TA的每日心情 | 奋斗 2018-8-27 15:56 |
签到天数: 322 天 连续签到: 1 天 [LV.8]测试军长
这是从网上找到的一个方法, 但是还是找不到弹出框,RET的值为0,弹出来的就是一个ALERT的框框,各位高人指点一下迷津,本人正在学习中,不知道是什么原因捕获不到弹出框。
def check_for_popups
@autoit = WIN32OLE.new('AutoItX3.Control')
# Do forever - assumes popups could occur anywhere/anytime in your application.
loop do
# Look for window with given title. Give up after 1 second.
ret = @autoit.WinWait('Windows Internet Explorer','',3)
#ret = WinActivate("Windows Internet Explorer","")
#autoit.ControlClick("Windows Internet Explorer","","[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:1]",2)
puts(ret) #
# If window found, send appropriate keystroke (e.g. {enter}, {Y}, {N}).
if (ret==1) then @autoit.Send("{Enter}") end
# Take a rest to avoid chewing up cycles and give another thread a go.
# Then resume the loop.
$popup = Thread.new{@popups.check_for_popups} # start popup handler
at_exit{Thread.kill($popup)} |