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发表于 2004-10-15 11:30:21 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式















  ★ 你有4瓶药。每粒药丸的重量是固定的,不过其中有一瓶药受到了污染,药丸的重量发生了变化,每个药丸增加了一点重量。你怎样一下子测出哪瓶药是遭到污染的呢?  


  1. 共有多少种可能的组合方式?  

  2. 如果我们知道是哪5个字母,那会怎么样?  

  3. 找出一种解决这个问题的方法。  









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 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-15 11:31:03 | 只看该作者














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 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-15 11:31:19 | 只看该作者






  ★ 如果你想给微软的Word系统增加点内容,你会增加什么样的内容?  


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 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-15 11:31:36 | 只看该作者











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 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-15 11:39:49 | 只看该作者



不知道”。于是,乙说 :“那我知道了”随后甲也说:“那我也知道了”这两个数是'什么?


    Dim NUM, SUM, PRODUCT As Int32
    Dim Product1()() As Int32
    Dim i, m, n, Sum1(3)() As Int32

    Private Sub MyMain()
        Product1 = Nothing
        NUM = CInt(Me.TextBox1.Text)
        For m = 1 To NUM
            For n = m To NUM
                If SumOnly(m, n) Or ProductOnly(m, n) Then GoTo NextItem '不好意思用了个GOTO
                SUM = m + n
                PRODUCT = m * n
                '甲的和产生的积中最多有(n -2)个是唯一积
                If SUMtoPRODUCT_N_2(SUM) < 2 Then GoTo NextItem
                '乙的积产生的和中有且只有一个满足1、不是唯一和 2、和产生的积中最多有(n -2)个是唯一积
                '并且其余的和均满足 1、不是唯一和 2、有n-1个唯一积
                If PROCUCTtoSUM(PRODUCT) Then
                    MsgBox(m.ToString() & "  " & n.ToString())
                End If
NextItem:   Next


    End Sub
    Private Sub GetSum1()
        ReDim Sum1(0)(1)
        Sum1(0)(0) = 1
        Sum1(0)(1) = 1
        ReDim Sum1(1)(1)
        Sum1(1)(0) = 1
        Sum1(1)(1) = 2
        ReDim Sum1(2)(1)
        Sum1(2)(0) = NUM - 1
        Sum1(2)(1) = NUM
        ReDim Sum1(3)(1)
        Sum1(3)(0) = NUM
        Sum1(3)(1) = NUM
    End Sub
    Private Function SumOnly(ByVal N1 As Int32, ByVal N2 As Int32) As Boolean
        Dim i As Int32
        For i = 0 To 3
            If N1 = Sum1(i)(0) AndAlso N2 = Sum1(i)(1) Then Return True
        Return False
    End Function
    Private Sub GetProduct1()
        Dim tmp(NUM * NUM)() As Int32
        For m = 1 To NUM '????????????????
            For n = m To NUM  '??????????????
                Dim meme() As Int32 = tmp(m * n)
                If meme Is Nothing Then
                    ReDim meme(2)
                    ReDim Preserve meme(meme.Length + 1)
                End If

