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[北京] Symbio诚聘网管软件测试主管



发表于 2007-8-21 10:47:06 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

负责802.11无线网管软件测试组工作,主要工作内容是软件测试工作,也包括测试管理和小组管理。该无线网管软件是基于Java 技术的独立运行应用软件。软件测试工作主要是手工的功能测试。测试工作包括执行原有的测试用例和开发新的测试用例。






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发表于 2007-8-22 10:54:50 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-7 11:08:58 | 只看该作者


无线网络领航者 --trapeze 卓思中国
Trapeze Networks(卓思网络)公司介绍
Trapeze Networks(卓思网络)公司成立于2002年,总部设在美国加利福尼亚硅谷,是一家提供构建WiFi无线局域网所需硬件设备的高科技公司,主要从事无线网关产品的生产,它主要用于中央化无线电管理,对PC和笔记本等运行于企业网络的产品进行联网管理。Trapeze Networks(卓思网络)公司一直致力于无线领域的技术创新与进步,在业界首先推出了无线交换机并创造性地提出了“智能无线网”的概念。Trapeze Networks(卓思网络)公司在美国、欧洲、中东和亚太地区均建有分支机构和技术服务中心,员工更是布满全球。Trapeze Networks(卓思网络)公司是首家也是唯一具有智能交换功能的WLAN设备的供应商。
为了能够更大的发展,Trapeze Networks(卓思网络)公司进行了四次融资,共筹集到1亿 2 百50万美元,预计2007下半年在美国纳斯达克上市。多家大型风险投资公司争先成为了Trapeze Networks(卓思网络)公司的投资者,诸如:红点投资(Redpoint Ventures)、橡树投资(Oak Investment)、摩托罗拉(Motorola)、北电网路(Nortel Networks)、Juniper Networks 、Accel Partners、Duff Ackerman & Goodrich、Trautman Wasserman、C.E. Unterberg, Towbin、Castile Ventures等。
Trapeze Networks(卓思网络)公司集结了一大批在行业内工作多年的资深人士,部分如下:
James W. Vogt
President and Chief Executive Officer

Jim Vogt joined Trapeze after serving as president and CEO of Ingrian Networks. Before that, he was president of the Nortel Networks Small Business Solutions group.
Dan Simone
Vice President and Chief Technical Officer

Dan Simone was vice president of product management at Redback Networks prior to co-founding Trapeze. He has also held key technical positions at Bay Networks and Motorola.
Douglas C. Laird
Vice President of Worldwide Marketing

A proven brand builder and product marketer, Douglas C. Laird brings over 20 years of highly successful enterprise marketing experience from companies such as Siebel Systems, Oracle, and SAP, (formerly Virsa).

James Reeves
Vice President of R&D and WW Customer Support

James Reeves is a network-industry veteran with over 20 years of technical and managerial experience in engineering.
J.D. Vaughn
Vice President of Sales, The Americas

J.D.Vaughn brings over 25 years of business, telecom and technology experience in the voice and data network and communications market place, and is experienced in building very successful direct and indirect sales teams focused on the enterprise and carriers as well.
Ahmet Tuncay
Vice President of Product Management and Business Development

Ahmet Tuncay has 18 years of corporate enterprise and startup experience in business development, product development, product management, technical marketing and sales support.

Kees van Veenendaal
Managing Director and Vice President of Sales, Europe/Middle East/Africa

Kees van Veenendaal was vice president of EMEA sales at Extreme Networks prior to Trapeze. He also held sales positions at 3Com, Gandalf, Digital Communications Associates and Burroughs.
Trapeze Networks(卓思网络)公司董事会成员:
Jim Vogt
President and Chief Executive Officer, Trapeze Networks

Jim brings a wealth of business and technology experience to Trapeze. Before joining Trapeze, he was president and CEO of Ingrian Networks, where he led the privately held secure appliance firm through two rounds of funding, built up the company's internal infrastructure and established a solid customer base. Prior to Ingrian Networks, he was president of the Nortel Networks small business solutions group.
Bill Miskovetz
Co-Founder, Trapeze Networks

