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  • TA的每日心情
    2017-1-13 09:34
  • 签到天数: 1 天

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    发表于 2017-1-13 09:57:22 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
    import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
    import os
    import sys
    import subprocess as sp
    import time
    import logging
    import re
    import codecs
    import datetime
    import ui_hooks
    import socket
    import threading

    WINDOW_FACTOR = ['index', 'text', 'resource-id', 'class', 'package', 'visible', 'content-desc', 'checkable',
                  'checked', 'clickable', 'enabled', 'focusable', 'focused', 'scrollable', 'long-clickable',
                  'password', 'bottom', 'selected', 'bounds']


    def get_data(address):
        temp = ''
        f1 = open(address,'r')
        temp = f1.read()
        result = eval(temp)
        return result

    class Operator:
        def __init__(self,device_id='',log_class=None,log_path='',**kwargs):
            self.device_id = device_id
            self.log_class = log_class
            self.log_path = log_path
            self.current_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
            self.home_dir = os.path.expanduser('~')
            if not os.path.isdir(self.log_path):
                except OSError:
            self.failure_pic_location = os.path.join(self.log_path,'screenshots')
            if not os.path.isdir(self.failure_pic_location):
                except OSError:
            self.temporary = os.path.join(self.log_path,'temp')
            if not os.path.isdir(self.temporary):
                except OSError:
            self.hooks = ui_hooks.Hooks(self.device_id)      


        def get_instance(self):
            op = Operator(self.device_id,self.log_class,self.log_path)
            return op

        def decode_utf(self,var):
            utype = codecs.lookup("utf-8")
            return utype.decode(var)[0]

        def update_dictory(self,dictory):
            keys_list = dictory.keys()
            values_list = dictory.values()
            for i in range(len(keys_list)):
                temp[keys_list] = self.decode_utf(values_list)
            return temp   
        def search(self,**kwargs):
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    使用道具 举报

  • TA的每日心情
    2017-1-13 09:34
  • 签到天数: 1 天

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     楼主| 发表于 2017-1-13 10:00:05 | 只看该作者
        def search(self,**kwargs):
                global paras_dictory,retry_time
            temp = kwargs
            paras_dictory = self.update_dictory(temp)
            if paras_dictory.has_key("retry_time"):
                retry_time = paras_dictory["retry_time"]
                retry_time = None
            return self.judge(paras_dictory,retry_time)

        def judge(self,dic,retry_time):
            timer = 0      
            global xml_path   
            xml_path = self.get_xml()
            if xml_path is None:
                print "Error : can not generate window dump file."
                panel = None
                return panel
                if retry_time is not None:
                    while 1:
                        if timer < int(retry_time):
                            if self.parse_window_dump(paras_dictory) is None:
                                print "Warnning : there is no view or many views match your require, retry again!"
                                op = self.get_instance()
                                panel = Panel(op)
                                return panel
                            panel = None
                            return panel
                    if self.parse_window_dump(paras_dictory) is None:
                        print "Warnning : there is no view or many views match your require, start to search hooks library...!"
                        status = self.hooks.parse()
                        # if status is True, it means find corresponding frame and click next button to skip this frame
                        if status:
                            panel = None
                            return panel
                        op = self.get_instance()
                        panel = Panel(op)
                        return panel

        def get_intents_dictory(self):
            bluesea_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.current_path,os.pardir))
                app_intents_file_path = os.path.join(bluesea_dir,'repository/intent_list.cfg')
            return get_data(app_intents_file_path)

        def hardware(self,**kwargs):          
            executor = self.get_instance()
            dut = Device(executor)
            return dut

        def get_all_nodes(self):
            parser = ET.parse(xml_path)
            root = parser.getroot()
            node_instance_list = root.iter('node')
            return node_instance_list

        def get_scrollable_view(self):
                for ins in self.get_all_nodes():
                    if ins.attrib["scrollable"] == "true":
                        bound = ins.get("bounds")
                        bound = None
                return bound
    回复 支持 反对

