------20171128新增了对GET请求的支持 对于现有的项目做了部分角度的安全测试。做个记录。 工具:sqlmap
相关的参数命令可以自行百度,或者查看github:[color=#069d6 !important]https://github.com/sqlmapproject/sqlmap/wiki/Usage har包的来源很多,浏览器检查模式里右键生成,抓包工具导出等等。 步骤:
(2)全选被测接口,右键‘Export...’ -》 保存为 ‘data.har’文件,放到下面的目录位置
(3)运行makefile.py 脚本,生成测试接口数据文件 (4)运行run_sqlmap.py 脚本执行接口的sql注入检查
但最终如果存在漏洞,sqlmap会自己记录到:用户/.sqlmap/output/ip/log 文件中的。 2.脚本介绍
先简单说下我的目录结构: - <font color="rgb(34,37,39)"><font face="Helvetica, Arial,">--|sqlmap
- ----|interface_trace
- --------|interface_post_file
- --------|data.har
- --------|makefile.py
- --------|run_sqlmap.py
- ----|sqlmap.py
- ----...</font></font>
复制代码 makefile.py
- #-*-coding:utf-8-*-
- import time
- __author__="orion-c"
- import json,os
- def loadFileData(fileName):
- data = open(fileName).read()
- data = json.loads(data)
- return data
- fileName = 'data.har'
- all_data = loadFileData(fileName)
- request_data = all_data['log']['entries']
- for request_index in range(len(request_data)):
- method = request_data[request_index]['request']['method']
- if method == "POST":
- url = request_data[request_index]['request']['url']
- httpVersion = request_data[request_index]['request']['httpVersion']
- path = url.replace('', '')
- #path = url[25:url.rfind('?', 1)] #这里注意我的访问域名是xxxx:82,是25个字符,如果端口是8081等需改为27,如果是域名,改为23,下同
- title_line = method + ' /' + path + ' ' + httpVersion
- headers = request_data[request_index]['request']['headers']
- new_headers = []
- for item in headers:
- new_headers.append(item['name'] + ': '+item['value'])
- try:
- str_new_postData = ''
- postData = request_data[request_index]['request']['postData']['params']
- new_postData = []
- for params_item_index in range(len(postData)):
- if params_item_index < len(postData) -1 :
- new_postData.append(postData[params_item_index]['name']+'='+postData[params_item_index]['value']+'&')
- else:
- new_postData.append(postData[params_item_index]['name'] + '=' + postData[params_item_index]['value'])
- for i in new_postData:
- str_new_postData = str_new_postData + i
- title = path.replace('/', '_')
- filePath = "interface_post_file\\%s.txt" % title
- int_tm = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
- tm = str(int_tm)
- if os.path.exists(filePath):
- new_file = title + tm
- filePath = "interface_post_file\\%s.txt" % new_file
- with open(filePath, "a") as f: # 格式化字符串还能这么用!
- f.writelines(title_line + '\n')
- for i in new_headers:
- f.writelines(i + '\n')
- f.writelines(' ' + '\n')
- f.writelines(str_new_postData)
- except:
- title = path.replace('/', '_')
- with open("interface_post_file\\%s.txt" % title, "a") as f: # 格式化字符串还能这么用!
- f.writelines(title_line + '\n')
- for i in new_headers:
- f.writelines(i + '\n')
- if method == "GET":
- url = request_data[request_index]['request']['url']
- path = url[25:url.rfind('?', 1)]
- path_and_parms = url[25:len(url)]
- httpVersion = request_data[request_index]['request']['httpVersion']
- title_line = method + ' /' + path_and_parms + ' ' + httpVersion
- headers = request_data[request_index]['request']['headers']
- new_headers = []
- for item in headers:
- new_headers.append(item['name'] + ': ' + item['value'])
- try:
- title = path.replace('/', '_')
- filePath = "interface_post_file\\%s.txt" % title
- int_tm = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
- tm = str(int_tm)
- if os.path.exists(filePath):
- new_file = title + tm
- filePath = "interface_post_file\\%s.txt" % new_file
- with open(filePath, "a") as f:
- f.writelines(title_line + '\n')
- for i in new_headers:
- f.writelines(i + '\n')
- except:
- title = path.replace('/', '_')
- with open("interface_post_file\\%s.txt" % title, "a") as f:
- f.writelines(title_line + '\n')
- for i in new_headers:
- f.writelines(i + '\n')
- #-*-coding:utf-8-*-
- __author__="orion-c.win"
- import os
- # 遍历指定目录,显示目录下的所有文件名
- here = os.getcwd()
- interface_post_file = here+'\interface_post_file'
- pathDir = os.listdir(interface_post_file)
- file_paths = []
- for allDir in pathDir:
- child = os.path.join('%s\%s' % (interface_post_file, allDir))
- file_paths.append(child.decode('gbk')) # .decode('gbk')是解决中文显示乱码问题
- os.chdir('..')
- for file_path_index in range(len(file_paths)):
- #os.system('python sqlmap.py -r %s --batch >> result.txt'%file_paths[file_path_index])
- os.system('python sqlmap.py -r %s --batch'%file_paths[file_path_index])