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[原创] 用户界面设计的技巧与技术

  • TA的每日心情
    2018-2-28 18:04
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    发表于 2004-6-30 12:15:46 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
    [ 作者:作者:Scott W.Ambler翻译:loose_went    转贴自:系统分析之窗    ]



    7、讯息和标签措辞要适当。屏幕上显示的文本是用户主要的信息源。如果文本措辞很糟,用户的理解就会很糟。要使用完整的措辞和句子,而不要用缩写和代码,使文本易于理解。讯息措辞要积极,显示用户处于控制之中,并提示如何正确使用软件。如,下面哪一条讯息更吸引人: “你输入了错误信息”还是“帐号应为8位数”?此外,讯息措辞要一致,在屏幕上显示的位置要一致。尽管这样的讯息“须输入名字”和“应输入帐号”分别来说措辞上没问题,放在一起就不一致了。根据第一条讯息的措辞,第二条讯息更好的措辞应当是“须输入帐号”,这就使得两条讯息措辞一致了。
    10、颜色使用要适当。使用颜色要谨慎。如果使用了,也要使用指示符。问题就在于有些用户可能是色盲一一如果在屏幕上使用了颜色来突出显示某些东西,假若想让色盲的用户注意到,那么需要做些另外的工作来突出它,如在其旁边显示一个符号。颜色的使用也得一致,以使整个应用软件有同样的观感。此外,在不同平台上,色彩的表现不尽人意一一在一个系统上看上去很好,在另一个系统上常常看上去很糟。展示会上我们经常听到展示者这样说: “在我家中的机器上看上去可是很好的呀。”
    12、字体使用要适当。老式英语字体可能在莎士比亚的剧本封面看上去很合适,但在屏幕上却很难认。要用那些可读性好的字体,如serif或Times Roman。此外,字体的使用要一致。节俭、有效地使用两、三种字体的屏幕看上去远胜于使用五、六种字体的屏幕。要记住每次改变了字体的大小、风格(粗体、斜体、下划线,……)、样式或颜色,都是在使用不同的字体。



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  • TA的每日心情
    2018-2-28 18:04
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     楼主| 发表于 2004-6-30 12:16:09 | 只看该作者




    每个开发人员一一特别是系统分析员、 原型开发人员及构建用户界面的程序员,都应对人因工程学(Human Factors En—gineering—--HFE)及所基于开发平台行业标准的用户界面准则有墓本的了解。如,任何基于Win32平台的开发人员,都应当拥有和阅读微软用户界面指南(Microson 1995)。决不可忘记,用户界面对用户来说就是软件,而不是数据库,不是网络,也不是开发人员写的那些很酷的Java代码。基于以上见解,可以说,不懂用户界面设计,就没资格开发软件!
    所以,开发人员要做的是:首先,阅读本文只是一个好的开端,还需要进一步接受教育。可以从用户界面设计的概论课程开始,此课程涵盖了人因工程学、符号、心理模型、屏幕设计基础、报表设计基础。如果要开发面向对象的用户界面(Object-Oriented User Interfaces)建议阅读本文作者所著的Building Object Applications That Work(Ambler,1998a)一书的第九章。其次,花两天时间学习所基于开发平台的用户界面标准。现有的用户界面标准囊括了许多常见操作系统,包括互联网开发的通用用户界面标准。再次说明,如果没有此类课程,你也得作相关的学习。


    ●整数、浮点数右对齐, 字符串左对齐;

    Scott W. Ambler:加拿大人,面向对象开发高级顾问。自1990年开始从事面对象技术工作,担任过多种角色:商业设计、系统分析、系统设计、项目管理、Smalltalk程序员、Java程序员及C++程序员。
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    使用道具 举报

  • TA的每日心情
    2018-2-28 18:04
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     楼主| 发表于 2004-6-30 12:18:19 | 只看该作者


    User Interface Design Tips and Techniques
    AmbySoft Inc. White Paper

    Scott W. Ambler

    Senior Object-Oriented Consultant

    AmbySoft Inc.

    In this section we will cover a series of user interface design tips that will help you to improve the object-oriented interfaces that you create.

    1. Consistency, consistency, consistency. The most important thing that you can possibly do is make sure that your user interface works consistently. If you can double-click on items in one list and have something happen then you should be able to double-click on items in any other list and have the same sort of thing happen. Put your buttons in consistent places on all of your windows, use the same wording in labels and messages, and use a consistent color scheme throughout. Consistency in your user interface allows your users to build an accurate mental model of the way that it works, and accurate mental models lead to lower training and support costs.

    2. Set standards and stick to them. The only way that you’ll be able to ensure consistency within your application is to set design standards and then stick to them. The best approach is to adopt an industry standard and then fill any missing guidelines that are specific to your needs. Industry standards, such as the ones set by IBM (1993) and Microsoft (1995), will often define 95%-99% of what you need. By adopting industry standards you not only take advantage of the work of others you also increase the chance that your application will look and feel like other applications that your users purchase or have built.

    3. Explain the rules. Your users need to know how to work with the application that you built for them. When an application works consistently it means you only have to explain the rules once. This is a lot easier than explaining in detail exactly how to use each and every feature in an application step by step.

    4. Support both novices and experts. Although a library-catalog meta phor might be appropriate for casual users of a library system, library patrons, it probably is not all that effective for expert users, librarians. Librarians are highly trained people who are able to use complex search systems to find information in a library, therefore you should consider building a set of search screens to support their unique needs.

