TestLink Setup has carried out a number of checks to see if everything's ready to start the setup.
Checking PHP version:
WARNING! You are running on PHP 5.2.0, and TestLink has not been tested on versions >= 5.2.0
Warning!: You are using a M$ Operating System, be careful with authentication problems
between PHP 4 and the new MySQL 4.1.x passwords
Read this MySQL - A.2.3. Client does not support authentication protocol
Checking if Register Globals = OFF: OK!
Checking if sessions are properly configured: OK!
Checking if ../gui/templates_c directory exists: OK!
Checking if ../gui/templates_c directory is writable: OK!
Checking if PEAR modules are installed:Failed! - Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer PEAR Module is required.
Seehttp://pear.php.net/package/Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer for additional information
Unfortunately, TestLink setup cannot continue at the moment, due to the above error . Please correct the error, and try again. If you need help figuring out how to fix the problem, please read the documentation in the TestLink Wiki, or visit the TestLink Forums.