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[翻译] Are Good Test Engineers:Born or Developed?



发表于 2005-12-21 13:08:32 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Submitted by Ainars Galvans on Tue,20/12/2005

This time I want to share a little bit of my childhood with you. But be prepared to read how I make parallels from childhood experience with most of the recently popular themes for postings, such as methodologies or certification values.
I was so exited about this writing that I post it here yet hot – just finished writing and not even reviewed it myself: I apologies for style and language that may need so improvement.

Best tester sees testing as a role, not a skill. Most exciting role.
Although I value skills a lot just as new agile methodologies does, I still believe there are something very strange about professional tester. One who love this job. I’ve seen a lot of good test engineers that are doing their job well, but actually want to become a developer. Or person who was once a developer but converted to tester due to different reasons. I myself was a developer once, but I love to be tester now. How many of us find tester to be the most exciting profession?

I believe that there is something about character that makes him love this profession. It is not technical stuff. Even more this is not the testing itself that I like most. There is something wider.

When I ask my students to write a story about a person who is potentially a good tester they mostly recall persons who like to examine staff a lot, e.g. first toys and later stuff like phones, TV-Sets, etc. Or at least break them. I evaluate positive, but I know I am not such a person myself. Even more I believe this is characteristics of developer type person, not a tester – to want to understand how this is working technically. There is something else about testers.

Developer is not the career if you want to stand out of crowd

Perhaps this is a willingness to stand out of crowd that makes you love testing (or am I arrogant?). To stand out of crowd and be afraid of being misunderstood or even attacked. I saw James Back saying “Everybody against me. Par to me loves that. My favorite literary character is Cyrano De Bergerac…“
But I wanted to talk about myself. So I will start with the childhood when a lot of my classmates went to ice-hockey trainings but my mother insisted I do practice dancing. I like dancing all my life, still that was not the choice I preferred because any friend of my choose ice-hockey. Probably this is thanks to my mom that I’m a tester now as she helped me to understand that dancing is what I WANT, while ice-hockey is what the everyone wants. Later In the secondary school I started to participate math classes at the university and got a lot of prizes in Latvia and even International Mathematic Olympiads ’91 and ‘ 92 (not the first places of course, sill above average). That’s again was poorly recognized by my classmates who was playing and partying while I spent hours solving mathematical problems. Still the reward was also great, but let me skip the reward.
I will not skip to computer games that I was once addicted to and still love to play time-to-time. My favorite was strategic games like first WarCraft and Command&Conquer , later StarCraft, RedAlert, WarHammer4K, etc. The first games had no a big choice of what type of army to command, while Warcraft 3 and WarHammer have idea of 3-4 different races to choose. Guess what? I have always choose the one referred to as the weakest by my friends. Games are balanced enough nowadays, so it is always possible to with win any race if only your playing is excellent.

Games could teach much. And they are not evidence of childhood

I like to play chess. But I hate to play chess master (against computer), because my main strategy is to think the moves that enemy is less aware of, the move he would never imagine me to do. That strikes his morale and gives me the bonus not recognized by most of players. This does not work against computer who is aware of my any, even most dumb move. That how they play – just calculate any possible move.
I love bridge (this is a card game that 2 teams by 2 players plays each other). Computer don’t play this game too good yet.
Playing games does not mean I’m still a child. The games changes with a time. I don’t play with toys any more, don’t even play monopoly.

I don't see agile as something brand new either abstract (agile itself) or exact (XP). I see it as a vector of acceleration of an industry. I don't agree we should just remove to trash waterfall, specifications, architecture, CMM, IEEE and a lot of good stuff just because we are bored of it. Agile is a new toy for the industry that is still in age of a baby-child. The games we play are still the same or they become more complex? I would even say industry is learning the language to speak. More over it is learning how to make sentences out of words and find that context on the sentence change meaning of the word. That’s why context-driven ideas are so popular.

Don’t blindly believe in written (guidelines, standards).

There was times when Latvia was a part of Soviet Union. It was my childhood – I was in a school when perestroika and glasnost (reorganization and liberty) started thanks to Gorbachov who wanted to avoid economic and politic catastrophes due to stagnating situation the S.U. was into due to way communist party led the country. That was times of great changes. Teachers who yesterday told us Lenin is “semi-god”, world-communism is unavoidable, today say that Latvia should be independent, Stalin is probably not any better than Hitler, etc. Do they (teachers) suppose I’m going to listen to them when they tell me today just the opposite to what they told yesterday? That was the big lesson to me not to believe anything told or written, only experienced. One of my favorite TV channels are Discovery Civilization. I don’t blindly believe when they tell what they think the history was just because there was a single manuscript saying so, that is somehow translated by cryptographs… And still I like to see this all, just as I like to read fantasy books.
By the way they also told us yesterday that capitalism is bad for poor labors who are working overtime and are still hungry, well it turned out they was right about over-time, but talking about salary… that why U.S. and Europe outsource to Latvia and other former S.U. countries.

