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发表于 2007-8-13 16:36:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

[ 本帖最后由 v_v 于 2007-8-13 17:08 编辑 ]


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-13 17:04:13 | 只看该作者

Tell me about yourself?

"to be brief" or "Here is the short version"(简单地说,……)
"Ever since I was a child, I have been fascinated with things sports and this fascination revealed a talent for Olympic...." (从孩提时代,我就对运动很着迷,而这种迷恋正反映了我在奥运方面的才能……”)
"Ever since I was a child...", 是一个值得记忆的句式。
I am fascinated with computers. (我对电脑很着迷。)
I have the talent for acquiring foreign languages(我有学习外语的天分。)
Yes, I have been heavily involved in the software business for the last 5 years. (在过去五年中,我一直活跃在软件行业。)
"With my prior experience and your current involvement in the software market, I felt that we would be an ideal match." (我的经验加上贵公司在软件市场上目前的活跃程度,我们一定会互相配合得很好的。)
Is there anything specific you would like me to elaborate on? (您还有需要我详细说明的事情吗?)Is there anything specific you would like to know about me?
1.What type of people do you prefer working with? 您喜欢和什么样的人一起工作?
2.I like working with people who work well under pressure. 我比较喜欢和能够在压力下仍能很好地工作的人共事。
3.Are there any types you don't like working with? 您不喜欢和什么样的人一起工作?
4.I don't like lazy people or people who gossip. 我不太喜欢懒惰和讲闲话的人。
5.How do you get along with your co-workers? 您与同事的关系如何?
6.I generally get along very well with co-workers. 一般来说,我与同事之间的关系都是非常好的。
7.Ever since I was a child, I have been fascinated with things mechanical and this fascination revealed a talent for mechanical engineering.... 从孩提时代,我就对机械很着迷,而这种迷恋正反映了我在机械工程方面的才能……
8.With my prior experience and your current involvement in the software market, I felt that we would be an ideal match. 我的经验加上贵公司在软件市场上目前的活跃程度,我们一定会互相配合得很好。

to be brief         简单地说,……
mechanical       adj. 机械上的,
fascination        n.迷恋
to be fascinated with sth.   对……着迷
reveal          vt. 透露,展示
talent           n. 才能,天分
to be heavily involved in sth.  在……很活跃
match          n. 相配的人或物
elaborate on         详述
sdlkfj5 sdlkfj5

[ 本帖最后由 v_v 于 2007-8-13 17:10 编辑 ]
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-13 17:12:16 | 只看该作者


Dialogue 1
Watt: Since there are other applicants on the line, we can't let you know our decision yet until all of them have had their chance to be interviewed.
Ann: Fair enough, I am willing to wait until you have come to a decision.
Watt: We will let you know probably next Tuesday. I hope to give you a positive reply.
Ann: Thank you, I will be glad to hear that.
1. 面试要结束了,考官说在所有面试者都接受了面试之后才能给出答复,这是很自然的,也是必经的程序,你要表示谅解。
2. 是的,这也是为了公平起见。Come to a decision,得出结论,有结果,相当于make a decision.
3. 一般考官都会告诉你面试答复的最后期限,这段时间里你就要耐心等待了。不要逼问考官面试的结果,这时只要做到自信,礼貌就很好了。
Dialogue 2
Watt: How long have you been this city?
Jenny: About three months.
Watt: Have you worked as a receptionist?
Jenny: No, but I think I am a fast learner.
Watt: Well, your English is very good. I have noticed that. But the problem is my receptionist must have local knowledge as well. People call us up not just to order meals. They often ask questions about travel, entertainment, etc. so I have to say I can't offer you the job.
Jenny: That's all right. Thank you for your time. Good-bye.
Watt: Bye.
1. 这段对话中的面试结果是在结束面试的时候给出的。Jenny想去应聘接待员的职位,但是她的一些条件不符合工作的要求。
2. 有哪些条件呢?接待员必须对本地的餐饮,旅游,娱乐等等项目非常熟悉,但是Jenny才来了三个月,肯定是不行的,尽管Jenny表示自己是一个fast learner,也就是学东西很快,但是Watt先生还是没有雇佣她。
3. I have to say I can't offer you the job. 也就是"我还是不能雇佣你"。这时候要表现的很大度,thank you for your time,谢谢您花费时间来面试我。这里也能看出的职业素养。
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