Automated testing tools can enhance the testing effort as long as expectations are managed, tool issues are understood, and a tool compatible with the system-engineering environment is selected. It is also important that the tool matches the task at hand, and that the tests lend themselves to(帮助) automation. Many types of testing tools are available for use throughout the various development life cycle phases, including the highly touted(吹捧,兜售)playback testing tools.
Sometimes it is determined after research and evaluation that no tool available on the market completely suits the project's needs. In that case, it is necessary to decide whether to develop a unique solution, in the form of scripts or custom tools, or to rely solely on manual testing.
In other cases, there may be commercially available tools that would work for the testing effort, but offer more features than are needed, adding significant cost. This is another situation in which building a custom tool may be reasonable. However, careful analysis is required to verify that building the tool will not be more expensive in the long run than buying it. In some cases, particularly when investing large amounts of money in automated testing tools, the needs of the entire organization must be considered. The tool that is selected or built must work properly with the selected technologies, and must fit into the project's budget(项目预算) and time frame(期限) allowed for introducing a tool. Evaluation criteria must be established, and the tool's capabilities must be verified according to those criteria prior to purchase. Examining these issues early in the life-cycle will avoid costly changes later.
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