[-] recording
[ ] ProgramManager.ListView1.Click (1, 0, 0)
[ ] Browser.Maximize ()
[ ] LightpoleIlluminateYourPla.SetActive( )
[ ] LightpoleIlluminateYourPla.LOGIN2.SetText("tianqing")
[ ] LightpoleIlluminateYourPla.PIN2.SetText("1111")
[ ] LightpoleIlluminateYourPla.PIN3.Click ()
[ ] HomePageOfTianqing.Logout.Click ()
[-] // *** DATA DRIVEN ASSISTANT Section (!! DO NOT REMOVE !!) ***
[ ] use "datadrivetc.inc"
[ ] use "1111.t"
[ ]
[ ] // *** DSN ***
[ ] STRING gsDSNConnect = "DSN=Segue DDA Excel;DBQ=E:\demo1\demo2\新建 Microsoft Excel 工作表.xls;UID=;PWD=;"
[ ]
[ ] // *** Global record for each testcase ***
[ ]
[-] type REC_DATALIST_DD_Test1 is record
[ ] REC_Sheet1_ recSheet1_ //Sheet1$,
[ ]
[ ] // *** Global record for each Table ***
[ ]
[-] type REC_Sheet1_ is record
[ ] STRING name //name,
[ ] INTEGER password //password,
[ ]
[ ] // *** Global record containing sample data for each table ***
[ ] // *** Used when running a testcase with 'Use Sample Data from Script' checked ***
[ ]
[-] REC_Sheet1_ grTest_Sheet1_ = {...}
[ ] "tianqing" // name
[ ] 1111 // password
[ ]
[ ] // *** End of DATA DRIVEN ASSISTANT Section ***
[ ]
[-] testcase DD_Test1 (REC_DATALIST_DD_Test1 rData)
[-] recording
[ ] LightpoleIlluminateYourPla.SetActive( )
[ ] LightpoleIlluminateYourPla.LOGIN.SetText(rData.recSheet1_.name)
[ ] LightpoleIlluminateYourPla.PIN.SetText(Str(rData.recSheet1_.password))
[ ] LightpoleIlluminateYourPla.PIN1.Click ()
[ ] HomePageOfTianqing.Logout.Click ()
[ ] Script 1111.g.t - 2 errors
[ ] Machine: (local)
[ ] Started: 01:06:18PM on 05-Dec-2007
[ ] Elapsed: 0:01:01
[ ] Passed: 0 tests (0%)
[ ] Failed: 2 tests (100%)
[ ] Totals: 2 tests, 2 errors, 0 warnings
[ ]
[-] Testcase DD_Test1 ({{"wangying", 1111}}) - 1 error
[ ] *** DefaultBaseState is setting Browser active, No window was active
[ ] *** Error: Window '[BrowserChild]Home page of tianqing' was not found
[ ] Occurred in DoClick
[ ] Called from HomePageOfTianqing.Logout.Click at htmlpage.inc(274)
[ ] Called from DD_Test1 at 1111.g.t(35)
[ ] Called from DefaultRunDataDrivenTestCase at datadrivetc.inc(383)
[ 本帖最后由 kathytian001 于 2007-12-5 15:58 编辑 ] |