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[原创] 【翻译进行中】中英对照:有效的软件测试《Effective Software Testing》



发表于 2010-11-3 18:21:14 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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Effective software testing


Chapter 1. Requirements Phase

//第一章 需求阶段

The most effective testing programs start at the beginning of a project, long before

any program code has been written. The requirements documentation is verified

first; then, in the later stages of the project, testing can concentrate on ensuring the

quality of the application code. Expensive reworking is minimized by eliminating

requirements-related defects early in the project's life, prior to detailed design or

coding work.

The requirements specifications for a software application or system must

ultimately describe its functionality in great detail. One of the most challenging

aspects of requirements development is communicating with the people who are

supplying the requirements. Each requirement should be stated precisely and

clearly, so it can be understood in the same way by everyone who reads it.

If there is a consistent way of documenting requirements, it is possible for the

stakeholders responsible for requirements gathering to effectively participate in the requirements process. As soon as a requirement is made visible, it can be tested and clarified by asking the stakeholders detailed questions. A variety of

requirement tests can be applied to ensure that each requirement is relevant, and

that everyone has the same understanding of its meaning.



Item 1: Involve Testers from the Beginning

//第一节 在项目开始时引入测试

Testers need to be involved from the beginning of a project's life cycle so they can

understand exactly what they are testing and can work with other stakeholders to

create testable requirements.


Defect prevention is the use of techniques and processes that can help detect and

avoid errors before they propagate to later development phases. Defect prevention

is most effective during the requirements phase, when the impact of a change

required to fix a defect is low: The only modifications will be to requirements

documentation and possibly to the testing plan, also being developed during this

phase. If testers (along with other stakeholders) are involved from the beginning of the development life cycle, they can help recognize omissions, discrepancies,

ambiguities, and other problems that may affect the project requirements' testability, correctness, and other qualities.


A requirement can be considered testable if it is possible to design a procedure in

which the functionality being tested can be executed, the expected output is

known, and the output can be programmatically or visually verified.




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使用道具 举报


 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-3 18:22:12 | 只看该作者

Testers need a solid understanding of the product so they can devise better and

more complete test plans, designs, procedures, and cases. Early test-team

involvement can eliminate confusion about functional behavior later in the project

life cycle. In addition, early involvement allows the test team to learn over time

which aspects of the application are the most critical to the end user and which are

the highest-risk elements. This knowledge enables testers to focus on the most

important parts of the application first, avoiding over-testing rarely used areas and

under-testing the more important ones.

Some organizations regard testers strictly as consumers of the requirements and

other software development work products, requiring them to learn the application

and domain as software builds are delivered to the testers, instead of involving

them during the earlier phases. This may be acceptable in smaller projects, but in

complex environments it is not realistic to expect testers to find all significant

defects if their first exposure to the application is after it has already been through

requirements, analysis, design, and some software implementation. More than just

understanding the "inputs and outputs" of the software, testers need deeper

knowledge that can come only from understanding the thought process used during the specification of product functionality. Such understanding not only increases the quality and depth of the test procedures developed, but also allows testers to provide feedback regarding the requirements.



The earlier in the life cycle a defect is discovered, the cheaper it will be to fix it.

Table 1.1 outlines the relative cost to correct a defect depending on the life-cycle

stage in which it is discovered.[1]



[1] B. Littlewood, ed., Software Reliability: Achievement and

Assessment (Henley-on-Thames, England: Alfred Waller, Ltd.,

November 1987).

Table 1.1. Prevention is Cheaper Than Cure: Error Removal CostMultiplies over System Development Life Cycle
PhaseRelative Cost to Correct
Definition $1
High-Level Design$2
Low-Level Design$5
Unit Test$15
Integration Test$22
System Test$50

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使用道具 举报


 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-3 18:23:10 | 只看该作者

Item 2: Verify the Requirements

// 验证需求

In his work on specifying the requirements for buildings, Christopher Alexander[1]

describes setting up a quality measure for each requirement: "The idea is for each

requirement to have a quality measure that makes it possible to divide all solutions to the requirement into two classes: those for which we agree that they fit the requirement and those for which we agree that they do not fit the requirement." In other words, if a quality measure is specified for a requirement, any solution that meets this measure will be acceptable, and any solution that does not meet the measure will not be acceptable. Quality measures are used to test the new system against the requirements.