                meme(meme.Length - 1) = m
                meme(meme.Length - 2) = n
                meme(0) += 1
                tmp(m * n) = meme
                meme = Nothing
        For i = 1 To NUM * NUM
            If Not tmp(i) Is Nothing AndAlso tmp(i)(0) = 1 Then
                For m = 1 To tmp(i).GetUpperBound(0) Step 2
                    If Product1 Is Nothing Then
                        ReDim Product1(0)
                        ReDim Product1(0)(1)
                        ReDim Preserve Product1(Product1.Length)
                        ReDim Product1(Product1.Length - 1)(1)
                    End If
                    Product1(Product1.Length - 1)(0) = tmp(i)(m)
                    Product1(Product1.Length - 1)(1) = tmp(i)(m + 1)
            End If
    End Sub
    Private Function ProductOnly(ByVal N1 As Int32, ByVal N2 As Int32) As Boolean
        Dim i As Int32
        For i = 0 To Product1.GetUpperBound(0)
            If N1 = Product1(i)(1) AndAlso N2 = Product1(i)(0) Then Return True
            If N1 = Product1(i)(0) AndAlso N2 = Product1(i)(1) Then Return True
        Return False
    End Function
    Private Function SUMtoPRODUCT_N_2(ByVal SUM As Int32) As Int32
        '甲的和产生的积中最多有(n -2)个是唯一积
        Dim n As Int32 = CInt(SUM / 2 - 0.2)
        Dim i, m As Int32
        For i = 1 To n
            If ProductOnly(i, SUM - i) Then m += 1
        Return n - m
    End Function
    Private Function PROCUCTtoSUM(ByVal PRODUCT As Int32) As Boolean
        '乙的积产生的和中有且只有一个满足1、不是唯一和 2、和产生的积中最多有(n -2)个是唯一积
        '并且其余的和均满足 1、不是唯一和 2、有n-1个唯一积
        Dim tmp()(), i, m, n As Int32
        For i = 1 To CInt(Math.Sqrt(PRODUCT) - 0.4)
            If PRODUCT Mod i = 0 Then
                If tmp Is Nothing Then
                    ReDim tmp(0)
                    ReDim tmp(0)(2)
                    ReDim Preserve tmp(tmp.Length)
                    ReDim Preserve tmp(tmp.Length - 1)(2)
                End If
                tmp(tmp.Length - 1)(2) = PRODUCT / i
                tmp(tmp.Length - 1)(1) = i
                If Not SumOnly(tmp(tmp.Length - 1)(1), tmp(tmp.Length - 1)(2)) And SUMtoPRODUCT_N_2(i + PRODUCT / i) >= 2 Then
                    tmp(tmp.Length - 1)(0) = 1
                End If
                If SumOnly(tmp(tmp.Length - 1)(1), tmp(tmp.Length - 1)(2)) Then
                    tmp(tmp.Length - 1)(0) = 3
                End If
                If Not SumOnly(tmp(tmp.Length - 1)(1), tmp(tmp.Length - 1)(2)) And SUMtoPRODUCT_N_2(i + PRODUCT / i) = 1 Then
                    tmp(tmp.Length - 1)(0) = 2
                End If
            End If
        Dim count As Int32 = 0
        For i = 0 To tmp.Length - 1
            If tmp(i)(0) = 0 Then Return False
            If tmp(i)(0) = 1 Then count += 1
        If count <> 1 Then Return False
        Return True
    End Function
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-15 11:41:40 | 只看该作者


把1000 个苹果 分到10 个篮子 里
用这10个篮子能够组成1-1000 任意一个数字
例如:你拿出了3 个篮子,苹果数分别为28,34,53 这样你组成了115


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 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-15 11:42:30 | 只看该作者



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 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-15 11:47:06 | 只看该作者


迈克和托德的薪水相差 $21 。迈克的薪水比托德多 $20 。迈克的薪水是多少?托德的薪水是多少? (答案中不包含小数点)

这个问题是微软公司IT技术专家史蒂夫?多布斯曾在一次面试上遇到的, 那次面试是多布斯所经历的最令人筋疲力尽的面试之一。这个问题对应聘电话技术支持这一职位到底有什么用呢?

“那时, 我实在看不出这个问题与我应聘的职位有何相关之处,”多布斯说。“但现在回顾起来, 我觉得它和技术支持领域的确有一些类同之处, 通常情况下,技术方面的问题总不能轻而易举的得到答案,有时你必须从新审视你的假设,从本质上讲,它们的基本规则是相同的。”

在那次面试中尽管多布斯得出了答案,他却并没有得到那份工作。“我告诉他们我计算这道题的全部思考过程,包括我怎样用排除法将相近的答案去掉,”他说。“当我说到算出这道题目的唯一方法是忘掉‘答案中不包括小数点’这一规则时, 他们似乎对我走出了陷阱感到非常满意” (算出来的结果是 $20.50 和 50美分。答案应该是整个的数字。)

金融业做人力资源的人士也很喜欢在面试中玩类似的游戏。他们认为投资者、银行家和其它金融方面的专家都必须是能在巨大压力下仍能够出色工作的人, 许多招聘者都认为在面试的时候给应试者出一道难题是测试他们是否具备良好应试心态的一个好方法。市场营销业人力资源的人士也很乐意给面试者一些坚难的挑战,例如,请为一个 19 世纪 50 年代的音频电话设计一个行销方案等等。

