TA的每日心情 | 奋斗 2016-2-16 14:03 |
签到天数: 1 天 连续签到: 1 天 [LV.1]测试小兵
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- #-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
- import hashlib
- import requests
- import MySQLdb
- from openpyxl import load_workbook
- import sys
- import time
- class FrameWork(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.CaseSuccessful = 'TRUE'
- self.CaseFalse = 'FALSE'
- self.reportPath = '***'
- #字符串md5
- def toMd5(self,s):
- return hashlib.md5(s).hexdigest()
- #高亮
- def highlight(self,s):
- return "%s[30;2m%s%s[1m"%(chr(27), s, chr(27))
- #红色字体
- def inRed(self,s):
- return self.highlight('') + "%s[31;2m%s%s[0m"%(chr(27), s, chr(27))
- #绿色字体
- def inGreen(self,s):
- return self.highlight('') + "%s[32;2m%s%s[0m"%(chr(27), s, chr(27))
- #写入测试结果
- def report(self,fileName,caseTitle,describe,resultFlag):
- with open(self.reportPath+fileName,'a+') as fp:
- if resultFlag == 0:
- fp.write(caseTitle+':\t'+self.inGreen(self.CaseSuccessful)+'\t'+describe+'\n')
- else:
- fp.write(caseTitle+':\t'+self.inRed(self.CaseFalse)+'\t'+describe+'\n')
- #get请求
- def get(self,url,others):
- s = requests.Session()
- try:
- if others.has_key('paramms') and others.has_key('headers'):
- r = s.get(url=url,params=others['params'],heads=others['headers'])
- elif others.has_key('params'):
- r = s.get(url=url,params=others['params'])
- elif others.has_key('headers'):
- r = s.get(url=url,heads=others['headers'])
- else:
- r = s.get(url=url)
- if r.status_code == requests.codes.ok:
- return s,r
- except (requests.excepctions.ConnectionError,requests.exceptions.Timeout) as e:
- print 'connect error:%s' %(e)
- return 'flag',-1
- #post上传文件
- def post(self,url,others):
- s = requests.Session()
- try:
- if others.has_key('headers') and others.has_key('files'):
- r = s.post(url=url,data=others['data'],files=others['files'],headers=others['headers'])
- elif others.has_key('files'):
- r = s.post(url=url,data=others['data'],files=others['files'])
- elif others.has_key('headers'):
- r = s.post(url=url,data=others['data'],headers=others['headers'])
- else:
- r = s.post(url=url,data=others['data'])
- if r.status_code == requests.codes.ok:
- return s,r
- if r.status_code == 500:
- return s,500
- except (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError,requests.exceptions.Timeout) as e:
- print 'connect error:%s' %(e)
- return 'flag',-1
- #数据库操作
- def mysqlConnect(self):
- try:
- con = MySQLdb.connect(host='***',port=3306,user='***',passwd='***',db='***')
- return con
- except _mysql_exceptions.OperationalError,e:
- print 'connect error:%s' %(e)
- return -1
- #获取excel内容
- def getExcel(self,filename,sheetname):
- inwb = load_workbook(filename)
- sheet = inwb[sheetname]
- return sheet
- def executeSql():
- pass
- def getSql(keys,dic,table):
- sql = 'select '
- l = dic.keys()
- for key in l:
- if key in keys:
- l.remove(key)
- for key in l:
- sql = sql + key + ','
- return sql + 'id from ' + table + ' order by id desc limit 0,1'
- def inParamsChange(self,dic):
- keys = dic.keys()
- for key in keys:
- if dic[key] == None:
- dic[key] = ''
- elif isinstance(dic[key],unicode):
- dic[key] = dic[key].encode('utf-8')
- return dic
- #流程
- def flow(self,method,url,**others):
- others = self.inParamsChange(others)
- if method == 'get':
- s,r = self.get(url,others)
- else:
- s,r = self.post(url,others)
- if r==-1 or others['cursor']==-1:
- print 'requests or mysql connect error'
- sys.exit()
- elif r == 500:
- self.report(reportFile,caseTitle,'500 service error',-1)
- else:
- r = r.json()
- print r
- if r['code']==others['code'] and r['msg'].encode('utf-8')==others['msg']:
- if r['code'] == 0:
- p = ['code','msg','caseTitle','reportFile','params','data','headers','files','cursor','table']
- sql == getSql(p,others,others['table'])
- cursor.execute(sql)
- ret = cursor.fetchall()[0][:-1]
- flag = True
- for index,i in enumerate(ret):
- if str(i) != str(others[l[index]]):
- print i,others[l[index]],l[index]
- flag = False
- if flag:
- self.report(others['reportFile'],others['caseTitle'],r['msg'].encode('utf-8')+',valid data case test ture',0)
- else:
- self.report(others['reportFile'],others['caseTitle'],r['msg'].encode('utf-8')+',valid data case test false',-1)
- else:
- self.report(others['reportFile'],others['Title'],r['msg'].encode('utf-8')+',invalid data case test true',0)
- else:
- self.report(others['reportFile'],others['caseTitle'],r['msg'].encode('utf-8')+',valid or invalid data case test false',-1)
复制代码 以上代码是framework中的公共函数,其中flow就是执行case时的公共函数。具体的case代码实现就不贴了,设计到公司代码,可以贴一下最后的report