A thought, inspired by the CSS2 specification
Specifications are a tool for resolving disputes. They are not a communication or teaching tool.
Sentences in a specification are the tangible and checkable evidence that a dispute among specifiers has been resolved. The specification is also used as strong evidence when two programmers have an implementation dispute, or when a tester and a programmer do. But almost no one, given the option, would choose to learn CSS by reading the specification.
That suggests that a specification should not be written to a consistent level of precision. Precision is needed only where disputes have already occurred or are likely. You can be happy when politics and economics allow you to let all precision be driven by actual, rather than anticipated, disputes.
具体链接见http://www.testing.com/cgi-bin/b ... pecification-slogan
大致意思就是说规格是用来解决分歧和争端的,而不是用来沟通的,所以规格没必要什么都写的很精确,只要把有分歧的地方写清楚就可以了,把大家最终达成一致的东西记录下来,一旦再出现分歧,就再去修改规格,记录讨论的结果,不知道大家怎么看。 |