//Christopher Alexander 从事的明确需求的工作中,他描述了为每个需求搭建质量度量标准:每条需求都有一个质量度量标准,这样才可能把所有的需求方案分成两种类型:什么可以满足需求,什么不满足需求。换句话说,对于需求的质量度量标准时明确的,那么测试的任何方案都是可接受的,没有度量标准的都是不可以接受的,质量度量标准用来测试新系统而不是需求。

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使用道具 举报


 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-3 18:25:49 | 只看该作者

Testers need a solid understanding of the product so they can devise better and

more complete test plans, designs, procedures, and cases. Early test-team

involvement can eliminate confusion about functional behavior later in the project

life cycle. In addition, early involvement allows the test team to learn over time

which aspects of the application are the most critical to the end user and which are

the highest-risk elements. This knowledge enables testers to focus on the most

important parts of the application first, avoiding over-testing rarely used areas and

under-testing the more important ones.

Some organizations regard testers strictly as consumers of the requirements and

other software development work products, requiring them to learn the application

and domain as software builds are delivered to the testers, instead of involving

them during the earlier phases. This may be acceptable in smaller projects, but in

complex environments it is not realistic to expect testers to find all significant

defects if their first exposure to the application is after it has already been through

requirements, analysis, design, and some software implementation. More than just

understanding the "inputs and outputs" of the software, testers need deeper

knowledge that can come only from understanding the thought process used during the specification of product functionality. Such understanding not only increases the quality and depth of the test procedures developed, but also allows testers to provide feedback regarding the requirements.



The earlier in the life cycle a defect is discovered, the cheaper it will be to fix it.

Table 1.1 outlines the relative cost to correct a defect depending on the life-cycle

stage in which it is discovered.[1]



[1] B. Littlewood, ed., Software Reliability: Achievement and

Assessment (Henley-on-Thames, England: Alfred Waller, Ltd.,

November 1987).

Table 1.1. Prevention is Cheaper Than Cure: Error Removal Cost

Multiplies over System Development Life Cycle


Relative Cost to Correct



High-Level Design


Low-Level Design




Unit Test


Integration Test


System Test




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使用道具 举报


发表于 2010-11-4 08:41:18 | 只看该作者
i want to say after up
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发表于 2010-11-5 09:27:32 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-9 16:44:32 | 只看该作者

Attempting to define the quality measure for a requirement helps to rationalize

fuzzy requirements. For example, everyone would agree with a statement like "the

system must provide good value," but each person may have a different

interpretation of "good value." In devising the scale that must be used to measure

"good value," it will become necessary to identify what that term means.

Sometimes requiring the stakeholders to think about a requirement in this way will lead to defining an agreed-upon quality measure. In other cases, there may be no agreement on a quality measure. One solution would be to replace one vague

requirement with several unambiguous requirements, each with its own quality


[2] Tom Gilb has developed a notation, called Planguage (for

Planning Language), to specify such quality requirements. His

forthcoming book Competitive Engineering describes



It is important that guidelines for requirement development and documentation be

defined at the outset of the project. In all but the smallest programs, careful

analysis is required to ensure that the system is developed properly. Use cases are

one way to document functional requirements, and can lead to more thorough

system designs and test procedures. (In most of this book, the broad term

requirement will be used to denote any type of specification, whether a use case

or another type of description of functional aspects of the system.)

In addition to functional requirements, it is also important to consider

nonfunctional requirements, such as performance and security, early in the process:

They can determine the technology choices and areas of risk. Nonfunctional

requirements do not endow the system with any specific functions, but rather

constrain or further define how the system will perform any given function.

Functional requirements should be specified along with their associated

nonfunctional requirements. (Chapter 9 discusses nonfunctional requirements.)

//在项目之外建立一套对需求开发和文档定义的指南是非常重要的。除了最小的程序,几乎所有的程序都需要进行仔细的分析以确保系统被正确的开发。Use Cases 是一种文档化功能需求的方法,可以指导整个系统设计和测试的过程。(在这本书中,大部分的广义术语“需求”将用来标识任何类型的规范,不管是use cases 还是其他类型的系统功能描述。)



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使用道具 举报


 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-10 18:16:47 | 只看该作者

Following is a checklist that can be used by testers during the requirements phase

to verify the quality of the requirements.[3],[4] Using this checklist is a first step

toward trapping requirements-related defects as early as possible, so they don't

propagate to subsequent phases, where they would be more difficult and expensive

to find and correct. All stakeholders responsible for requirements should verify that

requirements possess the following attributes.

[3] Suzanne Robertson, "An Early Start To Testing: How To Test

Requirements," paper presented at EuroSTAR 96, Amsterdam,

December 2–6, 1996. Copyright 1996 The Atlantic Systems

Guild Ltd. Used by permission of the author.

