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发表于 2008-9-29 00:29:36 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

[ 本帖最后由 尛蟲蟲 于 2008-9-29 09:12 编辑 ]


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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-29 21:52:19 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-29 21:59:11 | 只看该作者
如何判断PSP的主板是否为TA-088 V3

作者:Alek, 来源:www.dark-alex.org
How-To: Is your PSP Mobo a TA-088v3?
Hey! DC7 isn't working on my PSP!! What's going on???
You might have different problems. For example, you might have done something wrong while making the DC7 pack (ms or battery), you might have a 0% of battery charge, you might be using AC cable and it goes directly to VSH instead of the DC7 menu... check those usual problems first. Also, it might be that your MS is a fake one, so check it also.
Well.. ok, already checked that, but it's nothing of that and i believe that i've made properly the DC7 pack.
Then we should ask us other stuff. What original firmware was your PSP firmware packed with?
Errr.. where should i look that?
Check it under the "System information" menu from your first menu of your PSP. If it has just a number without any letter behind, it will be that "number" original firmware. (Example: 4.01 v/s 4.01M33-2  
Uhh.. well, i dunno, i think it came up with 4.01 or 4.05.
Well, then you might have a TA-088v3 mobo, if thats for real.
And whats the deal with it?
TA-088v3 mobo isn't compatible with DC7. That means that you won't be able to downgrade or use any of its features
Well, hold on a second, i've not yet bought it! What should i look for?
It looks like the 2000 series PSP (Slim) that have the letter "G" or superior on the boxcode are the ones that have this mobo.
Uhh... what letter?
Check this image:http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f100/ ... rsion2.png
Ok then, but how should i know if mine is one of those being 100% sure?
We should work a bit with it then;
download files here http://dark-alex.org/88v3id.rar. And follow this instructions:
First Step: You need to format your memory stick with the app called "mspformat" that is included.
- Connect your PSP via USB.
- Format it using the command "mspformat E", being "E" the letter of your PSP on your PC.
- Program will ask you to confirm it, press Y.
- Plug out your PSP. IMPORTANT: DO NOT format again the MS within the PSP until this test has finished.
- Connect again the PSP via USB, and manually create PSP and PSP/GAME folders.
Next step must be done on a PSP homebrew capable (with CFW). If you don't have it, ask someone else to do this step and give you the resultant files.
- Copy the GETIPL folder to PSP/GAME. Get the3.90 和4.05 updates, and put them onto the MS root with the following names: "390.PBP", "405.PBP".
- Run the GETIPL app from your PSP homebrew capable, and it will create a couple of files on the MS root, called "ipl390.bin", "ipl405.bin".
- Connect the PSP via USB, and use the "msinst" program that its included on the pack to install the 3.90 IPL on the MS.
- You must do it this way: "msinst E E:\ipl390.bin", being "E" your PSP letter on your PC. Program will ask you to confirm it, press Y.
Insert the MS with the 3.90IPL installed onto the PSP that you want to confirm if it's a TA-088v3 or not, and turn it on with a Pandora Battery plugged in. You'll have two possible results:
- PSP turns off inmediatly after starting - Your PSP is NOT a 88v3.
- PSP keeps turned on with a green light forever - Your PSP is a 88v3, or you have done something wrong. Next step will confirm it.

- Connect again the PSP via USB, and use again the msinst, but this time with the 405IPL. Remember, "msinst E E:\ipl405.bin", being E your PSP letter on your PC.
Try to load it again with a Pandora battery. You have two possible results:
- PSP turns off inmediatly. If PSP turns off inmediatly with this IPL and on the other test it had that green light forever, it will be 100% sure a 88v3.
- PSP keeps with a green light forever. This CANT be on any PSP, being 88v3 or not. If this is the case, youve done something wrong.  
So, once you have done all this, youll know 100% sure if its an 88v3 or not.


