[ ] Script test.t - 1 error
[ ] Machine: (local)
[ ] Started: 12:44:49PM on 02-Mar-2009
[ ] Elapsed: 0:00:13
[ ] Passed: 0 tests (0%)
[ ] Failed: 1 test (100%)
[ ] Totals: 1 test, 1 error, 0 warnings
[ ]
[-] Testcase Test1 - 1 error
[ ] *** Error: Window '[JavaMainWin]MQA V2008.3.0.1' was not found
[ ] Occurred in MQAV2008301.Invoke
[ ] Called from DefaultBaseState at defaults.inc(103)
[ ] Called from DefaultTestCaseEnter at defaults.inc(336)
[ ] Called from Test1 at test.t(1)
[-] recording
[ ] MQAV2008301.SetActive( )
[ ] MQAV2008301.JavaxSwingJToolBar.JavaxSwingJButton1.Click()
[ ] ProjectList.SetActive( )
[ ] ProjectList.Exit.Click()
[ ] const wMainWindow = MQAV2008301
[ ]
[-] window JavaMainWin MQAV2008301
[ ] tag "MQA V2008.3.0.1"
[ ]
[ ] // The working directory of the application when it is invoked
[ ] const sDir = "C:\Accelicon\mqa\bin"
[ ]
[ ] // The command line used to invoke the application
[ ] const sCmdLine = "C:\Accelicon\j2sdk1.4.2\bin\java.exe -classpath .;./QAVMain.jar;./JEF/JavaEngine.jar;./JEF/lib/mt.jar;./JEF/lib/rms.jar;./visualdata.jar;./libparser.jar;./equations.jar;./global.jar;./report.jar;./jep.jar;./eqviewer.jar;./eqchart.jar;./jhall.jar;./OOExport.jar -Xmx1024M -DMQAHOME=""C:\Accelicon\mqa"" QAViewer "
[ ]
[ ] // The value of CLASSPATH when starting the Java Application
[ ] const sClasspath = ""
[ ]
[ ] // The first window to appear when the application is invoked
[ ] // const wStartup = ?
[ ]
[ ] // The list of windows the recovery system is to leave open
[ ] // const lwLeaveOpen = {?}
[-] JavaJFCToolBar JavaxSwingJToolBar
[-] multitag "#1"
[ ] "$javax.swing.JToolBar"
[-] JavaJFCPushButton JavaxSwingJButton1
[-] multitag "#1"
[ ] "$javax.swing.JButton[1]"
[ ]
[ ]
[-] window JavaDialogBox ProjectList
[ ] tag "Project list"
[ ] parent MQAV2008301
[-] JavaJFCPushButton Exit
[-] multitag "Exit"
[ ] "$javax.swing.JButton[7]"
现在不能进行自动测试了,希望大家能帮我看下这个问题。急啊!! |