本帖最后由 qd_pudding 于 2016-4-28 10:16 编辑
本公司总部SynchronossMessaging位于美国加州SanMateo,为供应商和企业提供全球领先的创新邮件信息解决方案。公司直接隶属于Synchronoss,股票代号(SNCR),其在云解决方案及软件激活系统等方面作为全球领先者。 Synchronoss(NASDAQ:SNCR)founded in December 2000, is a world leader in cloud solutions andsoftware-based activation serving communication service providersacross the globe. Our proven and scalable technology solutions allowcustomers to connect, synchronize and activate connected devices andservices that empower enterprises and consumers to live in aconnected world. SynchronossMessagingis the #1 provider of messaging solutions to Service Providers,withhundreds of millions mailboxes worldwide. We continue to excel atproviding the functionality Service Providers demand with ourflexible platform that lets them control their business, helping themcompete with over-the-top providers, leverage and monetize theirexisting investments, and protect their network and subscribers fromthe cyber threats. We have the largest market share, and offerfunctionality second to none, confirmed through independent analystreporting. Synchronoss Messaging has been in the messaging industryfor over fifteen years, and we are committed to continued innovationto help Service Provider sincrease their revenue, with completecontrol of their brand to increase their subscriber mindshare.
Platform/ Server QA Engineer Responsibilities: • Help to develop &execute automated and manual functional tests based on project documentationand functional requirements • Analyse,document, and report test findings using Critical Path's defectreporting tool • Review,Analyse and respond to requirement documents. Provide a userperspective onthe products. RequirementsEssential: • Atleast 2 years relevant work experience, in similar QA roles. • Experiencein the areas of automation, stability and performance testing. • Abilityto program one of Perl, python, shell, awk, jmeter • Abilityto automate test cases using a range of CP and industry standardautomation harnessesand tools • ExcellentUNIX skills, especially Solaris &RedHat Linux • Ability to work underpressure to deadlines, working with other departments & QA teams Advantageto have: • Knowledge of Internet &Messaging Protocols such as SMTP, POP, IMAP, LDAP, SNMP,SMPP, SyncML, HTTP • Experiencewith Anti-Virus & Anti-Spam solutions
UI Automation testing
Responsibilities: Memberof a team that develops and tests the frontend products of messagingsolution. The team is responsible for both desktop and mobilecomponents which provide messaging(Email) services, peronal addressbook and calendare/event services. All the services are runningagainst the integrated OpenWave Messaging platform. Detailedresponsibilities include: Design and implement functional test cases for product features Diagnose test results and report product bugs Maintain and enhance test framework Review product specification and documentation
Qualifications: Education: MS/BS in Computer Science, or equivalent Experience & Skills 3+ years of software development or testing experience Strong Java programming skill Good understanding in test methodology and experienced with automated tools such as Junit, TestNG or Selenium/Selenium Grid Strong analytical and problem solving skills Good communication skill and team work spirit Good verbal and written English skills
Desirableknowledge or skills: Fundamental knowledge of HTML, CSS, Javascript and XPath Knowledge/experience in Selenium or Appium will be a plus Knowledge/experinece in Git/Bitbucket is a minor plus