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[原创] CSTE学习笔记(持续更新...)



发表于 2013-2-4 15:29:16 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 Ancora_Du 于 2013-2-4 16:23 编辑

 Skill Category 1-Software Testing Principles and ConceptsTime Schedule
Actual Complete TimeCompetency Rating
Skill#Skill DescriptionFullSomeNone

Quality Assurance versus Quality Control
1.2The Cost of Quality   
1.3Software Quality Factors   
1.4How Quality is Defined   
1.5Why Do We Test Software?

Developers are not Good Testers
1.6What is a Defect?     
1.7What is Quality Software?     
1.8Why does a Development Process Produce Defects?     
1.9Reducing the Frequency of Defects in Software Development     
1.10The Mutiple Roles of the Software Tester

People Relationships
1.11Scope of Testing     
1.12When should testing Occur?     
1.13How the test plan should be developed     
1.14Testing constraints     
1.15Life Cycle Testing     
1.16Test Matrices

Cascading test matrices
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-4 15:31:54 | 只看该作者
1.17Independent Testing     
1.18Tester's Workbench

What is a process?
1.19Levels of Testing

The "V" concept of testing
1.20Testing Techniques

Structual versus Functional Technique Categories
1.21Verification versus Validation     
1.22Status versus Dynamic Testing     
1.23Examples of Specific Testing Techniques     
1.24Combining Specific Testing Techniques     
2.25Management Support

Management Tone
2.26Integrity and Ethicak Values     
2.27Commitment to Competence     
2.28Management's Philosophy and Operationg Style     
2.29Organizational Structure     
2.30Test Work Processes

The importance of work process
2.31Responsibility for Building Work Processes     
2.32Developing Work Processes     
2.33Test Work Processes     
2.34Analysis and Improvement of the Test Process     
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-4 15:33:16 | 只看该作者
2.35Test Tools

Tool Development and Acquisition
2.36Tool Usage     
2.37Testers Competency     
3.38Test Administration

Test Planning
3.39Customization of the Test Process     
3.43Test Supervision

Communication Skills
3.44Negotiation and Complaint Resolution Skills     
3.46Providing Constructive Criticism     
3.47Project Relationships     
3.48Motivation,Mentoring and Recognition     
3.49Test Leadership

Chairing Meetings
3.50Team Building     
3.51Quality Management Organizational Structure     
3.52Code of Ethics     
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-4 15:34:46 | 只看该作者
3.53Managing Change

Software configuration management
3.54Change management     
4.55Risk Concepts and Vacabulary     
4.56Risks Associated with Software Development     
4.57Risks Associated with Software Testing

Premature Release Risk
4.58Risk Analysis

Risk Analysis Process
4.59Risk Management

Risk Reduction Methods
4.60Contingency Planning     
4.61Prerequisites To Test Planning

Test Objectives
4.62Acceptance Criteria     
4.64People Issues     
4.66Creat the Test Plan

Understand the Characteristics of the Software being Developed
4.67Build The test Plan     
4.68Write the Test Plan     
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-4 15:35:18 | 只看该作者
5.69Test Case Design

Functional Test Cases
5.70Structural Test Cases     
5.71Erroneous Test Cases     
5.72Stress Test Cases     
5.73Test Scripts     
5.74Use Cases     
5.75Building Test Cases

Process for Building Test Cases
5.76Example of Creating Test Cases for a Payroll Application     
5.77Test Coverage     
5.78Performing Tests

5.79Test Cycle Strategy     
5.80Use of Tools in Testing     
5.81Perform Tests     
5.82When is Testing Complete?     
5.83General Concerns     
5.84Recording Test Results

Problem Deviation
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-4 15:35:50 | 只看该作者
5.85Problem Effect     
5.86Problem Cause     
5.87Use of Test Results     
5.88Defect Management

Defect Naming
5.89The Defect Management Process     
6.90Prerequisites to Test Reporting

Define and Collect Test Status Data
6.91Define Test Metrics used in Reporting     
6.92Define Effective Test Metrics     
6.93Test Tools Used to Build Test Reports

Pareto Charts
6.94Pareto Voting
6.95Cause and Effect Diagrams     
6.98Run Charts     
6.99Scatter Plot Diagrams     
6.100Regression Analysis     
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-4 15:36:13 | 只看该作者
6.101Multivariate Analysis     
6.102Control Charts     
6.103Test Tools used to Enhance Test Reporting
6.104Quality Function Deployment     
6.105Reporting Test Results

Current Status Test Reports
6.106Final Test Reports
6.107Guidelines for Report Writing     
7.108Acceptance Test Concepts

Difference between Acceptance Test and System Test
7.109Roles and Responsibilities

