怎么样衡量一个QA的工作情况呢,提交bug数,编写用例数?或者别的什么,不想明白。 以前找的KPI指数,可以参考下 要从多方面,另外要清楚考核的目的是什么 QA的工作怎么会是提交bug和编写用例呢?这完全是测试人员的职责范围啊QA和测试是属于两个不同岗位的工作,建议区分对待。 回复 4# 51wanghua
很多公司是混同的。 这也是我最近遭遇的事。 公司QA部门,其实就是测试。 脑子转了3个月才转变过来。 很别扭 有的公司QA就是做黑盒测试的工程师,如赛门铁克等 测试用例是否充分决定产品测试过程中是否能够覆盖完全。所以测试用例数也是一个重要的KPI。
公式:∑缺陷数(系统测试)(个) / ∑测试用例数(个)
参考指标:平均 0.59 个缺陷 / 用例,也就是说,每执行两个用例才得到 1 个缺陷,各工程有所不同
上述两条标准是否有相互矛盾?应如何处理? 个人认为以缺陷探测率为指标应该是足够了。
这个完全可以参考下销售部门或者生产部门,不能老给咱自己只做负绩效吧。 个人认为以缺陷探测率为指标应该是足够了。
缺陷探测率=测试员发现的bug/(最终用户发现的bug+测试员发现 ...
对于需求非常明确的项目,这个方法的衡量较客观。 谢谢楼上各位前辈。。。。学习了 你好
Merkle(Shanghai)正在招聘Quality Assurance Manager 和 Quality Assurance Lead 待遇远高于同等行业水平
Lead QA Specialist / QA Manager
Position Summary:
The Lead QA Specialist is primarily responsible for the analysis, design, planning, execution and maintenance of testing, reporting of test results, and defect management of a marketing data warehouse solution.
Position Responsibilities:
Define scope and objectives of all levels of QA testing
Write test plans, design test cases, develop test scripts, test conditions, test procedures and expected results
Perform all aspects of testing, including functional, regression, load, system testing, and user acceptance testing (UAT)
Create large volumes of test data if required
Track and reports defect using appropriate tools such as JIRA
Validate fixes and ensure follow through to all test cycles
Investigate and recommend remediation strategies for data quality conditions, and process failures
Communicate test status to internal project team and clients(s)
Develop and contribute best practices and standards for a particular solution or across multiple medium/large scale projects/accounts
Accurately estimate work effort and delivery timelines to support project and client management
Manage workload and project priorities among QA team resources
Train and lead junior level QA resources (1 – 4 resources)
Position Qualifications:
Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or related IT field
Proficiency with SQL language
Strong knowledge of databases, data flow processes, and data modeling concepts
Excellent written and verbal English communication skill
Minimum 4-5 years of QA experience, preferably in the Data Warehouse / BI field
Prior experience of leading and managing QA resources
Experience with data profiling tool (e.g. Informatica Data Explorer) a plus
Prior working experience in the CRM / database marketing field a plus 一派鬼扯
没有无效的测试 这个怎么能去做绩效考核了,做出来也是给别人看的,能取到什么作用