Problem Description: Error: "10061 - Connection refused" while running a scenario with Winsock Vusers
While running a scenario with Winsock Vusers, the user receives the error "10061 - Connection refused" while trying to connect to a socket.
This happens while trying to initialize a large number of Vusers at the same time.
Solution: Troubleshooting connection refused problems
1. Make sure that you are connected to the correct port and destination host address. If you have a network analyzer available, you can check if the destination port number and host address are what you expect.
2. Check that the server application is running on the destination host.
3. Check that the server application is listening on the right port.
4. If the problem occurs during a load test, it could be that there is insufficient size for the socket queue on the server side. To resolve this, you can
Change the server's application to handle a larger number of concurrent requests.
Manually enter something similiar to the following into the script:
while (lrs_create_socket("socket2", "TCP", "RemoteHost=LDNTAS42:671", LrsLastArg) == 10061) ;
This will reexecute the statement until the socket can be connected to.
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