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 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-15 11:53:36 | 只看该作者





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 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-15 11:59:27 | 只看该作者


当初还在读Chris Sells的《ATL Internals》,寻找勘误表时,找到了他的网站,然后发现了这些传说中的微软面试题,现在好像又添了不少新的题目:

Microsoft Interview Questions


我们曾经想过是不是用这里的一些问题来考我们的应征程序员,但后来一想,搞微软技术的没几个不知道Chris Sells的,大概很多人都看过这些题目了,实在没意思,就放弃了。

Microsoft Interview Questions
The following are actual questions from actual interviews conducted by Microsoft employees on the main campus. Microsoft Consultants are sometimes allowed to have a life, so questions asked of them during interviews don't really count and aren't listed.

The questions tend to follow some basic themes:



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 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-15 12:04:48 | 只看该作者
.There are 4 women who want to cross a bridge. They all begin on the same side. You have 17 minutes to get all of them across to the other side. It is night. There is one flashlight. A maximum of two people can cross at one time. Any party who crosses, either 1 or 2 people, must have the flashlight with them. The flashlight must be walked back and forth, it cannot be thrown, etc. Each woman walks at a different speed. A pair must walk together at the rate of the slower woman's pace.
  Woman 1: 1 minute to cross
  Woman 2: 2 minutes to cross
  Woman 3: 5 minutes to cross
   Woman 4: 10 minutes to cross

For example if Woman 1 and Woman 4 walk across first, 10 minutes have elapsed when they get to the other side of the bridge. If Woman 4 then returns with the flashlight, a total of 20 minutes have passed and you have failed the mission. What is the order required to get all women across in 17 minutes? Now, what's the other way?