    使用道具 举报

  • TA的每日心情
    2017-1-13 09:34
  • 签到天数: 1 天

    连续签到: 1 天


     楼主| 发表于 2017-1-13 10:01:08 | 只看该作者
        def native_is_screen_lock(self):
                is_screen_lock = False
                for ins in self.get_all_nodes():
                    id_collector = ins.attrib['resource-id']
                    if "id/lock_icon" in id_collector.strip('\n'):
                        is_screen_lock = True
                return is_screen_lock

        def parse_window_dump(self,parametres=None):
            r1 = r'[A-Za-z]+:id/(\w+)'
            bound = None
            p_counter = []
            bound_list = []       
            counter_id = 0
            counter_index = 0
            counter_desc = 0
            counter_pack = 0
            counter_text = 0
            counter_enabled = 0
            false_flag = 0
            if parametres.has_key('id'):
                view_id = parametres['id']
            if parametres.has_key('text'):
                view_text = parametres['text']
            if parametres.has_key('description'):
                view_description = parametres['description']
            if parametres.has_key('index'):
                view_index = parametres['index']
            if parametres.has_key('package'):
                view_package = parametres['package']
            if parametres.has_key('enabled'):
                view_enabled = parametres['enabled']

            if len(p_counter) == 0:
                print "Error : invalid input, there is no useful parameter given!!!"
            for factor in self.get_all_nodes():
                id_collector = factor.attrib['resource-id']
                text_collector = factor.attrib['text']  
                index_collector = factor.attrib['index']
                desc_collector = factor.attrib['content-desc']
                pack_collector = factor.attrib['package']
                enabled_collector = factor.attrib['enabled']
                for your_input in p_counter:
                    id_strs = re.findall(r1,id_collector.strip('\n'))
                    id_string = id_strs
                    if not id_strs == []:
                        id_string = id_collector.strip('\n\r')   
                    if your_input == id_string:
                        bound_id = factor.get("bounds")
                        counter_id +=1
                    if your_input == text_collector.strip('\n'):
                        bound_text = factor.get("bounds")
                        counter_text +=1
                    if your_input == index_collector.strip('\n'):
                        bound_index = factor.get("bounds")
                        counter_index +=1
                    if your_input == desc_collector.strip('\n'):
                        bound_desc = factor.get("bounds")
                        counter_desc +=1
                    if your_input == pack_collector.strip('\n'):
                        bound_pack = factor.get("bounds")
                        counter_pack +=1
                    if your_input == enabled_collector.strip('\n'):
                        bound_enabled = factor.get("bounds")
                        counter_enabled +=1                    

            if counter_id == 0:
                false_flag += 1       
            if counter_index == 0:
                false_flag += 1       
            if counter_pack == 0:
                false_flag += 1                   
            if counter_desc == 0:
                false_flag += 1       
            if counter_text == 0:
                false_flag += 1
            if counter_enabled == 0:
                false_flag += 1

            if counter_id == 1:
            if counter_text == 1:
            if counter_desc == 1:
            if counter_pack == 1:
            if counter_index == 1:
            if counter_enabled == 1:

            if false_flag <= 6 - len(p_counter):  
                    if len(bound_list) == 0:
                        bound = None
                    elif len(bound_list) == 1:
                        bound = bound_list[0]
                    elif len(bound_list) == 2:
                        temp_bound = bound_list[0]
                        if bound_list[1] == temp_bound:
                            bound = temp_bound
                            bound = None           
                    elif len(bound_list) > 2:
                        temp_bound = bound_list[0]
                        for bo in range(1,len(bound_list)):
                            if bound_list[bo] != temp_bound:
                                bound = None
                                bound = temp_bound
                    bound = None                 
                return bound               

        def get_xml(self):
                retry_count = 0
                while 1:
                    if         retry_count < RETRY_MAX_TIME:
                        shell_cmd = self.adb_shell()
                    dump_xml_command = shell_cmd + 'uiautomator dump /sdcard/window_dump.xml'
                    xml_file_on_device_path = '/sdcard/window_dump.xml'
                    xml_file_on_server_path = self.temporary
                    xml_file_origin = os.path.join(xml_file_on_server_path,'window_dump.xml')
                    xml_new_name = self.device_id + '_' + 'window_dump.xml'
                    xml_file = os.path.join(xml_file_on_server_path,xml_new_name)
                    get_xml_command = 'adb -s ' + self.device_id + ' pull ' + xml_file_on_device_path + ' ' + xml_file_on_server_path
                    except OSError as oer:
                        print oer
                    if os.path.isfile(xml_file):
                        return xml_file
                        retry_count += 1   
                    print "Unkown issue of adb, uiautomator dump file failed!"       
    回复 支持 反对