[4] Karl Wiegers, Software Requirements (Redmond, Wash.:

Microsoft Press, Sept. 1999).


· Correctness of a requirement is judged based on what the user wants. For

example, are the rules and regulations stated correctly? Does the requirement

exactly reflect the user's request? It is imperative that the end user, or a

suitable representative, be involved during the requirements phase.

Correctness can also be judged based on standards. Are the standards being






· Completeness ensures that no necessary elements are missing from the

requirement. The goal is to avoid omitting requirements simply because no

one has asked the right questions or examined all of the pertinent source


Testers should insist that associated nonfunctional requirements, such as

performance, security, usability, compatibility, and accessibility,[5] are

described along with each functional requirement. Nonfunctional

requirements are usually documented in two steps:

[5] Elfriede Dustin et al., "Nonfunctional Requirements," in

Quality Web Systems: Performance, Security, and

Usability (Boston, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 2002), Sec.




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使用道具 举报


 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-12 17:25:14 | 只看该作者

1. A system-wide specification is created that defines the nonfunctional

requirements that apply to the system. For example, "The user

interface of the Web system must be compatible with Netscape

Navigator 4.x or higher and Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.x or


2. Each requirement description should contain a section titled

"Nonfunctional Requirements" documenting any specific

nonfunctional needs of that particular requirement that deviate from

the system-wide nonfunctional specification.

//1、一个系统宽度的需求规格说明书是这样被创建的:定义给功能需求以适应系统。比如说,“一个网站系统的用户界面必须和Netscape Navigator 4.x 或更高的版本以及 Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.x 或更高的版本兼容。”


· Consistency verifies that there are no internal or external contradictions

among the elements within the work products, or between work products. By

asking the question, "Does the specification define every essential subjectmatter

term used within the specification?" we can determine whether the

elements used in the requirement are clear and precise. For example, a

requirements specification that uses the term "viewer" in many places, with

different meanings depending on context, will cause problems during design

or implementation. Without clear and consistent definitions, determining

whether a requirement is correct becomes a matter of opinion.

· Testability (or verifiability) of the requirement confirms that it is possible

to create a test for the requirement, and that an expected result is known and

can be programmatically or visually verified. If a requirement cannot be

tested or otherwise verified, this fact and its associated risks must be stated,

and the requirement must be adjusted if possible so that it can be tested.

// 一致性验证是在工作产品中或者工作产品之间的各元素中,要保持一致,没有内部或者外部条件。可以通过提问一下问题:“在需求规格说明书中是否规范定义了所有将来要用的重要事务?” 我们可以判断用在需求中的元素是否清晰明确。比如:在需求中很多地方用到了“viewer”,根据上下文的意思不同,这个词也有不同的意思,这就会在设计或者实现时引起问题。没有清楚前后一致的定义,判断需求是否正确会变得非常困难。




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使用道具 举报


发表于 2010-11-15 14:08:44 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-16 16:31:50 | 只看该作者


· Feasibility of a requirement ensures that it can can be implemented given

the budget, schedules, technology, and other resources available.

· Necessity verifies that every requirement in the specification is relevant to

the system. To test for relevance or necessity, the tester checks the

requirement against the stated goals for the system. Does this requirement

contribute to those goals? Would excluding this requirement prevent the

system from meeting those goals? Are any other requirements dependent on

this requirement? Some irrelevant requirements are not really requirements,

but proposed solutions.

· Prioritization allows everyone to understand the relative value to

stakeholders of the requirement. Pardee[6] suggests that a scale from 1 to 5 be

used to specify the level of reward for good performance and penalty for bad

performance on a requirement. If a requirement is absolutely vital to the

success of the system, then it has a penalty of 5 and a reward of 5. A

requirement that would be nice to have but is not really vital might have a

penalty of 1 and a reward of 3. The overall value or importance stakeholders

place on a requirement is the sum of its penalties and rewards— in the first

case, 10, and in the second, 4. This knowledge can be used to make

prioritization and trade-off decisions when the time comes to design the

system. This approach needs to balance the perspective of the user (one kind

of stakeholder) against the cost and technical risk associated with a proposed

requirement (the perspective of the developer, another kind of


// 需求的可行性是确保所给出的是预算、时间、技术以及其他的可用资源是可执行的。


优先顺序让大家理解利益相关者的需求的相对价值。Pardee 建议可以用从1-5的级别来区别对需求来说是好的回报还是坏的惩罚。如果一个需求对于一个成功的系统来说是绝对至关重要的,那么它就有5级惩罚和5级奖励。一个需求也是不错的但不是至关重要的,那可能是有1一级惩罚和3级奖励。对于需求,综合值和利益相关者认为的重要性的综合指标是对惩罚和奖励的总结——第一个例子中,值为10,在第二个例子中值为4。这些知识可以用来决定在接下来的设计中先后顺序。这种方法需要权衡用户(一种利益相关者)的观点和所提议的需求相关的费用和技术的风险(开发人员的观点,另外一种利益相关者)。

