灰度化,二值化处理之后得到图2 百度的OCR接口调用识别还是错误 接下来可以如何处理粗曲线呢?或者突出让验证码的边界更明显? 以下为代码 - from PIL import Image
- import numpy as np
- from aip import AipOcr
- import re,requests
- APP_ID='' #这部分隐藏了
- API_KEY=''
- client = AipOcr(APP_ID,API_KEY,SECRET_KEY)
- def get_neighbor(W, H, WIDTH, HEIGH):
- neighbor = []
- for w in range(W - 1, W + 2):
- for h in range(H - 1, H + 2):
- # 边界判断
- if (w >= 0 and w < WIDTH and h >= 0 and h < HEIGH):
- neighbor.append((w, h))
- else:
- continue
- return neighbor
- im = Image.open('C:/Users/1/Desktop/2.png').convert('L')
- W,H=im.size
- im =im.point((lambda x:255 if x >180 else 0), '1')
- im.show()
- neighbor = None
- for w in range(W):
- for h in range(H):
- if (im.getpixel((w, h)) == 0):
- neighbor = get_neighbor(w, h, W, H)
- pixel = []
- for nei in neighbor:
- pixel.append(im.getpixel(nei))
- num_0 = pixel.count(0)
- if (num_0 / 8) > 0.25:
- im.putpixel((w, h), 0)
- else:
- im.putpixel((w, h), 255)
- im.show()
- im.save('C:/Users/1/Desktop/3.png')
- with open(r"C:/Users/1/Desktop/3.png","rb") as f:
- imag=f.read()
- data=client.basicAccurate(imag)
- data=str(data)
- print(data)
- numregex = re.compile(r"{'words': '(.*)'}")
- mo = numregex.search(data)
- print(mo.group(1))