1. 如果是基于浏览器操作的应用,用url-based和html-based效果一样
但是刚才查了一下For normal browser recordings, it is not recommended to use the URL-based mode since is more prone to correlation related issues. If, however, you are recording pages such as applets and non-browser applications, this mode is ideal.
意思是如果是普通的html,还是不建议用html-base方法,后面的原因(since is more prone to correlation related issues.)我也没太看明白.. 哪位看明白了说说~~
2. 如果不是基于浏览器的,用html方法可能录制不出来,或者说录制不出所有的交互。那样的话,当然需要用url-based方法。
[ 本帖最后由 hmilyjch 于 2008-5-8 16:12 编辑 ] |