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发表于 2006-8-8 14:47:03 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
专业:计算机及其应用                                 工作年限:1年      
电话:15921327707                  E-mail : baiyao@51testing.com

求职意向: 软件测试工程师

        本人熟悉日常维护Linux的命令和程序,能独立安装Linux系统,曾安装过SUSE 9.3、RedHat 9.0、RedHat AS4、debian 3.1、Ubuntu 5.10/6.06、Magic linux 2.0。能手动挂载FAT/NTFS文件系统,能独立架设LAMP服务器。能熟练操作各种X-window环境,常使用 GNOME。能手动源代码编译安装软件,熟悉DEB、RPM包的安装、卸载、升级。
1、  熟知软件质量的重要性,掌握CMM体系,掌握质量模型,了解 ISO9000质量管理体系、六西格玛管理法。
2、  掌握软件测试方法,黑盒测试、灰盒测试、白盒测试。
3、  掌握测试过程V模型、瀑布模型。
4、  掌握单元测试、集成测试、系统测试过程以及相关的测试策略。
5、  掌握同行评审、配置管理、需求管理、缺陷管理的基本流程和相关概念。
6、  掌握软件测试设计和写作测试文档,包括测试计划、测试方案、测试用例。
7、  熟练操作测试工具Rational Robot、 MI QTP、MI loadRunner、CppUnit、TCL和常用的配置管理工具 VSS、wincvs等。

熟悉C语言,对TCL、 VBscript、PHP有所了解。

熟悉微软操作系统Windows系列,熟悉 GNU/Linux(Red hat、debian、ubuntu)服务器维护安装。
能够架设、维护windows服务器 (IIS、SQL-server),曾使用windows2000 advance server安装apache+mysql+php架设过PHP论坛、PHP 博客程序。
对linux有较深入的理解,熟练掌握 Linux的常用命令,能解决常见的Linux问题。
能够独立架设LAMP(Linux+apache+mysql+php) 服务器、Vsftpd服务器、Linux下Apache与Tomcat服务器整合。

熟练使用SQL语言以及 对MySQL、MS SQL Server及数据库原理有所了解 。

2006/5 —2006/6 Counter V1.0
项目描述: 对.C、.CPP源代码文件 中的总代码行数、空行数、注释行数和非空非注释行数进行统计
1.       完成counter项目的需求规格说明书、概要设计说明书、详细设计说明书的评审。
2.       单元测试、集成测试、系统测试以及相关测试计划、测试方案的写作。
3.       测试用例的写作、利用TCL语言进行集成测试,利用 CppUnit进行单元测试。
4.       提交缺陷报告、测试报告、测试日报。

2006/6 —2006/7 航空售票系统Flight 4.0
项目描述:使用QTP自动化测试航空售票系统 Flight 4.0
1.       测试用例的设计、写作。
2.       使用QTP实现自动化测试登陆功能、新预订机票功能、查询功能、报表功能。
3.       编写QTP脚本实现连接数据库,与软件显示的结果进行比对,以达到测试目的。
4.       QTP 脚本的录制、编写、运行
2006/6 —2006/7 家庭收支管理系统
项目描述:使用Rational Robot实现自动化测试家庭收支管理系统
1. 使用Robot验证登陆窗口、用户信息、<系统设置>窗体、增加收支类型、收支记录、查询收支记录
2.  使用Robot分别通过文本文件数据驱动、数据池、数据库数据驱动三种方式获取4组测试数据,每组数据 4个字段,循环录入2个收入记录和2个支出记录
3.   使用Robot检查数据库里,通过界面每次操作后,是否每次增加一组新的记录
4.   Robot脚本的录制、编写、运行


2004年11月— 2005年9月     上海市松江区电力公司   GIS绘图员
1.       GIS(地理信息系统)的图形绘制。
2.       Word、Excel相关表单的输入打印。
3.       计算机系统维护;以及常见故障的排除。


2001年9月— 2004年7月 上海信息管理专修学院  计算机及其应用专业
C语言、数据结构、计算机组成原理、计算机网络、操作系统、计算机英语、 Foxpro应用基础。


2006年4月—至今 交大慧谷 51testing软件测试工程师培训



Personal information:
Gender: Male
Profession : Computer and application                  Length of service: One year
Tel.: 15921327707                                  E-mail: baiyao@51testing.com

