.removeChild(i)
- suite.removeChild(textElement)
- savefile = open(outxml,'w')
- root = xmldoc.documentElement
- root.writexml(savefile)
- savefile.close()
复制代码修改RobotFramework类的main方法,插入self.make(settings.output)这段(被我编辑了一下,关键字没高亮了,不过没关系) - def main(self, datasources, **options):
- settings = RobotSettings(options)
- LOGGER.register_console_logger(**settings.console_output_config)
- LOGGER.info('Settings:\n%s' % unic(settings))
- suite = TestSuiteBuilder(settings['SuiteNames'],
- settings['WarnOnSkipped']).build(*datasources)
- suite.configure(**settings.suite_config)
- if settings.pre_run_modifiers:
- suite.visit(ModelModifier(settings.pre_run_modifiers,
- settings.run_empty_suite, LOGGER))
- with pyloggingconf.robot_handler_enabled(settings.log_level):
- result = suite.run(settings)
- LOGGER.info("Tests execution ended. Statistics:\n%s"
- % result.suite.stat_message)
- self.make(settings.output)
- if settings.log or settings.report or settings.xunit:
- writer = ResultWriter(settings.output if settings.log
- else result)
- writer.write_results(settings.get_rebot_settings())
- return result.return_code
修改_cli_opts字典,增加 'Retry''retry',1) - 'MonitorColors' : ('monitorcolors', 'AUTO'),
- 'StdOut' : ('stdout', None),
- 'StdErr' : ('stderr', None),
- 'XUnitSkipNonCritical' : ('xunitskipnoncritical', False),
- 'Retry':('retry',1)}
修改visit方法如下 - def visit(self, visitor):
- for item in self:
- if self.__module__ == 'robot.model.testcase' and hasattr(visitor,"_context"):
- testStatus = ''
- for i in range(0,int(visitor._settings._opts['Retry'])):
- if testStatus != 'PASS':
- if item.name in visitor._executed_tests:
- visitor._executed_tests.pop(item.name)
- item.visit(visitor)
- testStatus = visitor._context.variables['${PREV_TEST_STATUS}']
- else:
- break
- else:
- item.visit(visitor)
修改USAGE字符串,增加 -X --retry retry Set the retry times if test failed.这一段 - Options
- =======
- -X --retry retry Set the retry times if test failed.
- -N --name name Set the name
- of the top level test suite. Underscores
- in the name are converted to spaces. Default name
- is created from the name
- of the executed data source. -D --doc documentation Set the documentation
- of the top level test suite. Underscores
- in the documentation are converted to spaces
- and it may also contain simple HTML formatting (e.g. *bold*
- and http://url/).
- 如果重跑次数达到设置上限,仍然失败,则报告显示为最后一次失败数据