.If you had an infinite supply of water and a 5 quart and 3 quart pail, how would you measure exactly 4 quarts?
.You have a bucket of jelly beans. Some are red, some are blue, and some green. With your eyes closed, pick out 2 of a like color. How many do you have to grab to be sure you have 2 of the same?
.If you have two buckets, one with red paint and the other with blue paint, and you take one cup from the blue bucket and poor it into the red bucket. Then you take one cup from the red bucket and poor it into the blue bucket. Which bucket has the highest ratio between red and blue? Prove it mathematically
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-15 12:07:57 | 只看该作者
.What's the difference between a linked list and an array?
.Implement a linked list. Why did you pick the method you did?
.Implement an algorithm to sort a linked list. Why did you pick the method you did? Now do it in O(n) time.
.Describe advantages and disadvantages of the various stock sorting algorithms.
.Implement an algorithm to reverse a linked list. Now do it without recursion.
.Implement an algorithm to insert a node into a circular linked list without traversing it.
.Implement an algorithm to sort an array. Why did you pick the method you did?
.Implement an algorithm to do wild card string matching.
.Implement strstr() (or some other string library function).
.Reverse a string. Optimize for speed. Optimize for space.
.Reverse the words in a sentence, i.e. "My name is Chris" becomes "Chris is name My." Optimize for speed. Optimize for space.
.Find a substring. Optimize for speed. Optimize for space.
.Compare two strings using O(n) time with constant space.
.Suppose you have an array of 1001 integers. The integers are in random order, but you know each of the integers is between 1 and 1000 (inclusive). In addition, each number appears only once in the array, except for one number, which occurs twice. Assume that you can access each element of the array only once. Describe an algorithm to find the repeated number. If you used auxiliary storage in your algorithm, can you find an algorithm that does not require it?
.Count the number of set bits in a number. Now optimize for speed. Now optimize for size.
.Multiple by 8 without using multiplication or addition. Now do the same with 7.
Add numbers in base n (not any of the popular ones like 10, 16, 8 or 2 -- I hear that Charles Simonyi, the inventor of Hungarian Notation, favors -2 when asking this question).
.Write routines to read and write a bounded buffer.
.Write routines to manage a heap using an existing array.
.Implement an algorithm to take an array and return one with only unique elements in it.
.Implement an algorithm that takes two strings as input, and returns the intersection of the two, with each letter represented at most once. Now speed it up. Now test it.
.Implement an algorithm to print out all files below a given root node.
Given that you are receiving samples from an instrument at a constant rate, and you have constant storage space, how would you design a storage algorithm that would allow me to get a representative readout of data, no matter when I looked at it? In other words, representative of the behavior of the system to date.
.How would you find a cycle in a linked list?
.Give me an algorithm to shuffle a deck of cards, given that the cards are stored in an array of ints.
.The following asm block performs a common math function, what is it?
cwd xor ax, dx
sub ax, dx
.Imagine this scenario:
I/O completion ports are communictaions ports which take handles to files, sockets, or any other I/O. When a Read or Write is submitted to them, they cache the data (if necessary), and attempt to take the request to completion. Upon error or completion, they call a user-supplied function to let the users application know that that particular request has completed. They work asynchronously, and can process an unlimited number of simultaneous requests.
Design the implementation and thread models for I/O completion ports. Remember to take into account multi-processor machines.
.Write a function that takes in a string parameter and checks to see whether or not it is an integer, and if it is then return the integer value.
.Write a function to print all of the permutations of a string.
Implement malloc.
.Write a function to print the Fibonacci numbers.
.Write a function to copy two strings, A and B. The last few bytes of string A overlap the first few bytes of string B.
.How would you write qsort?
.How would you print out the data in a binary tree, level by level, starting at the top?
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-15 12:11:06 | 只看该作者
How can computer technology be integrated in an elevator system for a hundred story office building? How do you optimize for availability? How would variation of traffic over a typical work week or floor or time of day affect this?
How would you implement copy-protection on a control which can be embedded in a document and duplicated readily via the Internet?
Define a user interface for indenting selected text in a Word document. Consider selections ranging from a single sentence up through selections of several pages. Consider selections not currently visible or only partially visible. What are the states of the new UI controls? How will the user know what the controls are for and when to use them?
How would you redesign an ATM? (怎样重新设计atm,和上边很相似)
Suppose we wanted to run a microwave oven from the computer. What kind of software would you write to do this?
What is the difference between an Ethernet Address and an IP address?
How would you design a coffee-machine for an automobile.
If you could add any feature to Microsoft Word, what would it be?
How would you go about building a keyboard for 1-handed users?
How would you build an alarm clock for deaf people?
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-15 12:11:20 | 只看该作者
How are M&Ms made?
If you had a clock with lots of moving mechanical parts, you took it apart piece by piece without keeping track of the method of how it was disassembled, then you put it back together and discovered that 3 important parts were not included; how would you go about reassembling the clock?
If you had to learn a new computer language, how would you go about doing it?
You have been assigned to design Bill Gates bathroom. Naturally, cost is not a consideration. You may not speak to Bill.
What was the hardest question asked of you so far today?
If MS told you we were willing to invest $5 million in a start up of your choice, what business would you start? Why?
If you could gather all of the computer manufacturers in the world together into one room and then tell them one thing that they would be compelled to do, what would it be?
Explain a scenario for testing a salt shaker.
If you are going to receive an award in 5 years, what is it for and who is the audience?
How would you explain how to use Microsoft Excel to your grandma?
Why is it that when you turn on the hot water in any hotel, for example, the hot water comes pouring out almost instantaneously?
Why do you want to work at Microsoft?
Suppose you go home, enter your house/apartment, hit the light switch, and nothing happens - no light floods the room. What exactly, in order, are the steps you would take in determining what the problem was?
Interviewer hands you a black pen and says nothing but "This pen is red."
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-15 12:18:10 | 只看该作者

Microsoft Interview Questions & Answers

I recently visited Microsoft's Silicon Valley campus and interviewed with the Hotmail group. If you've never had a Microsoft interview, realize that they are very different than the standard interview. You won't be asked any of those questions like, "What is your greatest weakness," or, "Where do you want to be in five years?" Rather, a Microsoft interview typically contains a number of brain teasers and coding questions. In fact, you can read interview questions from my internship interviews.

Here are the questions I was asked, accompanied with the answers right below the question! So, once you reach the end of the question, don't read any further unless you want to immediately know the answer! Anyway, here goes:

Question: How could you determine if a linked list contains a cycle in it, and, at what node the cycle starts?