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使用道具 举报


 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-16 17:01:59 | 只看该作者

· Unambiguousness ensures that requirements are stated in a precise and

measurable way. The following is an example of an ambiguous requirement:

"The system must respond quickly to customer inquiries." "Quickly" is

innately ambiguous and subjective, and therefore renders the requirement

untestable. A customer might think "quickly" means within 5 seconds, while

a developer may think it means within 3 minutes. Conversely, a developer

might think it means within 2 seconds and over-engineer a system to meet

unnecessary performance goals.

// 清晰性验证需求是通过一种准确的可用度量的方法进行描述的。下面是一个含糊的需求的例子:“系统必须快速响应客户的需求”。“快速”是一个固有的含糊词语,带有主观意愿,这将导致这个需求不可测试性。一个客户可能认为5秒内是“快速”,而有的开发人员认为在3秒内是“快速”,也有的开发人员认为是2秒内,在整个需求中没有明确的性能目标。

· Traceablity ensures that each requirement is identified in such a way that it

can be associated with all parts of the system where it is used. For any

change to requirements, is it possible to identify all parts of the system

where this change has an effect?

// 可跟踪性验证每个需求都是通过这样的方法可用识别:系统的所有部分都可以根据他过去的位置被关联到。需求的任何变化,可以在识别系统的所有部分都是在哪里变化了吗?

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使用道具 举报


 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-22 17:54:53 | 只看该作者

To this point, each requirement has been considered as a separately

identifiable, measurable entity. It is also necessary to consider the

connections among requirements— to understand the effect of one

requirement on others. There must be a way of dealing with a large number

of requirements and the complex connections among them. Suzanne

Robertson[8] suggests that rather than trying to tackle everything

simultaneously, it is better to divide requirements into manageable groups.

This could be a matter of allocating requirements to subsystems, or to

sequential releases based on priority. Once that is done, the connections can

be considered in two phases: first the internal connections among the

requirements in each group, then the connections among the groups. If the

requirements are grouped in a way that minimizes the connections between

groups, the complexity of tracing connections among requirements will be


// 从这点上看,每个需求被理解分解为可以识别和度量的单元。考虑到需求之间的联系,理解一个需求对另一个需求的影响,也是非常必要的。一定有一种办法来处理大量的需求和他们之间的复杂联系。Suzanne Robertson 建议,与其试图同时解决所有问题,不如把需求分解为多个可以管理的组。这样可以把需求分解成子系统,或者根据优先级进行按顺序发布。一旦这样做,需求的联系就可以被考虑成两个阶段:第一是每组需求内部的联系,第二阶段是每组之间的联系。如果需求是通过最小化组之间的联系来分组的,那么需求之间的联系的复杂性就降到最低。

[8] Suzanne Robertson, "An Early Start to Testing," op. cit.

Traceability also allows collection of information about individual

requirements and other parts of the system that could be affected if a

requirement changes, such as designs, code, tests, help screens, and so on.

When informed of requirement changes, testers can make sure that all

affected areas are adjusted accordingly.

As soon as a single requirement is available for review, it is possible to start testing that requirement for the aforementioned characteristics. Trapping requirementsrelated

defects as early as they can be identified will prevent incorrect

requirements from being incorporated in the design and implementation, where

they will be more difficult and expensive to find and correct.[9]

[9] T. Capers Jones, Assessment and Control of Software Risks

(Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall PTR, 1994).

After following these steps, the feature set of the application under development is

now outlined and quantified, which allows for better organization, planning,

tracking, and testing of each feature.

// 可跟踪性 允许每个需求的信息的关联和需求变化对其可以产生影响的系统的其他部分,比如设计、编码、测试、帮助等等,当获悉需求发生了变化,测试人员可以确保有影响的地方都相应地做了调整。只要一个需求可以用来评审,那么测试需求上述的特性就是有可能的。跟踪需求的状态的缺陷要在他们尽可能早地被识别,要让不正确的需求在设计和执行阶段尽早剔除,以免越往后面修复代价也越大。


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发表于 2011-3-19 16:18:28 | 只看该作者
回复 13# stream

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发表于 2011-3-23 13:30:57 | 只看该作者
Great work!
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