Bill was entrepreneur-in-residence at Accel Partners before Trapeze and vice president of engineering at Redback Networks, where he led the team responsible for software that accounted for all of the company's revenue before its 1999 merger with Siara Systems. He was also vice president of engineering at FreeGate Corp. and held management roles at Cisco Systems.
Peter Wagner
General Partner, Accel Partners

Peter has been involved in networks and computing since the mid-'80s. He focuses on networked infrastructures, including the communications, computing, storage and wireless sectors. Since joining the Accel team in 1996, Peter led investments in 31 early stage companies, five of which have gone on to complete IPOs and 11 of which have been successfully acquired.
John Walecka
Founding Partner, Redpoint Ventures

John is a founding partner of Redpoint Ventures. Prior to founding Redpoint Ventures in 1999, he was a general partner with Brentwood Venture Capital, a company that he joined in 1984. John currently focuses on software infrastructures and security products for enterprise businesses as well as enabling products designed for cable, consumer and broadband markets.
Bandel Carano
General Partner, Oak Investment Partners

Bandel joined the Oak team in 1985 after two years with Morgan Stanley's Venture Capital Group. He was responsible for advising Morgan Stanley on high-tech new business development, as well as sponsoring venture investments. At Oak, Bandel invested in firms with an emphasis on design automation, telecommunications, software and advanced semiconductors.
John J. Cadeddu
General Partner, Duff Ackerman & Goodrich LLC