Users' Role
7.110Software Tester's Role     
7.111Acceptance Test Planning

Acceptance Criteria
7.112Acceptance Test Plan     
7.113Use Case Test Data     
7.114Acceptance Test Execution

Excute the Acceptance Test Plan
7.115Acceptance Decision     
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-4 15:37:19 | 只看该作者
8.116Challenges in Testing Acquired Software

Purchased COTS Software
8.117Contracted Software     
8.118COTS Software Test Process

Assure Completeness of Needs Specification
8.119Define Critical Success Factor     
8.120Detemine Compatibility with your Computer Environment     
8.121Assure the Software can be Integrated into Your Business System work Flow     
8.122Demonstrate the Software in Operation     
8.123Evaluate the People Fit     
8.124Acceptance Test the COTS Software     
8.125Contracted Software Test Process

Assure the Process for Contracting Software in Adequate
8.126Review the Adequacy of the Contractor's Test plan
8.127Assure Development Effective and Efficient     
8.128Perform Acceptance Testing on the Software     
8.129Issue a Report on the Adequacy of the Software to Meet the Needs of the Oragnization     
8.130Ensure Knowledge Transfer Occurs and Intellectual Property Rights are Organization     
8.131Incorporate Copyrighted Material into the Contractor's Manuals     
8.132Assure the Ongoing Operation and Maintenance of the Contracted Software     
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-4 15:37:49 | 只看该作者
8.133Assure the Effectiveness of Contractual Relations     
9.134Principles and Concepts of Internal Control

Internal control responsibilities
9.135Software Tester's Internal Control Responsibilities     
9.136Internal Auditor's Internal Control Responsibilities     
9.137Risk verus Control     
9.138Environmental verus Transaction Processing Controls     
9.139Preventive, Detective and Corrective Controls     
9.140Internal Control Models

COSO Enterprise Risk Management(ERM)Models
9.141COSO Internal Control Framework Model     
9.142CobiT Model     
9.143Testing Internal Controls

Perform Risk Assesment
9.144Test Transacition Processing Controls     
9.145Testing Security Controls

Task1-Where Security is Vulnerable to Penetration
9.146Task 2 - Building a Penetration Point Matrix
9.147Task 3 - Asses Security Awareness Training     
9.148Task 4 - Understanding the Attributes of an Effective Security Control     
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-4 15:38:19 | 只看该作者
9.149Task 5 - Selecting Techniques to Test Security     
10.150Risk Associated with New Technology     
10.151Newer IT Tecnology that impact Software Testing

Web-Based Applications
10.152Distributed Application Architecture     
10.153Wireless Technologies     
10.154New Application Business Models     
10.155New Comminication Methods     
10.156Wireless Local Area Networks     
10.157New Testing Tools     
10.158Testing the effectiveness of Integrating New Technologies

Detimine the process Maturity Level of the New Technology
10.159Test the Controls over Implementing the New Technology     
10.160Test the Adequacy of Staff Skills to Use the Tecnology     
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-5 10:48:17 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Ancora_Du 于 2013-2-5 10:49 编辑

第一课  2013.2.5

The difference between quality assurance and quality control

Testing is a Quality Control Activity

Quality methods can be segmented into two categories: preventive methods and detective methods.

Quality has two working definitions:

Producer’s Viewpoint – The quality of the product meets the requirements.

Customer’s Viewpoint – The quality of the product is “fit for use” or meets the customer’s needs.

Quality Assurance

Quality assurance is a planned and systematic set of activities necessary to provide adequate confidence that products and services will confirm to specified requirements and meet user needs.


Quality Control

Quality control activities focus on identifying defects in the actual products produced. These activities begin at the start of the software development process with reviews of requirements, and continue until all application testing is complete.

Quality control relates to a specific product or service

Quality control verifies whether specific attribute are in, or are not in, a specific product or service.

Quality control identifies defects for the primary purpose of correcting defects.

Quality control is the responsibility of the team/worker

Quality control is concerned with a specific product

Quality assurance helps establish process

Quality assurance sets up measurement programs to evaluate process

Quality assurance identifies weakness in processes and improves them

Quality assurance is a management responsibility, frequently performed by a staff function

Quality assurance is concerned with all of the products that will ever be produced by a process

Quality assurance is sometimes called quality control over quality control because it evaluates whether quality control is working

Quality assurance personnel should not ever perform quality control unless it is to validate quality control

The Cost of Quality

The cost of quality is all the costs that occur beyond the cost of producing the product “right the first time.” Cost of Quality is a term used to quantify the total cost of prevention and appraisal, and costs associated with the production of software. It includes all costs associated with the prevention, identification, and correction of product defects.

The three categories of costs associated with producing quality products are:

lPrevention Costs

lAppraisal Costs

lFailure Costs

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