    使用道具 举报

  • TA的每日心情
    2017-1-13 09:34
  • 签到天数: 1 天

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     楼主| 发表于 2017-1-13 10:03:07 | 只看该作者
        def adb_root(self):
            root_command = 'adb -s ' + self.device_id + ' root'

        def generate_folder_locate_picture(self):
            address_picture = self.failure_pic_location
            if not os.path.isdir(address_picture):
                except OSError:
            return address_picture

        def generate_screenshot_name_format(self):
            dt = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S')
            file_name = 'screenshot_' + dt + '.png'
            return file_name

        def adb_command(self):
            adb_command = 'adb -s ' + self.device_id + ' '
            return adb_command

        def adb_shell(self):
            adb_shell_command = 'adb -s ' + self.device_id + ' shell '
            return adb_shell_command
        def execute_command(self,cmd,ignore_print=True):       
            ccmd = cmd
            if ignore_print:
                self.log_class.info("Execute command : {0}".format(ccmd))
            proc = sp.Popen(ccmd.split(' '),stdout=sp.PIPE)   
            return proc

        def check_adb_works(self,proc):

        def get_dumpsys_display(self):
            dumpsys_display_command = self.adb_shell() + 'dumpsys display'
            out = self.execute_command(dumpsys_display_command)
            lines = out.stdout.read().split('\n')
            return lines

        def bound_to_list(self):
            s = self.parse_window_dump(paras_dictory)
            temp = s.replace('[','').replace(']',',').split(',')
            return temp

        def get_centre_coordinate(self):
                c_list = self.bound_to_list()
            point_c = []
            co_x1 = c_list[0]
            co_x2 = c_list[2]
            co_y1 = c_list[1]
            co_y2 = c_list[3]
            return point_c

        def native_power_on(self):
            if not self.native_check_screen_on():
                power_on_command = self.adb_shell() + 'input keyevent 26'

        def native_unlock_screen(self):
            if self.native_is_screen_lock():

        def native_check_screen_on(self):
            is_screen_on = False
            for line in self.get_dumpsys_display():
                if 'mScreenState' in line and 'ON' in line:
                    is_screen_on = True
            return is_screen_on
    回复 支持 反对

    使用道具 举报

  • TA的每日心情
    2017-1-13 09:34
  • 签到天数: 1 天

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     楼主| 发表于 2017-1-13 10:04:06 | 只看该作者

        def native_push_up(self):
            device_resolution = self.get_max_resolution()
            max_w = device_resolution[0]
            max_h = device_resolution[1]
            if max_w =='unknow' or max_h =='unknow':
                print "Error : dumpsys display failed"
                x1 = str(int(max_w)/2)
                x2 = str(int(max_w)/2)
                y1 = str((int(max_h)*4)/5)
                y2 = str(int(max_h)/5)
                push_up_command = self.adb_shell()        + 'input swipe ' + x1 + ' ' + y1 + ' ' + x2 + ' ' + y2

        def get_max_resolution(self):
            max_resolution = []
            for line in self.get_dumpsys_display():
                if 'mDisplayWidth' in line:
                if 'mDisplayHeight' in line:           
            return max_resolution

        def take_snapshot(self):
            global xml_path
            file_path = self.generate_folder_locate_picture()
            picture_name = self.generate_screenshot_name_format()
            uiautomator_dump_file_name = picture_name.split('.')[0] + '.uix'
            uiautomator_dump_file = os.path.join(file_path,uiautomator_dump_file_name)
            file_path_device = os.path.join('/sdcard/' + picture_name)
            take_snapshot_command = self.adb_shell() + '/system/bin/screencap -p ' + file_path_device
            pull_snapshot_command = 'adb -s ' + self.device_id + ' pull ' + file_path_device + ' ' + file_path
            get_uiautomator_dump_command = self.adb_shell() + 'uiautomator dump'
            pull_uiautomator_dump_command = 'adb -s ' + self.device_id + ' pull /sdcard/window_dump.xml' + ' ' + uiautomator_dump_file

