( USSD 160oct 182char
SMS 140oct 160char
CB 82oct 93char) 关于短消息我来给你解答
一条短消息总共有140个byte,如果采用ASCII码的话,那么每位是7个bit, 如此可以计算得出短消息的最大英文字母可以使160个字符。如果采用ucs2编码的话,那么每个字符使用16bit,可以得出最大字符数是70个。这也就是为什么中文短消息的长度70个字符。 谢谢先... in 140 octets, it is possible to pack (140x8)/7=160 characters.
in 82 octets, it is possible to pack (82x8)/7 = 93.7, that is 93 characters. The 5 remaining bits are set to zero as stated above.
in 160 octets, is it possible to pack (160*8)/7 = 182.8, that is 182 characters. The remaining 6 bits are set to zero as stated above.
Do you understand?You can find the answer in 03.38. ok,I've read the GSM03.38 sdlkfj2