Title Summary: Set Layer Break, type the timecode which does not fall on a GOP/GOVU boundary couldn't get updated to contain one of the values that in the "Choose Layer Break" dialog which is the next GOP/GOVU boundary
Description: Steps to Reproduce:
1. Launch app
2. Set the project size to ForceDL. (seeTestcases And Instructions\ForceDLInstructions.doc).
3. Import the video asset into the Palette
I import the file named "E001_BDHD_AVC_1920x1080i2997_VBR_custom_HD DVD.264"
The file located atTestcases And Instructions\DL_Special_Encodes\AVC\MainVideo
4. Drag main video asset to the EVOB Timeline as Main Video
5. In the EVOBs Window select EVOB001
6. Drag EVOB Segment001 from EVOBs Window to the PAV Track in the Title Timeline Window.
7. Save the Project. Choose File > Save
8. Build the Project. Choose File > Build.
9. When the “Choose Layer Break” dialog appears, choose 5 or more consecutive timecodes from the list and write them down.
10. Click cancel to cancel the build.
11. In the EVOBs Window select EVOB001
12. In the EVOB Attributes Window click the Set Layer Break checkbox
13. Choose a pair of consecutive timecodes from the list wrote earlier. In the timecode field, enter a value that would be between those two timecodes.
I choose 00:02:41:19 and 00:02:42:13 were listed in the “Choose Layer Break” dialog, with no other timecodes between them. and I enter 00:02:42:00. This will be a value that does not fall on a GOP/GOVU boundary.
14. After press "Enter" button or click somewhere else. The following message should appear: "Timecode value not GOP/GOVU-aligned. The next GOP/GOVU will be entered instead. [OK]
15. Click [OK]
End Result:
The timecode field gets updated to 00:02:42:01
Expected Result:
The timecode field should get updated to contain one of the values that in the “Choose Layer Break” dialog which is 00:02:42:13
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