        def little_swipe(self):
            device_resolution_2 = self.get_max_resolution()
            max_w_2 = device_resolution_2[0]
            max_h_2 = device_resolution_2[1]
            x1_2 = str(int(max_w_2)/2)
            x2_2 = str(int(max_w_2)/2)
            y2_2 = str((int(max_h_2)*2)/5)
            y1_2 = str((int(max_h_2)*4)/5)
            little_swipe_command = self.adb_shell() + 'input swipe ' + x1_2 + ' ' + y1_2 + ' ' + x2_2 + ' ' + y2_2
    回复 支持 反对

    使用道具 举报

  • TA的每日心情
    2017-1-13 09:34
  • 签到天数: 1 天

    连续签到: 1 天


     楼主| 发表于 2017-1-13 10:08:12 | 只看该作者

    class Device(object):
        def __init__(self,executor):
            self.executor = executor

        def return_home(self):
            go_home_command = self.executor.adb_shell() + 'input keyevent 3'

        def press_enter(self):
            press_enter_command = self.executor.adb_shell() + 'input keyevent 66'

        def press_menu(self):
            press_menu_command = self.executor.adb_shell() + 'input keyevent 82'

        def shift_tab(self,counter=1):
            tab_key = '61 '
            shift_tab_command = self.executor.adb_shell() + 'input keyevent ' + (tab_key*int(counter)).strip()

        def shift_down(self,counter=1):
            down_key = '20 '
            press_down_command = self.executor.adb_shell() + 'input keyevent ' + (down_key*int(counter)).strip()

        def shift_up(self,counter=1):
            up_key = '19 '
            press_up_command = self.executor.adb_shell() + 'input keyevent ' + (up_key*int(counter)).strip()
        def shift_left(self,counter=1):
            press_left_command = self.executor.adb_shell() + 'input keyevent 21'
            for j in range(int(counter)):

        def volume_up(self,counter=1):
            volume_up_command = self.executor.adb_shell() + 'input keyevent 24'
            for j in range(int(counter)):

        def volume_down(self,counter=1):
            volume_down_command = self.executor.adb_shell() + 'input keyevent 25'
            for j in range(int(counter)):

        def shift_right(self,counter=1):
            press_right_command = self.executor.adb_shell() + 'input keyevent 22'
            for k in range(int(counter)):

        def push_up(self):
            device_resolution = self.executor.get_max_resolution()
            max_w = device_resolution[0]
            max_h = device_resolution[1]
            if max_w =='unknow' or max_h =='unknow':
                print "Error : dumpsys display failed"
                x1 = str(int(max_w)/2)
                x2 = str(int(max_w)/2)
                y1 = str((int(max_h)*4)/5)
                y2 = str(int(max_h)/5)
                push_up_command = self.executor.adb_shell()        + 'input swipe ' + x1 + ' ' + y1 + ' ' + x2 + ' ' + y2

        def swipe_right(self):
            device_resolution = self.executor.get_max_resolution()
            max_w = device_resolution[0]
            max_h = device_resolution[1]
            if max_w =='unknow' or max_h =='unknow':
                print "Error : dumpsys display failed"
                x1 = str(int(max_w)/5)
                x2 = str((int(max_w)*4)/5)
                y1 = str(int(max_h)/2)
                y2 = str(int(max_h)/2)
                swipe_right_command = self.executor.adb_shell()        + 'input swipe ' + x1 + ' ' + y1 + ' ' + x2 + ' ' + y2

