本帖最后由 lloydm 于 2012-5-11 14:21 编辑
题目如下:1. 一个视频广告的插件,设计结构包括Slot, ADSequence, ADInstance三个组成部分 ,设计定义如下:
a. Slot could be consist of multiple ADSequence, and ADSequence could be consist of multiple ADInstance
b. When preload slot, it should preload ADSequence one by one
c. When playback slot, it should play ADSequence one by one
d. When preload the ADSequence, it should preload the ADInstance one by one, only if the previous ADInstance preloading failed should skip it and preload the next one.
e. When playback slot, it should play the ADInstance which has been preloaded
设计test case
2.有一个客户端应用统计某个ad播放的次数,每次ad播放后该应用会同时把ad播放的次数存在本地并传输到adserver, adserver的后台调用时这样的 ,每次接受到客户端调用之后会把内容写到app log中,然后一个ETL应用会通过log产生一个csv文件,然后database会把csv load到db table中,客户端可以通过query db得到server端某ad播放的次数,现在客户端发现从server端得到的ad次数和存在本地的值不一致,描述如何调查这个问题的步骤。
东二环。职位很急,有兴趣且合适者,请尽快投简历至jhuang@cn.comrise.com; youxijason@live.cn 后者也是msn
Software QA Engineer, Integration
Work with developers and support teams inside and outside of company world-widely
Design and implement test case for various platforms and video-enabled devices for the following components
Runtime libraries to communicate with company's ad server
SDKs for distribution to company partner and client developers
Adaptors for 3rd ** video and ad technology
Application to demonstrate company's technology
Troubleshoot and test web/desktop/mobile applications
Good English & learning ability
Knowledge about QA and automation in general
Experience of JavaScript or other scripting languages
Experience of the following field is a plus:
web application testing
iOS or Android application testing
TCP/IP and HTTP inspecting and debugging |