Answer: There are a number of approaches. The approach I shared is in time N (where N is the number of nodes in your linked list). Assume that the node definition contains a boolean flag, bVisited.

struct Node
  bool bVisited;

Then, to determine whether a node has a loop, you could first set this flag to false for all of the nodes:

// Detect cycle
// Note: pHead points to the head of the list (assume already exists)
Node *pCurrent = pHead;
while (pCurrent)
  pCurrent->bVisited = false;
  pCurrent = pCurrent->pNext;
Then, to determine whether or not a cycle existed, loop through each node. After visiting a node, set bVisited to true. When you first visit a node, check to see if the node has already been visited (i.e., test bVisited == true). If it has, you've hit the start of the cycle!

bool bCycle = false;
pCurrent = pHead;
while (pCurrent && !pCycle)
  if (pCurrent->bVisited == true)
    // cycle!
    pCycle = true;
    pCurrent->bVisited = true;
    pCurrent = pCurrent->pNext;
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-15 12:19:18 | 只看该作者
A much better approach was submitted by 4Guys visitor George R., a Microsoft interviewer/employee. He recommended using the following technique, which is in time O(N) and space O(1).

Use two pointers.
// error checking and checking for NULL at end of list omitted
p1 = p2 = head;

do {
        p1 = p1->next;
        p2 = p2->next->next;
} while (p1 != p2);

p2 is moving through the list twice as fast as p1. If the list is circular, (i.e. a cycle exists) it will eventually get around to that sluggard, p1.

Thanks George!

Question: How would you reverse a doubly-linked list?

Answer: This problem isn't too hard. You just need to start at the head of the list, and iterate to the end. At each node, swap the values of pNext and pPrev. Finally, set pHead to the last node in the list.

Node * pCurrent = pHead, *pTemp;
while (pCurrent)
  pTemp = pCurrent->pNext;
  pCurrent->pNext = pCurrent->pPrev;
  pCurrent->pPrev = temp;
  pHead = pCurrent;

  pCurrent = temp;

Question: Assume you have an array that contains a number of strings (perhaps char * a[100]). Each string is a word from the dictionary. Your task, described in high-level terms, is to devise a way to determine and display all of the anagrams within the array (two words are anagrams if they contain the same characters; for example, tales and slate are anagrams.)

Answer: Begin by sorting each element in the array in alphabetical order. So, if one element of your array was slate, it would be rearranged to form aelst (use some mechanism to know that the particular instance of aelst maps to slate). At this point, you slate and tales would be identical: aelst.

Next, sort the entire array of these modified dictionary words. Now, all of the anagrams are grouped together. Finally, step through the array and display duplicate terms, mapping the sorted letters (aelst) back to the word (slate or tales).

Question: Given the following prototype:

int compact(int * p, int size);  

write a function that will take a sorted array, possibly with duplicates, and compact the array, returning the new length of the array. That is, if p points to an array containing: 1, 3, 7, 7, 8, 9, 9, 9, 10, when the function returns, the contents of p should be: 1, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, with a length of 5 returned.

Answer: A single loop will accomplish this.

int compact(int * p, int size)
  int current, insert = 1;
  for (current=1; current < size; current++)
    if (p[current] != p[insert-1])
      p[insert] = p[current];
    } else

Happy Programming!
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-15 12:27:26 | 只看该作者

Microsoft Interview Questions

Interviewing at Microsoft used to be different from Interviwing at other companines. However, with the advent of a new economy and the Internet things have changed dramatically in the past few years.more and more companies are adopting microsoft interviewing philosophy and hence their questions. Here is a typical set of Interview questions asked for an entry level software Design Engineer(SDE) or Internship position.

1.If you had an infinite supply of water and a 5 quart and 3 quart pail, how would you measure exactly 4 quarts?
2.If you are on a boat and you throw out a suitcase, will the level of water increase?
3.On an average, how many times would you have to open the Seattle phone book to find a specific name?
4.There are 3 ants at 3 corners of a triangle, they randomly start moving towards another corner. What is the probability that they don't collide?
5.If you look at a clock and the time is 3:15, what is the angle between the hour and the minute hands? ( The answer to this is not zero!)
6.What new feature would you add to MSWORD if you were hired?
7.Why did you pick the school you graduated from?
8.Why do you want to work for Microsoft?
9.How many Gas stations are there in the US?
10.How would you weigh a plane without using scales?
11.How would you move Mt. Everest?
12.Two MIT math graduates bump into each other at Fairway on the upper west side. They hadn't seen each other in over 20 years.
The first grad says to the second: "how have you been?"
Second: "Great! I got married and I have three daughters now"
First: "Really? how old are they?"
Second: "Well, the product of their ages is 72, and the sum of their ages is the same as the number on that building over there.."
First: "Right, ok.. oh wait.. hmmmm.., I still don't know"
second: "Oh sorry, the oldest one just started to play the piano"
First: "Wonderful! my oldest is the same age!"

