我们通常接触到的都是alpha测试和beta测试,那么大家知道还有gamma测试吗?gamma测试的相关解释如下,摘自PDMA的术语表(The PDMA Glossary for New Product Development)。
Gamma / In-Market Testing: Not to be confused with Test Marketing (which is an overall determination of marketability and financial viability), the In-Market Test is an evaluation of the product itself and its marketing plan through placement of the product in a field setting. Another way of thinking about this is to view it as an in-market test using a real distribution channel in a constrained geographic area or two, for a specific period of time, with advertising, promotion and all associated elements of the marketing plan working. In addition to an evaluation of the features and benefits of the product, the components of the marketing plan are tested in a real world environment to make sure they deliver the desired results. The key element being evaluated is the synergy of the product and the marketing plan, not the individual components. The Market test should deliver a more accurate forecast of dollar and unit sales volume, as opposed to the approximate range estimates produced earlier in the Discovery phase. It should also produce diagnostic information on any facet of the proposed launch that may need adjustment, be it product, communications, packaging, positioning, or any other element of the launch plan.
简单一点说就是在beta测试结束后,让产品在一个受限的用户群中使用,以便最终确定产品能否满足用户的需要。 |