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[原创] 毕业设计关于测试的调查问卷,跪求各位前辈帮忙!!



发表于 2006-5-9 07:30:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
各位前辈好!小弟是学软件工程专业的,现在正在为毕业设计而犯愁,我正在做一个关于“在不同CMM Level下软件测试标准”的调查,但苦于无法收集到足够反馈。这好在这里向各位前辈求助了。如果可以的话,小弟恳请各位前辈帮小弟完成这个问卷,并把答案发到小弟的邮箱(vieri399@sina.com或者nakata399@hotmail.com)!!小弟在这里跪谢了!!
1.        What type of industry is your organization in? (Choose as many as necessary)
A.        Banking, finance & insurance
B.        Education & training
C.        Hotel, tourism, retail & trading
D.        Manufacturing & engineering
E.        Research & development
F.        Software house & IT consultancy
G.        Telecommunications
H.  Others

2.  How many years of software testing experience does your organization have?
A.        0
B.        1-5
C.        6-10
D.        11-19
E.        Over 20
F.        Do not know

3. What CMM level is your organization?
A.        CMM Level 1
B.        CMM Level 2
C.        CMM Level 3
D.        CMM Level 4
E.        CMM Level 5
F.        Do not know

4. When does your organization start designing the test plan?
A.        At project planning
B.        At requirement specifications
C.        At project design
D.        At coding
E.        At testing
F.        No test plan designed
G.        Do not know

5. What percent of requirements are tested in your organizations?
A.        100%
B.        100% - 75%
C.        75% - 50%
D.        50% -25%
E.        Less 25%
F.        Do not know

6. Which software testing techniques would be used by your organization?
A.        Black box
B.        White box
C.        Combining white-box and black-box
D.        Others ___________
E.        Do not know

7. What Software testing training and education does your organization have?
A.        Full training course for every tester
B.        Interim training course for some of the testers
C.        No training
D.        Others_____
E.        Do not know

8. What percent of Software Configuration are tested in your organization?
A.        100%
B.        100% - 75%
C.        75% - 50%
D.        50% -25%
E.        Less 25%
F.        Do not know

9. When does your organization start testing?
A.        Start with programming
B.        After programming and before the software complete
C.        After the software complete
D.        Only for fire fighting
E.        Do not know

10. What kinds of test standard does your organization have?
A.        Customized testing process standard for each project
B.        General testing process standard for every project
C.        No testing process standard
D.        Do not know

11. How well is your test standard followed during testing?
A.        100%
B.        100% - 75%
C.        75% - 50%
D.        50% -25%
E.        Less 25%
F.        Do not know

12. Who joins the testing process in your organization? (Choose as many as necessary)
A.        Tester
B.        Programmer
C.        Customer
D.        People who represent your market use the product in the same ways
E.        Others_________
F.        Do not know

13. What percentage of your software is fully integration tested?
A.        100%
B.        100% - 75%
C.        75% - 50%
D.        50% -25%
E.        Less 25%
F.        Do not know

14. How much data is collected to quantify the effectiveness of your testing process?
A.        None
B.        A little
C.        Some
D.        Quite a lot
E.        Lots

15. What percentage of common causes of defects can be sought out and identified in your testing process?
A.        100%
B.        100% - 75%
C.        75% - 50%
D.        50% -25%
E.        Less 25%
F.        Do not know

16. How are new technologies introduced into your testing process?
A.        Evaluate and used
B.        Used immediately
C.        inconsistently used
D.        Do not use
E.        Others_____
F.        Do not know

17. What kinds of barriers exist in your organization to the adoption of new testing methodologies?
A.        Do not think there is any barrier
B.        Lack of expertise
C.        Costly to use
D.        Difficult to use
E.        Time-consuming to use
F.        Do not think it is useful or cost effective
G.        Other

18. Please present a brief description testing process in your organization.

19. Which kinds of testing techniques are used frequently in your organization?

20. What did your organization do when the Test process has been changed?


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