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发表于 2021-7-1 14:23:41
- C:\Users\Administrator>python3 C:\Python36\Tools\scripts\2to3.py -w D:\python2to3\operate.py
- RefactoringTool: Skipping optional fixer: buffer
- RefactoringTool: Skipping optional fixer: idioms
- RefactoringTool: Skipping optional fixer: set_literal
- RefactoringTool: Skipping optional fixer: ws_comma
- RefactoringTool: No changes to D:\python2to3\operate.py
- RefactoringTool: Files that need to be modified:
- RefactoringTool: D:\python2to3\operate.py
复制代码 3 将EXCEL转换为xml
cd到表格和脚本所在目录,然后运行 operate.py 文件,打印如下:
- D:\python2to3>python3 operate.py
- D:\python2to3
- D:\python2to3\case.xlsx
- D:\python2to3\case.xlsx
- D:\python2to3\easy_excel.py
- D:\python2to3\easy_excel.py.bak
- D:\python2to3\operate.py
- D:\python2to3\operate.py.bak
- D:\python2to3\__pycache__\easy_excel.cpython-36.pyc
- ['D:\\python2to3\\case.xlsx']
- XX功能模块1
- XX功能模块2
- ['XX功能模块1', 'XX功能模块2']
- ('str=', '1.步骤一\n2.步骤二\n3.步骤三')
- ('str=', '1.步骤一\n2.步骤二\n3.步骤三')
- Convert success!
- 请按任意键继续. . .
复制代码 转换成功,按照EXCEL的sheet页输出两个XML文件:case.xlsx_XX功能模块1.xml和case.xlsx_XX功能模块2.xml,可以用来导入到Testlink用例管理系统中
4 代码
4.1 easy_excel.py
- # coding=utf-8
- from xml.etree import ElementTree
- from win32com.client import Dispatch
- import win32com.client
- import os
- import sys
- import imp
- imp.reload(sys)
- class easy_excel:
- def __init__(self, filename=None):
- self.xlApp = win32com.client.Dispatch('Excel.Application')
- if filename:
- self.filename = os.getcwd() + "\\" + filename
- # self.xlApp.Visible=True
- self.xlBook = self.xlApp.Workbooks.Open(self.filename)
- else:
- # self.xlApp.Visible=True
- self.xlBook = self.xlApp.Workbooks.Add()
- self.filename = ''
- def save(self, newfilename=None):
- if newfilename:
- self.filename = os.getcwd() + "\\" + newfilename
- # if os.path.exists(self.filename):
- # os.remove(self.filename)
- self.xlBook.SaveAs(self.filename)
- else:
- self.xlBook.Save()
- def close(self):
- self.xlBook.Close(SaveChanges=0)
- self.xlApp.Quit()
- def getCell(self, sheet, row, col):
- sht = self.xlBook.Worksheets(sheet)
- return sht.Cells(row, col).Value
- def setCell(self, sheet, row, col, value):
- sht = self.xlBook.Worksheets(sheet)
- sht.Cells(row, col).Value = value
- # 设置居中
- sht.Cells(row, col).HorizontalAlignment = 3
- sht.Rows(row).WrapText = True
- def mergeCells(self, sheet, row1, col1, row2, col2):
- start_coloum = int(dic_config["start_coloum"])
- # 如果这列不存在就不合并单元格
- if col2 != start_coloum - 1:
- sht = self.xlBook.Worksheets(sheet)
- sht.Range(sht.Cells(row1, col1), sht.Cells(row2, col2)).Merge()
- # else:
- # print 'Merge cells coloum %s failed!' %col2
- def setBorder(self, sheet, row, col):
- sht = self.xlBook.Worksheets(sheet)
- sht.Cells(row, col).Borders.LineStyle = 1
- def set_col_width(self, sheet, start, end, length):
- start += 96
- end += 96
- msg = chr(start) + ":" + chr(end)
- # print msg
- sht = self.xlBook.Worksheets(sheet)
- sht.Columns(msg.upper()).ColumnWidth = length
复制代码 4.2 operate.py
- # coding:utf-8
- import os,re,xlrd
- import sys
- import imp
- imp.reload(sys)
- from easy_excel import easy_excel
- class operate():
- def __init__(self, ExcelFileName, SheetName):
- self.excelFile = ExcelFileName
- self.excelSheet = SheetName
- self.temp = easy_excel(self.excelFile)
- self.dic_testlink = {}
- self.row_flag = 2
- self.testsuite = self.temp.getCell(self.excelSheet, 2, 2)
- #print 'self.testsuite=',self.testsuite
- self.dic_testlink[self.testsuite] = {"node_order": "13", "details": "", "testcase": []}
- self.content = ""
- self.content_list = []
- def xlsx_to_dic(self, SheetName):
- while True:
- testcase = {"name": "", "node_order": "100", "externalid": "", "version": "1", "summary": "",
- "preconditions": "", "execution_type": "1", "importance": "3", "steps": [], "keywords": "P1", "author":""}
- testcase["name"] = self.temp.getCell(self.excelSheet, self.row_flag, 5)
- testcase["summary"] = self.temp.getCell(self.excelSheet, self.row_flag, 3)
- testcase["preconditions"] = self.temp.getCell(self.excelSheet, self.row_flag, 6)
- execution_type = self.temp.getCell(self.excelSheet, self.row_flag, 9)
- testcase["keywords"] = self.temp.getCell(self.excelSheet, self.row_flag, 10)
- testcase["author"] = self.temp.getCell(self.excelSheet, self.row_flag, 11)
- if execution_type == "自动":
- testcase["execution_type"] = 2
- step_number = 1
- importance = self.temp.getCell(self.excelSheet, self.row_flag, 4)
- if importance == "基本功能" or importance == "P1":
- testcase["importance"]="2"
- elif importance == "拓展" or importance == "P2":
- testcase["importance"] = "1"
- while True:
- step = {"step_number": "", "actions": "", "expectedresults": "", "execution_type": ""}
- step["step_number"] = step_number
- step["actions"] = self.temp.getCell(self.excelSheet, self.row_flag, 7)
