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  • TA的每日心情

    2018-3-9 11:42
  • 签到天数: 2 天

    连续签到: 1 天


    发表于 2005-8-5 15:08:34 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
    简  历
    性    别:  男
    出生日期: 1981年04月11日
    学    历: 上海大学通信工程 99届本科
    户    口:  上海
    地    址:  上海市场中路1310弄2号502室
    邮    编:  200435
    电子邮件: tbya@yeah.net
    联系电话: 021-54242775


    2002/10--2002/11: 上海思科网络 CCNA\CCNP高级教程
    2003/01--2003/02: 上海联通国脉股份有限公司 CDMA网络优化  

    1999/09: 1999年度一等奖学金  
    2001/09: 2001年度单项奖学金
    2002/09: 2002年度一等奖学金
    2001/05: 全国无线电测向比赛上海赛区大学组团体第一名  
    2001/05: 全国无线电测向比赛上海赛区大学组个人第六名  
    2002/06: “上小杯”无线电测向大赛大学组团体第一名  
    2002/06: “上小杯”无线电测向大赛大学组个人第二名  
    2002/10: 上海市市运会无线电测向比赛团体第六名  

    2003/02--2004/04: 上海联通国脉股份有限公司
    2004/05—2005/03  上海全土豆网络科技有限公司

    7、熟悉测试工具CppUnit、TCL、Rational Purify、Rational True Coverage、Ratioanl Robot、MI WinRunner、MI LoadRunner和常用的配置管理工具的使用。

    1、        熟练掌握C/C++、熟悉VB、PB、汇编语言。能熟练运用VC++。
    2、        熟悉数据库原理以及相关编程(SQL)。
    3、        熟悉计算机操作系统原理,了解Windows操作系统内部机制。
    4、        熟悉计算机网络的相关知识,熟练掌握路由器配置。
    5、        熟悉CDMA网络相关知识,能熟练运用相关维护及测试工具。
    6、        熟悉P2P协议以及其部分相关软件的HASH算法。

    My Resume
    Sex :   Mail
    Date of Birth : April 11,1981
    Native place : Shanghai
    Telephone : 021-54242775
    E-mail : tbya@yeah.net
    Address : Room 502, Num.2, Lane 1310, Road Changzhong, Shanghai
    Postal code : 200435

    Education : Communication Engineering Department of Shanghai University, B.E

    Self Assessment :
    I have the qualities of diligence, enthusiasm, team spirit, insatiable curiosity and independent thinking.

    Training :
    Oct.2002~Nov.2002   advanced course of CCNA\CCNP, Shanghai Cisco Networking
    Jan.2003~Feb.2003  the course of CDMA Network Optimization, Shanghai Guomai Communications CO., LTD.

    Honors& Awards :
    First-grade scholarship for the year of 1999    (Sep.1999)
    Scholarship of individual event for the year of 2001    (Sep.2001)
    First-grade scholarship for the year of 2002    (Sep.2002)
    First team prize for the undergraduate group of the National Radio Sensing Competition in Shanghai    (May.2001)
    Sixth individual prize for the undergraduate group of the National Radio Sensing Competition in Shanghai    (May.2001)
    First team prize for the university group of “Shangxiao Cup” Radio Sensing Competition  (Jun.2002)  
    Second individual prize for the university group of “Shangxiao Cup” Radio Sensing Competition    (Jun.2002)
    Sixth team prize of the Radio Sensing Competition at Shanghai Sports Meeting    (Oct.2002)

    Work experience
    Feb.2003~Apr.2004    Shanghai Guomai Communications CO., LTD.
    May.2004~Mar.2005   Shanghai “Full Potatoes ” Network& Science CO., LTD.

    Professional qualities of software testing :
    1.Master the life cycle of software testing and be familiar with CMM architecture.
    2.Master proficiently the design procedure and the writing standard of software testing case including unit testing, integration testing and design of systematic testing case.
    3.Master all kinds of approaches on function testing, significance testing, configuration and compatibility testing and GUI testing, which are based on B/S、C/S structural system.
    4.Master the writing methods of testing plan, testing scheme, testing daily testing report for software.
    5.Master the related knowledge of demand management, defect management, configuration management and regular look-up for software.
    6.Mater the look-up approaches on the direction of software requirements and specifications, preliminary design and detailed design.
    7.Be familiar with the testing tools of CppUnit, TCL, Rational Purify, Rational True Coverage, Ratioanl Robot, MI WinRunner and MI LoadRunner and the use of typic configuration management.

    Others :
    1.        Master and use proficiently C/C++, VB, PB, assemble language and VC++.
    2.        Be familiar with the principle of database and the related programming (SQL).
    3.        Be familiar with the principle of computer operating system and know about the int mechanism of WINDOWS operating system.
    4.        Be familiar with the related knowledge of computer network and master proficiently router configuration.
    5.        Be familiar with the correlative knowledge about CDMA and use proficiently the related maintaining and testing tools.
    Be familiar with the agreement of P2P and HASH algorithm of a part of the related software.
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  • TA的每日心情

    2018-3-9 11:42
  • 签到天数: 2 天

    连续签到: 1 天


     楼主| 发表于 2005-8-5 15:10:29 | 只看该作者
    复旦金仕达 测试组长
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