    5. Navigation between screens is important. If it is difficult to get from one screen to another then your users will quickly become frustrated and give up. When the flow between screens matches the flow of the work that the user is trying to accomplish, then your application will make sense to your users. Because different users work in different ways, your system will need to be flexible enough to support their var ious approaches. Interface-flow diagrams can be used during the Model Stage (Ambler, 1998b) to model the flow between screens.

    6. Navigation within a screen is important. In Western societies people read left to right and top to bottom. Because people are used to this should you design screens that are also organized left to right and top to bottom. You want to organize navigation between widgets on your screen in a manner that users will find familiar to them.

    7. Word your messages and labels appropriately. The text that you display on your screens is a primary source of information for your users. If your text is worded poorly then your interface will be perceived poorly by your users. Using full words and sentences, as opposed to abbreviations and codes makes your text easier to understand. Your messages should be worded positively, imply that the user is in control, and provide insight into how to use the application properly. For example, which message do you find more appealing “You have input the wrong information” or “An account number should be 8 digits in length.”? Furthermore, your messages should be worded consistently and displayed in a consistent place on the screen. Although the messages “The person’s first name must be input.” and “An account number should be input.” are separately worded well, together they are inconsistent. In light of the first message, a better wording of the second message would be “The account number must be input” to make the two messages consistent.

    8. Understand your widgets. You should use the right widget for the right task, helping to increase the consistency in your application and probably making it easier to build the application in the first place. The only way that you can learn how to use widgets properly is to read and understand the user-interface standards and guidelines that your organization has adopted.

    9. Look at other applications with a grain of salt. Unless you know that another application follows the user-interface standards and guidelines of your organization, you must not assume that the application is doing things right. Although it is always a good idea to look at the work of others to get ideas, until you know how to distinguish between good user-interface design and bad user-interface design you have to be careful. Too many developers make the mistake of imitating the user interface of another application that was poorly designed.

    10. Use color appropriately. Color should be used sparingly in your applications, and if you do use it you must also use a secondary indicator. The problem is that some of your users may be color blind – if you are using color to highlight something on a screen then you need to do something else to make it stand out if you want these people to notice it, such as display a symbol beside it. You also want to use colors in your application consistently so that you have a common look and feel throughout your application. Also, color generally does not port well between platform – what looks good on one system often looks poor on another system. We have all been to presentations where the presenter said “it looks good on my machine at home.”
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    2018-2-28 18:04
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     楼主| 发表于 2004-6-30 12:18:35 | 只看该作者


    11. Follow the contrast rule. If you are going to use color in your application you need to ensure that your screens are still readable. The best way to do this is to follow the contrast rule: Use dark text on light backgrounds and light text on dark backgrounds. It is very easy to read blue text on a white background but very difficult to read blue text on a red background. The problem is that there is not enough contrast between blue and red to make it easy to read, whereas there is a lot of contrast between blue and white.

    12. Use fonts appropriately – Old English fonts might look good on the covers of William Shakespeare’s plays, but they are really hard to read on a screen. Use fonts that are easy to read, such as serif fonts like Times Roman. Furthermore, use your fonts consistently and sparingly. A screen using two or three fonts effectively looks a lot better than a screen that uses five or six. Never forget that you are using a different font every time you change the size, style (bold, italics, underlining, ...), typeface, or color.

    13. Gray things out, do not remove them. You often find that at certain times it is not applicable to give your users access to all the function ality of an application. You need to select an object before you can delete it, so to reinforce your mental model the application should do something with the Delete button and/or menu item. Should the button be removed or grayed out? Gray it out, never remove it. By graying things out when they shouldn’t be used people can start building an accurate mental model as to how your application works. If you simply remove a widget or menu item instead of graying it out then it is much more difficult for your users to build an accurate mental model because they only know what is currently available to them, and not what is not available. The old adage that out of sight is out of mind is directly applicable here.

    14. Use non destructive default buttons. It is quite common to define a default button on every screen, the button that gets invoked if the user presses the Return/Enter key. The problem is that sometimes people will accidentally hit the Enter/Return key when they do not mean to, consequently invoking the default button. Your default button shouldn’t be something that is potentially destructive, such as delete or save (perhaps your user really did not want to save the object at that moment).

    15. Alignment of fields. When a screen has more than one editing field you want to organize the fields in a way that is both visually appealing and efficient. As shown in Figure 1 I have always found that the best way to do so is to left-justify edit fields, or in other words make the left-hand side of each edit field line up in a straight line, one over the other. The corresponding labels should be right justified and placed immediately beside the field. This is a clean and efficient way to organize the fields on a screen.

    16. Justify data appropriately. For columns of data it is common practice to right justify integers, decimal align floating point numbers, and left justify strings.

    17. Do not create busy screens. Crowded screens are difficult to understand and hence are difficult to use. Experimental results (Mayhew, 1992) show that the overall density of the screen should not exceed 40%, whereas local density within groupings shouldn’t exceed 62%.

    18. Group things on the screen effectively. Items that are logically connected should be grouped together on the screen to communicate that they are connected, whereas items that have nothing to do with each other should be separated. You can use whitespace between collections of items to group them and/or you can put boxes around them to accomplish the same thing.

    19. Open windows in the center of the action. When your user double-clicks on an object to display its edit/detail screen then his or her attention is on that spot. Therefore it makes sense to open the window in that spot, not somewhere else.

    20. Pop-up menus should not be the only source of  function ality. Your users cannot learn how to use your application if you hide major function ality from them. One of the most frustrating practices of developers is to misuse pop-up, also called context-sensitive, menus. Typically there is a way to use the mouse on your computer to display a hidden pop-up menu that provides access to function ality that is specific to the area of the screen that you are currently working in.
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