性 别: 男
更新日期: 2005年05月10日 民 族: 汉族
户 籍: 安徽蚌埠 年 龄: 24
婚姻状况: 未婚 身 高: 174cm
联系电话: 021-64471599
希望地区: 上海 北京 杭州
希望岗位: 软件测试工程师及相关工作
待遇要求: ¥2500元/月(可面议)
最快到岗: 随时到岗
2005-03 ~2005-06 慧谷—博为峰软件测试工作室 软件测试培训
1999-09 ~2003-07 同济大学 自动化(自动控制) 本科
中铁四局电气化工程有限公司 (2003-07 ~ 2004-12)
担任职位: 电气工程师
工作描述: 03年7月--04年12月,在中铁四局集团电气化工程有限公司从事工程技术工作。参与信号系统模拟试验和查错调试工作,信号系统顺利开通交付使用,顺利完成工程竣工文件的编写工作。
离职原因: 期待更好的发展前途
语 言 能 力: 普通话标准 英语良好
计 算 机 能 力: 熟悉C、VC++、VB及汇编语言程序设计;
软件测试职业技能: 1、熟悉软件测试流程,掌握质量评价的一般理论和方法。熟练掌握软件测试计划、测试方案及测试用例的设计方法和写作规范。精通单元测试、集成测试和系统测试的用例设计,完成单元测试、集成测试和系统测试的执行,写作测试日报和测试报告。熟悉基于B/S、C/S架构的功能测试、性能测试、压力测试、容量测试、GUI测试等测试方法。
2、熟练使用CppUnit、TCL脚本开发工具、Rational Robot、Rational Purify、Rational True Coverage、MI WinRunner、MI Loadrunner等测试工具进行针对软件功能、性能、GUI等的自动化测试,运用VSS、CLEAR CASE等常用的配置管理工具进行配置管理。
其 它 技 能: 工作认真细致,有团队精神,熟练使用Office办公软件及Visio。
联系电话: 021-64471599
Sex: male
Age: 24
Marital status: single
Tel: 021-64471599
Desired Position: Software Testing Engineer and some other relevance jobs
Skills & Abilities:
Well experienced in basic procedure of software development, Skilled in the means of Unit Testing, Integration Testing and System Testing. Being able to design testing scheme, testing project and testing case. Familiar with various testing tools, like CppUnit, TCL, Rational Robot, Rational Purify, Rational TureCoverage, MI WinRunner, MI LoadRunner and Configuration tools, like VSS and Clear Case. Knowing about software requirements management, software defects management, software configuration management and peer review. Mastering peer review methodology for Software Requirement Specification(SRS), Software High Level Design(HLD), and Software Low Level Design(LLD).
Work Experience:
2003.7~2004.12 Electronics Engineer
--Fecb electrification engineering co.ltd
Educational Background:
2005.3~2005.6 Software Testing Training
--Withub Training technology Inc.
1999.7~2003.7 Majored in automatic control
-- Graduated from Tong Ji University
Personal Ability:
I have the characterisitic for instance: honest and reliable, be happy to render helps to other, be honest and upright, be will to bear hardships, be adapt in recruit new things, have the better ability be linking up and teamwork cooperate and highly respect working mettle, harmonious by get alone with workmates, obey the orders, esteem the leaders. I hope to correct my shortcomings, brace to accept the challenge and continue to replenish myself to make what I've learned be used in working times. |