在WinRunner安装包中,有个vbDev文件夹,其中的ReadMe记载了一个WinRunner VB support的方法。 如下:
1. Adds a reference to the 'wrvbasr.dll' component.
2. Adds a new code Module to the VB Project called "WinRunnerSupport".
3. Adds a line to the WinRunnerSupport Module:
Global asr As New WRVBASRLib.VbMod
4. Adds code to the StartUp object:
If the Startup Object is a Form, the AddIn adds the following line of code to the Form_Load event: asr.Init Forms
If the Startup Object is Sub Main, the AddIn adds the following line of code to the Main() method: asr.Init Forms
我试了一次,发现对VB控件的识别不如没加载这个DLL,尤其是对第三方的控件。 不知道哪位大虾能解释一下?这到底是怎么回事?
:s |