一、 本地化测试常见bug
1. borken link
2. layout: Bugs including controls overlap, misalign whatever the text boxes or controls
3. Garbage: Including any garbage characters or additional characters other than ENG.
4. Font: Including wrong font used and wrong font size used.
5. Functionality: Any bug caused function broken, such as hotkey doesn’t work, hotkey caused dialog crash (1) function broken (2)hotkey cause dialog crash
6. Truncation : The UI control is cut whatever text, dialog or other controls.
7. Unlocalized : The UI term(s) is not localized which should be.
8. Hotkey: Bugs including duplicate hotkey, wrong used hotkey and missing hotkey
按钮文字格式错误 - Incorrect font format of texts in button
按钮文字被截断 - Truncated text strings in…
焦点截断按钮文字 - Truncated button text by focus
按钮未对齐 - Misaligned buttons in…
丢失了热键 - Missed hot keys in…
重复的热键 - Duplicated hot keys in… |