For LoadRunner 7.6 or above:
1. Go to Run-Time settings
2. Go to Internet Protocol:Preferences -> Select 'Options' button
3. Increase the desired timeout
The maximum value you can set for these timeouts via the Run-Time setting is as follow:
Connect timeout -> 1000 seconds
Receive timeout -> 1000 seconds
Step download timeout -> 32000 seconds
There is another function, web_set_timeout() that can be added to the script to alter the connect and receive timeout.
web_set_timeout(CONNECT, "xx");
web_set_timeout(RECEIVE, "xx");
web_set_timeout(STEP, "xx");
Note: use web.set_timeout for Java or Javascript Vuser
This function allows you to change the timeout on all the web calls after the statement. It is also not tied to the limit as you would find in the Run-Time setting's UI. For more information about this function, please refer to LoadRunner's function help references.
如果不行,还是得你自己分析原因。 |