- def actions_add_div(str):
- if str:
- new_action_str=""
- print(('str=', str))
- for str_index in str.split('\n'):
- newline=str_index + "" + "</div>" + "<div>" + "" + "</p>" + "<p>"
- new_action_str+=newline
- return new_action_str[:-21]
- step["actions"]=actions_add_div(step["actions"])
- step["expectedresults"] = self.temp.getCell(self.excelSheet, self.row_flag, 8)
- testcase["steps"].append(step)
- step_number += 1
- self.row_flag += 1
- if self.temp.getCell(self.excelSheet, self.row_flag, 1) is not None or self.temp.getCell(self.excelSheet, self.row_flag, 5) is None:
- break
- # print testcase
- self.dic_testlink[self.testsuite]["testcase"].append(testcase)
- # print self.row_flag
- if self.temp.getCell(self.excelSheet, self.row_flag, 5) is None and self.temp.getCell(self.excelSheet, self.row_flag + 1, 5) is None:
- break
- self.temp.close()
- # print self.dic_testlink
- def content_to_xml(self, key, value=None):
- if key == 'step_number' or key == 'execution_type' or key == 'node_order' or key == 'externalid' or key == 'version' or key == 'importance':
- return "<" + str(key) + "><![CDATA[" + str(value) + "]]></" + str(key) + ">"
- elif key == 'actions' or key == 'expectedresults' or key == 'summary' or key == 'preconditions':
- return "<" + str(key) + "><![CDATA[<div>" + str(value) + "</div> ]]></" + str(key) + ">"
- elif key == 'keywords':
- return '<keywords><keyword name="' + str(value) + '"><notes><![CDATA[ aaaa ]]></notes></keyword></keywords>'
- elif key == 'name':
- return '<testcase name="' + str(value) + '">'
- elif key == 'author':
- return '<custom_fields><custom_field><name><![CDATA[设计人员]]></name><value><![CDATA[%s]]></value></custom_field></custom_fields>' % str(value)
- else:
- return '##########'
- def dic_to_xml(self, ExcelFileName, SheetName):
- testcase_list = self.dic_testlink[self.testsuite]["testcase"]
- for testcase in testcase_list:
- for step in testcase["steps"]:
- self.content += "<step>"
- self.content += self.content_to_xml("step_number", step["step_number"])
- self.content += self.content_to_xml("actions", step["actions"])
- self.content += self.content_to_xml("expectedresults", step["expectedresults"])
- self.content += self.content_to_xml("execution_type", step["execution_type"])
- self.content += "</step>"
- self.content = "<steps>" + self.content + "</steps>"
- self.content = self.content_to_xml("importance", testcase["importance"]) + self.content
- self.content = self.content_to_xml("execution_type", testcase["execution_type"]) + self.content
- self.content = self.content_to_xml("preconditions", testcase["preconditions"]) + self.content
- self.content = self.content_to_xml("summary", testcase["summary"]) + self.content
- self.content = self.content_to_xml("version", testcase["version"]) + self.content
- self.content = self.content_to_xml("externalid", testcase["externalid"]) + self.content
- self.content = self.content_to_xml("node_order", testcase["node_order"]) + self.content
- self.content = self.content + self.content_to_xml("keywords", testcase["keywords"])
- self.content = self.content_to_xml("name", testcase["name"]) + self.content
- self.content = self.content + self.content_to_xml("author", testcase["author"])
- self.content = self.content + "</testcase>"
- self.content_list.append(self.content)
- self.content = ""
- self.content = "".join(self.content_list)
- self.content = '<testsuite name="' + self.testsuite + '">' + self.content + "</testsuite>"
- self.content = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' + self.content
- self.write_to_file(ExcelFileName, SheetName)
- def write_to_file(self, ExcelFileName, SheetName):
- xmlFileName = ExcelFileName + '_' + SheetName + '.xml'
- cp = open(xmlFileName, "w")
- cp.write(self.content)
- cp.close()
- #遍历某个文件目录下的所有文件名称
- def iterbrowse(path):
- for home, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
- for filename in files:
- yield os.path.join(home, filename)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- print((os.path.abspath('.')))
- excellist=[]
- #列出当前目录下的所有.xml文件
- for fullname in iterbrowse(os.path.abspath('.')):
- print(fullname)
- obj1=re.compile(r'([\W\w]*)(\.xlsx)
- )
- for m in obj1.finditer(fullname):
- print((m.group()))
- excellist.append(m.group())
- print(excellist)
- for fileName in excellist:
- fileName=fileName.split('\\')[-1]
- file_data = xlrd.open_workbook(fileName)
- sheetnum=len(file_data.sheets())
- sheetList=[]
- for index in range(sheetnum):
- sheet_name=file_data.sheets()[index].name
- print(sheet_name)
- sheetList.append(sheet_name)
- print(sheetList)
- for sheetName in sheetList:
- test = operate(fileName, sheetName)
- test.xlsx_to_dic(sheetName)
- test.dic_to_xml(fileName, sheetName)
- print("Convert success!")
- os.system('pause')