本帖最后由 测试积点老人 于 2018-12-12 16:08 编辑
用例:模糊搜索- 打开APP(未登录账户)
- 进入首页-搜索
- 点击热门关键字搜索
- 检测搜索到的卡是否包含Excel表中所有数据
一、 说明
数据驱动以 Read Column From Excel 方式实现,关于详情请查看个人博客数据驱动部分。
而不同型号的手机有不同的分辨率,关键字:swipe 有时无法精确定位;
- 封装关键字:APP_Sliding_Screen_by_resolution
RIDE关键字 swipe 有时因为分辨率不同,无法精确定位。所以,以屏幕分辨率封装关键字。 - RIDE关键字:swipe
- 查找唯一 的 resource-id(这个需要和开发确定。如果没有唯一 的 resource-id,通过xpath实现);
- 例如,需要定位 5 个控件,有些机型一个屏幕只能显示 4 个;
- 通过 index 定位,先找到 4 个控件;
- 再通过 swipe 滑动屏幕,查找结果
- 全局参数:U_ANDROID_DEVICES_TYPE 区分不同机型;例如,华为手机
方案:先通过 Get Window Height & Get Window Width 获取屏幕高和宽,再通过百分比实现滑屏。
库更新:Appiumlibrary (1.4.5)
最近 Appiumlibrary 发布新版本,已经封装了通过分辨率来滑动屏幕的关键字 swipe_by_percent,和 APP_Sliding_Screen_by_resolution 实现的原理一样。
- def swipe_by_percent(self, start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y, duration=1000):
- """
- Swipe from one percent of the screen to another percent, for an optional duration.
- Normal swipe fails to scale for different screen resolutions, this can be avoided using percent.
- Args:
- - start_x - x-percent at which to start
- - start_y - y-percent at which to start
- - end_x - x-percent distance from start_x at which to stop
- - end_y - y-percent distance from start_y at which to stop
- - duration - (optional) time to take the swipe, in ms.
- Usage:
- | Swipe By Percent | 90 | 50 | 10 | 50 | # Swipes screen from right to left. |
- _*NOTE: *_
- This also considers swipe acts different between iOS and Android.
- New in AppiumLibrary 1.4.5
- """
- width = self.get_window_width()
- height = self.get_window_height()
- x_start = float(start_x) / 100 * width
- x_end = float(end_x) / 100 * width
- y_start = float(start_y) / 100 * height
- y_end = float(end_y) / 100 * height
- x_offset = x_end - x_start
- y_offset = y_end - y_start
- platform = self._get_platform()
- if platform == 'android':
- self.swipe(x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end, duration)
- else:
- self.swipe(x_start, y_start, x_offset, y_offset, duration)