Advent是一家金融软件开发公司,公司于1983年在美国加州旧金山成立,并于1995年在美国纳斯达克上市。主要客户为欧美的基金公司、资产管理公司、投资顾问公司等。无论是为世界各地投资者服务的全球对冲基金,还是管理着几亿美元资产的投资管理公司,Advent 成熟的解决方案都能助其提升经营效率、降低风险,控制成本,让其集中精力一展所长。 Advent在全球拥有超过 4,600家客户,在提供关键业务应用软件以满足投资管理需求方面,确立了自己的全球的领先地位
薪酬: 高级软件开发工程师年薪18W起,IT Support 年薪10W起。(最终薪酬取决于应聘者的技术水平、年限、综合工作素质)
工作地点:紧邻东直门地铁 国华投资大厦8层
请各位应聘者仔细查看JD,如经验及英语能力符合,请将中文简历投递到 [url=mailto:gxiao@advent.comgxiao@advent.com[/color[/url]]
简历投递格式:应聘者姓名-应聘职位-工作年限, 如李明_SQL_5年
1. 高级软件开发工程师 (SQL,5-10年经验,英语听说读写能力)
Technical Requirement
- Must have 5+ years of working experience in SQL Server.
- Must have experience in Database Design.
- Must have experience in SQL programming, including Stored Procedure, Functions, Trigger and so on.
- Must have experience in SQL Performance Tuning and SQL Server Maintenance.
- Experience in Service Broker.
- Experience in failover cluster and high availability technologies is a plus.
- Experience with DBA is a plus.
- Experience with C++/C# is a plus.
2.Service Desk Analyst (HELPDESK桌面运维,1-3年经验,英语听说读写能力熟练)
? Superior Customer Service and communication skills
? Ability to quickly learn, adapt and understand new technologies
? Must have strong Windows laptop/desktop support experience
? Must be self-sufficient at times and always a team player
? Good understanding of core information technologies – servers, networking, DNS, mail transport, HTML, TCP/IP and network file systems
? Highly dependable, good time management skills and self-motivated
? Demonstrated problem solving and analytical capability
? Proactively find and resolve small issues before they become major events
? Proven ability to operate in high pressure situations and successfully handle multiple priorities