教程: 我的PSP主板是 TA-088v3 吗?
     以上情况可能是多种原因造成的。例如,在制作神奇电池V7版本的过程中,你可能做错了什么步骤 (包括制作电池和记忆棒的步骤), 也可能是因为你的神奇电池的电量为 0了, 或者是你正在使用外接电源,PSP会直接进入VSH界面而不是神奇电池V7的菜单... 所以首先请检查一下诸如此类的常规问题。当然,很有可能是你的记忆棒质量不佳, 也请你检查一下.
好吧.. ok啦, 我都检查过了,不过好像还是没用,而且我确信我已经正确的制作了神奇电池V7版本。

呃.. 我从哪里知道系统的版本呢?
你可以从你PSP的第一个菜单里的“系统设定”选项里找到.如果它是一连串的数字,最后没有任何字母, 那这就是原生的系统固件了. (例如: 4.01就是原生系统/ 4.01M33-2就不是)
恩.. 好吧, 我试试,我认为原始的系统固件版本因该是 4.01或 4.05.
好吧, 不出意外的话,你的PSP搭载的可能就是TA-088v3 主板,
TA-088v3 主板并不兼容神奇电池V7版本. 这意味着你的PSP无法降级或者使用任何自制固件的特性。

好吧,稍等一下, 我还没有买下这台PSP!我该注意些什么呢?
PSP 2000 系列 (Slim)主机的 外包装盒上如果有一个字母 "G" 或更大的字母 的话,很有可能搭载这样的主板.
这里有一张图,看了就明白了: http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f100/NeilR_QJ/psp_version2.png
OK啦, 但是请问我如何100%确定我的PSP搭载的就是TA-088 V3主板呢?

下载这里的文件. 然后按照以下步骤进行:
第一歩: 使用附件中的应用程序“mspformat”格式化你的记忆棒.
- 通过USB连接PSP.
- 使用 "mspformat E"命令格式化记忆棒, 假设你的PSP连接上PC,盘符为 "E".
- 应用程序会要求你确认,键入 Y确认.
- 断开PSP连接.重要提示: 不要使用PSP重新格式化记忆棒 直到整个测试过程结束.
- 通过USB再次连接PSP, 手动建立 PSP目录,在 PSP目录下建立GAME目录.
下一步需要一台可以运行自制软件的PSP (也就是搭载了自制固件系统的PSP). 如果你没有的话, 可以请其他有条件的朋友帮你完成一下步骤,然后把最终产生的文件给你.
- 复制 GETIPL目录到 PSP/GAME下. 获取 3.90和 4.05 官方升级文件, 拷贝到记忆棒根目录,分别改名为 "390.PBP", "405.PBP".
- 在可以运行自制软件的PSP上运行 GETIPL 程序,程序会在记忆棒根目录下自动创建两个文件:"ipl390.bin", "ipl405.bin".
- 再次连接USB,使用 附件中的"msinst" 程序3.90 IPL安装 到记忆棒上.
- 你可以这样运行命令: "msinst E E:\ipl390.bin", (假设你的PSP连接上PC,盘符为 "E".你的ipl文件也在E盘上)。 应用程序会要求你确认,键入 Y确认.
把装载了 3.90IPL的记忆棒放入你想要验证是否搭载TA-088v3 主板的PSP, 使用神奇电池开机. 你可能获得两个结果:
- PSP开机后很快自动关机- 你的PSP搭载的不是TA-088V3主板.
- PSP保持着开机状态,绿灯一直亮着- 你的 PSP 可能是TA-088V3主板, 或者你在制作神奇电池过程中做错了什么步骤. 下一步我们将确认它.

- 再次连接USB, 再次使用 msinst命令, 不过这次使用405IPL. 请记住, 命令为"msinst E E:\ipl405.bin", (假设你的PSP连接上PC,盘符为 "E".你的ipl文件也在E盘上)。
-PSP很快自动关机. 如果之前的那个测试的情况是“PSP保持着开机状态,绿灯一直亮着”, 那么可以肯定这个PSP 100% 搭载的是TA-088v3主板.
- PSP保持着开机状态,绿灯一直亮着. 出现这样的情况, 一定是你在制作神奇电池的过程中出现了什么问题,而不是因为主板是 TA-088v3

所以,当你完成了以上的步骤, 你将 100% 确定你的PSP是不是TA-088 v3 主板

[ 本帖最后由 尛蟲蟲 于 2008-9-29 22:00 编辑 ]
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