Knowledge VS experience. You can’t evaluate.
I now move forward to time what I was at University. While my family was unable to support me I was working in parallel to university – DB programming, in Paradox/PAL, few hours a day, few more using the computer to do university home-works. I remember I got the worst marks in course about databases and development life-cycles as I argued against waterfall (today I could proudly say I valued agile ideas already 10 years back). Those were two courses where I tried to use my experience as replacement for theory and failed. While other courses, such as applied cryptography I got 10, although I only know the name LDAP, but never configured any security provider. My best university experience was in the course where we learned Assembler language. There was a choice to either get the mark automatically calculated based on works at the class or get a written exam. Exam was two problems to be solved by writing code on the paper (not on the computer). I chose the exam and got 10 because I had real experience with assembler, but work at class was not directly related to writing the code (don’t remember what exactly it was).
I learned don’t value the marks that I got in university. And I could say today that I expand this to certifications: both personal (ISTQB, brainbench) and company (ISO, CMM). And still I value the persons who have got Bachelor degree just as I did for their “persistence” and purposefulness. If we add time sacrifice then this is all that is evaluated by certificates, not skills/ability and not even knowledge.
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发表于 2005-12-26 14:22:41 | 只看该作者
Thanks for sharing.
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发表于 2006-4-24 17:27:50 | 只看该作者


Are Good Test Engineers:Born or Developed?

This time I want to share a little bit of my childhood with you. But be prepared to read how I make parallels from childhood experience with most of the recently popular themes for postings, such as methodologies or certification values.

I was so excited about this writing that I post it here yet hot – just finished writing and not even reviewed it myself: I apologies for style and language that may need so improvement.

Best tester sees testing as a role, not a skill. Most exciting role.

Although I value skills a lot just as new agile methodologies does, I still believe there are something very strange about professional tester. One who love this job. I’ve seen a lot of good test engineers that are doing their job well, but actually want to become a developer. Or person who was once a developer but converted to tester due to different reasons. I myself was a developer once, but I love to be tester now. How many of us find tester to be the most exciting profession?

believe that there is something about character that makes him love this profession. It is not technical stuff. Even more this is not the testing itself that I like most. There is something wider.

When I ask my students to write a story about a person who is potentially a good tester they mostly recall persons who like to examine staff a lot, e.g. first toys and later stuff like phones, TV-Sets, etc. Or at least break them. I evaluate positive, but I know I am not such a person myself. Even more I believe this is characteristics of developer type person, not a tester – to want to understand how this is working technically. There is something else about testers.

Developer is not the career if you want to stand out of crowd

Perhaps this is a willingness to stand out of crowd that makes you love testing (or am I arrogant?). To stand out of crowd and be afraid of being misunderstood or even attacked. I saw James Back saying “Everybody against me. Par to me loves that. My favorite literary character is Cyrano De Bergerac…“
有可能正是一种想出类拔萃的愿望驱使你喜欢测试(或者是我臆断了?)想出类拔萃却又害怕被误解甚至被攻击。我见James Back如是说“每一个人都反对我。却都和我一样喜欢他。我最喜欢的文学人物是Cyrano De Bergerac(大鼻子情圣)”。

But I wanted to talk about myself. So I will start with the childhood when a lot of my classmates went to ice-hockey trainings but my mother insisted I do practice dancing. I like dancing all my life, still that was not the choice I preferred because any friend of my choose ice-hockey. Probably this is thanks to my mom that I’m a tester now as she helped me to understand that dancing is what I WANT, while ice-hockey is what the everyone wants. Later In the secondary school I started to participate math classes at the university and got a lot of prizes in Latvia and even International Mathematic Olympiads ’91 and ‘ 92 (not the first places of course, sill above average). That’s again was poorly recognized by my classmates who was playing and partying while I spent hours solving mathematical problems. Still the reward was also great, but let me skip the reward.
但是我想说说我自己。我想从我儿时说起,那时候我们班里的很多人去参加冰上曲棍球的培训,我的妈妈却坚持要求我练习跳舞。我这一辈子都喜欢跳舞,却不是我最喜欢的,因为我的朋友都选择去打冰上曲棍球了。也许我现在成为一名测试员要感谢我的妈妈,因为她帮助我认识到跳舞是我喜欢的,而冰上曲棍球是大家喜欢的。以后到了中学,我开始参加大学里的数学班,还获得了拉脱维亚国内数学竞赛的很多奖项,甚至还有’91 和 ‘ 92国际数学奥匹克的奖(当然都不是第一名,只是中等偏上)。这些成绩又被我的同学们不屑一顾。当我花时间做数学题的时候他们都在玩都在聚会。尽管这些成绩值得一提,但我还是打住吧。

I will not skip to computer games that I was once addicted to and still love to play time-to-time. My favorite was strategic games like first WarCraft and Command&Conquer , later StarCraft, RedAlert, WarHammer4K, etc. The first games had no a big choice of what type of army to command, while Warcraft 3 and WarHammer have idea of 3-4 different races to choose. Guess what? I have always choose the one referred to as the weakest by my friends. Games are balanced enough nowadays, so it is always possible to with win any race if only your playing is excellent.