        def check_boot_status(self):
            is_booted = False
            check_boot_status_command = self.executor.adb_shell() + 'getprop'
            grep_command = 'grep bootanim'
            p5 = sp.Popen(check_boot_status_command.split(' '),stdout=sp.PIPE)
            p6 = sp.Popen(grep_command.split(' '),stdin=p5.stdout,stdout=sp.PIPE)
            out = p6.stdout.read().strip('\n')
            if "stopped" and '1' in out:
                is_booted = True
            return is_booted

        def check_reboot_progress(self):
            reboot_execute_success = False
            if not self.check_boot_status():
                reboot_execute_success = True
            return reboot_execute_success   

        def reboot_device(self):
            reboot_device_command = self.executor.adb_command() + 'reboot'

        def input_text(self,string='%s'):
            string = string.strip().replace(' ','%s')   
            input_text_command = self.executor.adb_shell() + 'input text ' + string

        def swipe_left(self):
            device_resolution = self.executor.get_max_resolution()
            max_w = device_resolution[0]
            max_h = device_resolution[1]
            if max_w =='unknow' or max_h =='unknow':
                print "Error : dumpsys display failed"
                x1 = str((int(max_w)*4)/5)
                x2 = str(int(max_w)/5)
                y1 = str(int(max_h)/2)
                y2 = str(int(max_h)/2)
                swipe_left_command = self.executor.adb_shell()        + 'input swipe ' + x1 + ' ' + y1 + ' ' + x2 + ' ' + y2

        def pull_down(self):
            device_resolution_1 = self.executor.get_max_resolution()
            max_w_1 = device_resolution_1[0]
            max_h_1 = device_resolution_1[1]
            if max_w_1 =='unknow' or max_h_1 =='unknow':
                print "Error : dumpsys display failed"
                x1_1 = str(int(max_w_1)/2)
                x2_1 = str(int(max_w_1)/2)
                y1_1 = str(int(max_h_1)/5)
                y2_1 = str((int(max_h_1)*4)/5)
                push_up_command_1 = self.executor.adb_shell()        + 'input swipe ' + x1_1 + ' ' + y1_1 + ' ' + x2_1 + ' ' + y2_1

        def swipe_pull_notification(self):
            device_resolution = self.executor.get_max_resolution()
            max_w = device_resolution[0]
            max_h = device_resolution[1]
            if max_w =='unknow' or max_h =='unknow':
                print "Error : dumpsys display failed"
                x1 = str(int(max_w)/2)
                x2 = str(int(max_w)/2)
                y1 = "0"
                y2 = str(int(max_h)/5)
                swip_noticfi_command = self.executor.adb_shell()        + 'input swipe ' + x1 + ' ' + y1 + ' ' + x2 + ' ' + y2

        def get_through_oobe(self):
            device_resolution = self.executor.get_max_resolution()
            max_w = device_resolution[0]
            max_h = device_resolution[1]
            print "[debug] max_w and max_h is ",max_w,max_h
            if max_w =='unknow' or max_h =='unknow':
                print "Error : dumpsys display failed"
                p1 = [str((int(max_w)*2)/10),str((int(max_h)*2)/10)]
                p2 = [str((int(max_w)*8)/10),str((int(max_h)*2)/10)]
                p3 = [str((int(max_w)*8)/10),str((int(max_h)*8)/10)]
                p4 = [str((int(max_w)*2)/10),str((int(max_h)*8)/10)]
                tap_command1 = self.executor.adb_shell() + 'input tap ' + p1[0] + ' ' + p1[1]
                tap_command2 = self.executor.adb_shell() + 'input tap ' + p2[0] + ' ' + p2[1]
                tap_command3 = self.executor.adb_shell() + 'input tap ' + p3[0] + ' ' + p3[1]
                tap_command4 = self.executor.adb_shell() + 'input tap ' + p4[0] + ' ' + p4[1]

        def power_on(self):
            if not self.check_screen_on():
                power_on_command = self.executor.adb_shell() + 'input keyevent 26'

        def press_back(self,counter=1):
            press_back_command = self.executor.adb_shell() + 'input keyevent 4'
            for i in range(int(counter)):

        def check_screen_on(self):
            is_screen_on = False
            for line in self.executor.get_dumpsys_display():
                if 'mScreenState' in line and 'ON' in line:
                    is_screen_on = True
            return is_screen_on           