Job Objective:
To obtain a position as a software testing engineer

Ability Summary:
I have stronger self-study ability, explore spirit, manipulative ability and computer operation ability, eager to learn knowledge and good at thinking is my life style. Working conscientiously, bear hardships and hard work is my work style. I always ready to help others, it is harmonious to get along with people, treat people kind and gentle.
I am familiar with the commands and programs which is regular used in maintenance of Linux, I can install Linux operating system independently, I have installed SUSE 9.3, RedHat 9.0, RedHat AS4, debian 3.1, Ubuntu 5.10/6.06 and Magic linux 2.0 before. I always mount FAT/NTFS file system in Linux, usually LAMP server is installed by myself independently. I also can operate various kinds of X-window environment, GNOME is my favourite. I like program very much,so often install the software via compiles source code, I am familiar with the installation,unintallation,update of DEB and RPM packages.

Software test:
1.       Know the importance of software quality, familiar with CMM system, familiar with the quality model, understand ISO9000 quality management system, 6 Sigma.
2.       Familiar with the method of the software testing,like the black box testing, the gray box testing, the white box testing.
3.       Familiar with testing process V model, waterfall model.
4.       Familiar with the basic process of the unit testing, integrate testing and system testing and the related concepts.
5.       Familiar with peer review, configuration management, requirement management, basic process of the defect management and the related concepts.
6.       Know software testing design and write the software testing documentation, including testing plan, testing scheme and tesing case.
7.         Have a good command of commonly used test tools,such as Rational Robot,MI QTP,MI loadRunner,CppUnit,TCL and commonly used configuration management tool VSS, WinCVS,etc.

Programming respect:
Familiar with C language, know some program languages,such as  TCL, VBscript, PHP.

Operating system:
Be familiar with Microsoft's operating system Windows series and be familiar with the maintenance and installation of GNU/Linux (Red hat, debian, ubuntu) server.
Set up and maintain windows server(IIS and SQL-server) is easy for me,I used to install PHP forum and PHP blog program with apache+ mysql+php in Windows 2000 advance server.
I have deeper understanding to linux, familiar with the daily order of Linux and can solve common linux problem.
I can set up the LAMP (Linux +apache +mysql +php) Server independently, Vsftpd server, and combine Apache with Tomcat server in Linux.

Database respect:
Be familiar with SQL language and understand to some extent about MySQL, MS SQL Server and database principle.

Project experience:
2006/5 -- 2006/6 Counter V1.0
Project description:Count the total code line,space line,comment line and neither space line nor comment line of the .c/.cpp source code file.
Duty description:
1.       Finish the review of  the project's SRS,HLD,LLD.
2.       Writing the testing plan and testing scheme of the unit testing,integration testing and system testing.
3.       Writing the testing case ,and use TCL to complete the integration testing,use CppUnit to complete the unit testing.
4.       Submitting the defect report,testing report,testing daily report.

2006/6 -- 2006/7 Flight 4.0
Project description: Use QTP to test the Flight 4.0 automatically.
Duty is description:
1.       Design and write the testing case.
2.       Use QTP to test mainly function of the project ,including login the system, new order, report  and search automatically.
3.       Write QTP script and link the database, compared with the result that the software shows, in order to achieve the goal of testing.
4.       Recording, writing, running of QTP scripts.

2006/6 -- 2006/7 Family's income and expenses management system
Project description: Use Rational Robot to testing the family's income and expenses management system automatically .
Duty description:
1.       Use Robot to check out the login window, user information, <system option>Window, add i ncome and expenses types, income and expenses record , search income and expenses record.
2.       Use Robot to obtain 4 groups testing data by the text file data driven, the data pool driven, database driven separately. There are 4 word sections every group's data. And then input 2 income records and 2 expense records circularly.
3.       Use Robot to check out database, after passing each operation of interfaces, whether the database increased a group of new record.
4.       Recording, writing, running of Robot scripts.

Work Experience:
2004.11-2005.9    Songjiang Electric Power Co.      Position:GIS draftsman
Working content:
1.       GIS (geographical information system)  Figure draw.
2.       Type and print the related Word,Excel documentaion.
3.       Maintain the computer system,and the getting rid of common trouble.

2001.9 - 2004.7  Shanghai Information Management College   Major:Computer and application
professional curriculum:
C language,Data Structure,computer principle,computer network,operting system,computer English,Foxpro application foundation.

Other Training:
2006.4 – Now  Software Testing Engineer in Shanghai BWF Software Tech Co., Ltd

Have deep love for the testing trade, hope to make contribution for the test trade of China.

[ 本帖最后由 artemis 于 2006-9-18 14:30 编辑 ]
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