Games could teach much. And they are not evidence of childhood

I like to play chess. But I hate to play chess master (against computer), because my main strategy is to think the moves that enemy is less aware of, the move he would never imagine me to do. That strikes his morale and gives me the bonus not recognized by most of players. This does not work against computer who is aware of my any, even most dumb move. That how they play – just calculate any possible move.

I love bridge (this is a card game that 2 teams by 2 players plays each other). Computer don’t play this game too good yet.

Playing games does not mean I’m still a child. The games changes with a time. I don’t play with toys any more, don’t even play monopoly.

I don't see agile as something brand new either abstract (agile itself) or exact (XP). I see it as a vector of acceleration of an industry. I don't agree we should just remove to trash waterfall, specifications, architecture, CMM, IEEE and a lot of good stuff just because we are bored of it. Agile is a new toy for the industry that is still in age of a baby-child. The games we play are still the same or they become more complex? I would even say industry is learning the language to speak. More over it is learning how to make sentences out of words and find that context on the sentence change meaning of the word. That’s why context-driven ideas are so popular.

[ 本帖最后由 brilliantking 于 2006-4-24 17:55 编辑 ]
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发表于 2006-4-24 17:29:18 | 只看该作者


Don’t blindly believe in written (guidelines, standards).

There was times when Latvia was a part of Soviet Union. It was my childhood – I was in a school when perestroika and glasnost (reorganization and liberty) started thanks to Gorbachov who wanted to avoid economic and politic catastrophes due to stagnating situation the S.U. was into due to way communist party led the country. That was times of great changes. Teachers who yesterday told us Lenin is “semi-god”, world-communism is unavoidable, today say that Latvia should be independent, Stalin is probably not any better than Hitler, etc. Do they (teachers) suppose I’m going to listen to them when they tell me today just the opposite to what they told yesterday? That was the big lesson to me not to believe anything told or written, only experienced. One of my favorite TV channels are Discovery Civilization. I don’t blindly believe when they tell what they think the history was just because there was a single manuscript saying so, that is somehow translated by cryptographs… And still I like to see this all, just as I like to read fantasy books.

By the way they also told us yesterday that capitalism is bad for poor labors who are working overtime and are still hungry, well it turned out they was right about over-time, but talking about salary… that why U.S. and Europe outsource to Latvia and other former S.U. countries.
Knowledge VS experience. You can’t evaluate.

I now move forward to time what I was at University. While my family was unable to support me I was working in parallel to university – DB programming, in Paradox/PAL, few hours a day, few more using the computer to do university home-works. I remember I got the worst marks in course about databases and development life-cycles as I argued against waterfall (today I could proudly say I valued agile ideas already 10 years back). Those were two courses where I tried to use my experience as replacement for theory and failed. While other courses, such as applied cryptography I got 10, although I only know the name LDAP, but never configured any security provider. My best university experience was in the course where we learned Assembler language. There was a choice to either get the mark automatically calculated based on works at the class or get a written exam. Exam was two problems to be solved by writing code on the paper (not on the computer). I chose the exam and got 10 because I had real experience with assembler, but work at class was not directly related to writing the code (don’t remember what exactly it was).
我现在要谈谈我的大学时代。当我的家庭无力供我读书的时候,我就开始打工了。我在 Paradox/PAL做数据库编程工作。一天只几个小时,很少用电脑去做大学里的家庭作业。我记得我的数据库和生命周期开发的课程得了最差的分数,因为我不认同瀑布模型(今天我可以骄傲地说10年前我就对agile构想评价很高)。有两门课程,我在课里试图用我的经验来代替理论,结果失败了。而其他的课程,像应用密码学我得了满分10分,尽管我只知道LDAP的名字,但从未设置任何安全供应商。我在大学里最好的经验来源于汇编语言课程。这门课有两种方法得到成绩:一种是根据课上的作业自动核算出成绩,另一种是通过笔试取得成绩。笔试的内容是在纸上(不是在电脑里)写代码来解决两个问题。我选择了考试并且取得了10分。因为我有汇编编程的实战经验,而课堂作业却与写代码无关(我不记得课堂作业到底是什么了)。

I learned don’t value the marks that I got in university. And I could say today that I expand this to certifications: both personal (ISTQB, brainbench) and company (ISO, CMM). And still I value the persons who have got Bachelor degree just as I did for their “persistence” and purposefulness. If we add time sacrifice then this is all that is evaluated by certificates, not skills/ability and not even knowledge.
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发表于 2006-4-24 17:35:13 | 只看该作者


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    发表于 2006-10-8 17:33:15 | 只看该作者
    ice-hockey 可直接译为“冰球”。
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