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[讨论] Testing4-The cost of bugs



发表于 2013-9-29 13:52:22 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式

As you will learn about these next,software doesn't just magically(神奇的) appear-there's usually a planned,methodical(有方法的,有条不紊)development process used to create it.From its inception(开始),through the planning,programming,and testing,to its use by public(被公众),there's the potential(潜在的,有可能的)for bugs to be found.

This figure shows an example of how the cost of fixing these bugs can grow over time.


The costs are logarithmic(几何级的) -that is ,they increase tenfold(十倍) as time increase.A bug found and fixed during the early stages when the specification is being written might cost next to nothing,or $1 in our example.The same bug,if not found until the software is coded and tested,might cost $to to $100.If a customer find it,the cost could easily be thousands or even millions of dollars.

Consider the Disney Lion King case,the root cause(根本原因) of the problem was that the software wouldn't work on a very popular PC platform.If,in the early specification stage,someone had reserched what PCs were popular and specified(提出,指定)that the software needed to be designed and tested to work on those configurations(配置),the cost of that effort would have been minimal.If that didn't occur,a back up(补救) would have been for the software testers to collect samples(手机样本) of the popular PCs (流行的PC机)and verify the software on them.They would have found the bug,but it would have been more expensive to fix because the software would have to be debugged,fixed and retested(需要重新调试,修复,测试).The development team could have also sent out(发送) a preliminary(预备的,最初的)version of the software to a small group of customers (给一个小范围的客户组)in what's called a beta test.Those customers,chosen to represent (代表)the larger market,would have likely discovered the problem.As it turned out(最终,到最后),however,the bug was completely missed until many thousands of CD-ROMs were create and perchased.(被购买)Disney ended up(终止于,最终忙于) paying for telephone customer support(客户支持),product returns,replacement D-ROMs,as well as(并且) another debug,fix, and test sycle(圈,轮回)。按照中文的习惯可以理解为伴随着下一轮的调试,修复和测试。It's very easy to burn up your entire product's profit(利润,收益)if serious bugs make it to the customer.

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