Problem: How old are the daughters? :
Why are beer cans tapered at the top and bottom?

Why is it that hot water in a hotel comes out instantly but at home it takes time?

How many times a day a clock's hands overlap?

Mike has $20 more than Todd. How much does each have given that combined they have $21 between them. You can't use fractions in the answer.(Hint: This is a trick question, pay close attention to the condition)

There are four dogs, each at the counter of a large square. Each of the dogs begins chasing the dog clockwise from it. All of the dogs run at the same speed. All continously adjust their direction so that they are always heading straight towards their clockwise neighbor. How long does it take for the dogs to catch each other? Where does this happen? (Hint: Dog's are moving in a symmetrical fashion, not along the edges of the square).
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-15 12:30:23 | 只看该作者

Microsoft Interview Questions

1. The three types of DAO Dynaset,Snapshot,Table
2. Why do we use Option Explicit
3. Difference between Dim Object as object AND dim obj as myform
4. How do we make a poperty read only? Private Property Get(Read Only )
5. How do you declare an object in VBscript? Dim object
6. What is the equivalent of VBScript’s On Error In Jscript ??
7. How many data types are supported in Vbscript
8. MFC
9. Java
10. Active Server Pages
11. What are session variables??
12. In what languages in ASP written.
13. How do you create Virtual Root in IIS
14. How do you remotely administer MS IIS??
15. What is the key advantage of Windows NT Challenge/Response security?
16. What problems do the vendors of ODBC Technology face with ASP/ADO ?
18. How do you administer Connection Pooling in IIS 3.0
19. How do you administer Connection Pooling in IIS 4.0
20. What are the three Ado objects?? –Connection,command, recordset
21. Two Methods of retrieving SQL
22. How do you assign Construct the where clause without concatenating Field,
value pairs??
23. What cursor type do you use to retrieve multiple recordsets?
24. What action do you have to perform before retrieving data from the next
result set of a stored procedure ??
25. What are The three tags of a form tag in HTML form
26. What are The two tags for framesets
27. How do you create Drop Down Combos in HTML ? select Tag
28. In DHTML what is the difference between FontSize and Font Size ??
A: FontSize is a property, Font Size is a style
29. What is the tag Code Base and why do we use it?
30. How can you have different number of cells for each row of a table?

three file types in NT ? NTFS,Macintosh(HPFS), FAT
32. Describe a two tier Windows NT Domain?
33. Define and explain COM
34. What is IUnknown and what are its three parts??

35. Define Query Interface,Adref,Release
36. Do COM keep track of all the object references(Accounting)??
37. What is Marshalling
38. When is Marshalling not necessary??
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发表于 2004-10-15 12:34:21 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报


 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-15 12:35:06 | 只看该作者

Why is a manhole cover round? A Microsoft interview question.

OK, so it probably isn't an "official" interview question (if there are any), but I have asked it during interviews in the past. For me, it is simply a way to help loosen up the interviewer and have some fun, but if the only answer I get is "I don't know, why is it?", then that gives me the impression that the person either isn't trying to really interview, or that they just aren't very creative.

So, why is a manhole cover round? Heck if I know, but here are some good answers that I've heard over the years:

Because the hole is round (duh!)
Because animals dig round holes, so it feels natural to humans too
Because a circle offsets the straight lines of a city
Because it is easier to roll the cover some distance than carry it
Because it won't fall into the hole - but, the same is true for an equilateral triangle
Because it is easier to pour hot metal into a circular mold than one with sharp corners
I suppose there are more, and there is probably some web site with the "correct" answer. But I like these because I can remember the individuals who have told them to me over the years. What's your answer?
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