        def launch_app_with_intent(self,app="Native_HomePage",**kwargs):
            intent_dictory = self.executor.get_intents_dictory()
            if app in intent_dictory.keys():
                app_intent = intent_dictory[app]['intent']  
                launch_app_command = self.executor.adb_shell() + 'am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER -f 0x10200000 -n ' + app_intent
                print "[Error] there is no intent match your given application, please double check or contact author to add!!!"
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  • TA的每日心情
    2017-1-13 09:34
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     楼主| 发表于 2017-1-13 10:08:42 | 只看该作者

    class Panel(object):
        def __init__(self,panel):
            self.panel = panel
        def click(self):
            click_coordinate = self.panel.get_centre_coordinate()
            click_command = self.panel.adb_shell() + 'input tap ' + click_coordinate[0] + ' ' + click_coordinate[1]

        def swipe_up(self,times=1):
            coordinate_list = self.panel.bound_to_list()
            x1 = str((int(coordinate_list[0])+int(coordinate_list[2]))/2)
            x2 = str((int(coordinate_list[0])+int(coordinate_list[2]))/2)
            y1 = str(((int(coordinate_list[1])+int(coordinate_list[3]))*4)/5)
            y2 = str(((int(coordinate_list[1])+int(coordinate_list[3]))*1)/5)
            push_up_command = self.panel.adb_shell() + 'input swipe ' + x1 + ' ' + y1 + ' ' + x2 + ' ' + y2
            for loop in range(int(times)):

        def long_click(self):
            click_coordinate = self.panel.get_centre_coordinate()
            px = str(int(click_coordinate[0])+1)
            py = str(int(click_coordinate[1])+1)
            during_time = '2000'
            long_click_command = self.panel.adb_shell() + 'input swipe ' + click_coordinate[0] + ' ' + click_coordinate[1] + ' ' + px + ' ' + py + ' ' + during_time

        def drag_to(self,dx,dy):
            drag_to_command = []
            down_key_coordinate = self.panel.get_centre_coordinate()
            down_key_px = str(int(down_key_coordinate[0]))
            down_key_py = str(int(down_key_coordinate[1]))
            down_key_command = self.touch_down(down_key_px,down_key_py)
            move_command = self.move(str(dx),str(dy))
            up_key_command = self.touch_up(str(dx),str(dy))
            if self.get_pid() is None:
            monkey_pid_num = self.get_pid()
            if monkey_pid_num is not None:
            if self.get_pid() is not None:

        def touch_down(self,dx,dy):
            return 'touch down {0} {1}\n'.format(dx,dy)

        def touch_up(self,dx,dy):
            return 'touch up {0} {1}\n'.format(dx,dy)

        def move(self,dx,dy):
            return 'touch move {0} {1}\n'.format(dx,dy)
        def get_pid(self):
            grep_monkey_command = self.panel.adb_shell() + 'ps'
            o = sp.Popen(grep_monkey_command.split(' '),stdout=sp.PIPE).stdout.read().strip('\n')
            re_result = re.findall(r2,o)
            if re_result == []:
            return monkey_pid

        def kill_monkey_process(self,monkey_pid):
            if monkey_pid is not None:
                kill_monkey_process_command = self.panel.adb_shell() + 'kill ' + monkey_pid

        def generate_monkey_process(self):
            generate_monkey_process_command = self.panel.adb_shell() + 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/vendor/lib:/system/lib monkey --port 15555'
            p2 = sp.Popen(generate_monkey_process_command.split(' '),stdout=sp.PIPE)
            t1 = threading.Timer(5,lambda:self.kill(p2))
            if self.get_pid() is not None:
                forwad_command = 'adb -s ' + self.panel.device_id + ' forward tcp:15555 tcp:15555'

        def open_socket(self,cmd_list):
            sk = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
            for cmd in cmd_list:
                self.panel.log_class.info("Execute command : {0}".format(cmd))

        def kill(self,process):
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    使用道具 举报


    发表于 2017-9-1 10:36:45 | 只看该作者
    adb Python相结合的这一类去哪可以学一下呢
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