Prior to joining DAG in 1999, John was a Managing Director at Amsterdam Pacific, an investment bank specializing in media and telecommunications. John worked at Octel Communications (now Lucent Technologies) and Tandem Computers (now H-P) in Marketing and Strategic Planning roles. He also worked at JP Morgan in both capital markets and corporate finance.
Trapeze Networks(卓思网络)公司具有极为完善的服务体系和一支极富经验的服务队伍,服务网点遍布全球,在美国、荷兰、中东、非洲、亚太区均设有自己的7×24小时服务电话和专业人员,为自己的用户或潜在用户提供全方位的智能无线网络服务。服务内容包括但不限于培训、售前、实施、售后、咨询等。服务方式有网站、热线电话、邮件、远程、现场、备件等。
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-7 11:09:05 | 只看该作者
Trapeze Networks(卓思网络)公司产品介绍
Trapeze Networks(卓思网络)公司是一个提供“瘦AP”技术的智能无线网络全线产品设备生产商,产品线包括智能无线网络系统软件MSS、智能无线网络交换机MX系列、智能无线网络管理软件RingMaster系列、智能无线网络接入点MP系列、智能无线网络定位系统LA-200定位机、智能无线网络天线ANT系列,以及与Airdefense公司合作的智能无线网络入侵检测防护系统WLAN IDS系列,还有与其他语音设备厂商合作的WIFI语音设备系列等等。
其中:智能无线网络交换机MX系列包括有MXR-2-CN、MX-8-CN、MX-200-CN、MX-200R-CN、MX-216-CN、MX-216R-CN、MX-400-CN、MX-2800等,智能无线网络接入点MP系列包括室内型号MP-71、MP-372、MP-422、MP-432和室外MP-620等。Trapeze Networks(卓思网络)公司的MP-432 是世界最先支持802.11n标准的AP,,完全符合 802.11n 2.0版本,可同时双频操作 (2.4 GHz 及 5 GHz),每频带宽 300 Mbps,双频共 600 Mbps,双频都有3x3 MIMO。Trapeze Networks(卓思网络)公司的MX-2800无线网络交换机达28Gbps业界最高交换容量,是业界最高密度的WLAN交换机,业界唯一用硬件交换有线及无线的交换机,可支持 512 在线 AP’s,每机可支持12,000 在线用户。
Trapeze Networks(卓思网络)公司“ 智能无线网”称为“智能交换”的突破性技术克服了当代WLAN 的所有局限性,这在现今的有限 WLAN 体系结构上是一个重大进步和飞跃。智能无线网的智能交换技术根据基础应用程序的要求,采用集中数据转发或分布式数据转发,从而优化了通信流量,从根本上缩短了延迟,并获得了最大性能 ,这一切都不需要付出高昂的网络控制器基础结构升级成本。智能无线网第一次让组织机构能够经济高效地部署安全且可大幅扩展的企业 WLAN,并通过这些网络来支持最迫切需要的数据和语音应用程序,同时提供室内和室外的无限连接。突破了集中式体系结构无法支持下一代无线应用程序的问题。
Trapeze Networks(卓思网络)公司基于最新一代的智能无线网络体系结构,兼具集中的 WLAN 管理和优化的通信流量,提供给客户全新的无限的企业无线网络,包括在客户关心的无线网络的性能、运行周期的集中管理、语音Voice over WLAN、无线安全、实时定位等问题。作为802.11n标准协议的参与和制定者之一,Trapeze是全球第一家已经采用802.11n标准的厂家,可以提供当前性能最高的WLAN,Trapeze的现有客户将来要采用802.11n,不需要花费高昂的升级费用。Trapeze Networks(卓思网络)公司拥有超过 230 个的专利及登记。
Trapeze Networks(卓思网络)公司发展迅猛,如可口可乐、索尼、MOTOROLA、柯达、大众汽车、曼彻斯特机场、BP石油、Juniper、罗技、犹他大学、绍兴市人民医院、北京电子科技大学等全球超过2500家客户,包括教育、医疗、政府、制造业、物流、金融、能源、电信运营商、航空/机场等行业客户都采用了Trapeze Networks(卓思网络)公司的产品。诸如北电、3COM、D-Link、锐捷网络等大型公司均是Trapeze Networks(卓思网络)公司的OEM用户。
Trapeze Networks(卓思网络)公司的主要竞争对手为思科、ARUBA,而思科公司本身只是有线网络产品设备商,2005年思科用4.5亿美元收购Airspace无线网络设备生产公司来填补无线网络产品的空白,由于不掌握无线网络的核心技术,思科只能维持原有airspace的无线产品生成而较难实现无线网络的新产品和新技术的研发和生产,随着Trapeze Networks(卓思网络)公司技术不断创新、新产品不断推出,市场占有率逐步扩大,预计2007年第四季度无线网络产品市场占有率调查报告出炉时,Trapeze Networks(卓思网络)公司智能无线产品在全球市场份额排名将会超过思科而一跃成为第一。
1. 在无线安全方面,Trapeze Networks(卓思网络)公司智能无线产品排名评测全球第一位(ABIresearch调查公司);
2. 在无线产品Lower TCO评比中,Trapeze Networks(卓思网络)公司智能无线产品排名第一位(yankee Group调查公司);
3. 在无线产品性能测试评比方面,Trapeze Networks(卓思网络)公司智能无线产品排名全球第一位(veriwave调查公司);
4. 在无线语音方面,Trapeze Networks(卓思网络)公司智能无线产品在通话质量和性能方面评测是全球最佳;
5. Trapeze Networks(卓思网络)公司智能无线产品在全球市场份额排名第二(Forrester Wave调查公司);
Trapeze Networks(卓思网络)公司还获得了其他许多奖项:
Communications in Business, Best Wireless Project, September 21, 2005
Techworld Network Award, Best Wireless Product, June 23, 2005
Wireless Broadband Innovation Award, April 20, 2005
 InfoWorld Technology of the Year Award, January 1, 2005
Computing Magazine IT Project of the Year, September 1, 2004
InfoWorld Excellence Award, May 14, 2004
Network World Category-Breaker Award, February 23, 2004
 Techworld-Recommended Award, October 16, 2003
Communication Systems Design 2003 Comet Award, September 19, 2003
TECHXNY Best of Show Award, September 17, 2003
Networks for Business Best of Show Award, June 24, 2003
 Always-On Innovators Award, June 23, 2003
Communications News Editors Choice Award, June 17, 2003
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-22 17:21:11 | 只看该作者
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